Saturday, October 20, 2007

Help! My Wife is a racist!!!

I would like to share a letter from my ebox from a white man who reads my blog and wanted to share his experience of being married to a racist black woman. I also want to get your feedback on this story and discuss how you think WM/BW can mend their differences and come together in romantic unions....

Hi Sara,

I am a WM living in the US. I am married to a BW whom I love with all my heart! But there is a story I need to share, esp. for other WM who may be going through the exact same thing. First, I wanted to say that I think your great, and you are intelligent and insightful.
Also, thanks for doing your blog, my wife and I really love it! I wanted to share a story with you of how at one time my wife Tameka was a blatant racist! Yes you heard me right. I love her dearly and would not give her up for all the tea in china, but she was definitely a racist. She is a reformed racist now and we could not be happier, but it took some work to get there. We have been married for over 16 years and the marriage to me is a dream because she is all I have ever wanted in a woman. But over the years she has gotten angry and made remarks numerous times like "White people ain't sh*t!!" Then she will say "Oh I didn't mean you baby" or get angry at me and call me "Klandaddy" You have to keep in mind that we have 5 half white children!!! They heard their mother say things like this and I was really concerned! I didn't want my kids hating half of themselves! We have three teenagers and 2 small, three year old twins. The babies would look at me whenever their mother made a racist remark like "Isn't daddy white momma?" One day my daughter was at daycare, and when I picked her up her little black friend said to her " Oh my God, YOUR DADDY IS WHITE!! " My daughter immediately started to cry and screamed " He is not! He can't be mommy says white people are BAD!!" I tried to talk to my wife about the damage she was doing to the kids, but she did not think it was a big deal. I have had to deal with this too many times too count. It has now gotten much better, but things had to come to a head for it to happen. This last time embarrassed the hell out of me, and hurt my babies horribly. We went to the mall to meet our two oldest girls and our son Derek. We were with another BW/WM couple who we have recently become friends with. Anyway at the mall the babies (both are blond with my blue eyes and light skin, started whining to be picked up. I told my wife I would get their stroller from the car; to which she snapped. "No you will not, they are too big for that- and their little white asses will walk!" I could feel myself turning red because the other couple was standing nearby and heard everything, however, they didn't seem fazed by it. In fact they seemed a little amused, but I was not, I don't want my babies being called "little white asses"
Anyway everything was fine for a little while, then my two beautiful older daughters came running up to us (of course being teenagers, they wanted money) While my wife was hugging them, and I was pulling out money, my wife saw my son in the background talking to a tall white girl. She was immediately angry "who is that?" she asked in a nasty voice. My daughter Madison looked back and said "Oh mom that's Derek and that girl misty who likes him. "Well why the hell is he talking to that nasty little, stringy-haired white slut!!!" She shrieked. She automatically assumed the girl was nasty, and a slut because she was white! This time everybody got quiet for a long horrible moment. Then my daughter Ashley said quietly "Mom we're half white ourselves, How can you say something like that!!! Both of my older daughters looked like they were about to cry, and the other couple was staring at her like she had lost her mind. I was so embarrassed I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me but I was so angry for my children that all the sudden my temper took over and I snatched my wife back to the car and let her have it with both barrels. I told her, her racist ways would stop or I was leaving and taking the kids with me. I told her for years I had put up with it thinking it would go away and it had only gotten worse. And I told her she was too stupid to see what she was doing to her own damn children! Well, that marked a turning point for us. My wife started to cry. (She very rarely doe's that) She actually sobbed. She said she loved us more than anything but every time she got angry the words her father use to use seemed to pour from her mouth. She vowed to change her ways, and said I was the only man she could ever, ever want. And that she would not trade her children for anyone's. When we emerged from the van after half an hour of tears and confessions we were a new couple!
We are now more in love than ever! and she is doing so much better. She rarely makes racist remarks anymore, and when she does, she catches herself, apologizes and says that she is a reformed racist! The kids are much happier and all our teenagers are happily dating whomever they want. I want to say that I wish I had really let my wife know years ago about how I felt instead of holding it in and wishing it would stop. When she really saw how much it hurt us all, then she was motivated to work past her racist feelings for the people she loved the most -And the people who love her back!
Thanks for listening-Dave MN

Dear Dave,
I am really happy that you and your wife are working it out because I could not have put up with that. You must have really loved her to do so all those years. Thanks for reading , and I hope you two continue to make progress- I know going against one's conditioning is extremely hard to do. I am happy your wife has acknowledged her faults, and is seeking change -Good Luck, Sara


At Saturday, October 20, 2007 , Blogger Miriam said...

Very interesting. It seems like it goes both ways, both men and women in the relationship should not be "door mat' ish to the other one. Just like in the story about Mike, et al.

Wow, I am so glad things got better and hope that the damage in the kids were superficial and long gone.

Poor lady. I wish her strength to overcome that racist upbringing.

At Saturday, October 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is blaringly obvious that his saga is fiction--and a poorly written piece, at that.

At Saturday, October 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's made up at all sounds about right to me.

Alot of people are growing up around prejudice and that stuff gets internalized. The wife was repeating what she had heard all her life.

The shame here is that he waited so long to nip it in the bud. You can't live your life with someone insulting you and your children.

At Saturday, October 20, 2007 , Blogger Taylor-Sara said...

Anon. 7:03
Don't you ever come to my blog and insult my readers again. He is not an Author! He is an ordinary person telling his story to the best of his ability, If things are not to your liking over here -MOVE ON!

At Saturday, October 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Sunday, October 21, 2007 , Blogger arthur said...

Sara, good work on the anonymous @ 7:03. Trollism can't be nipped in the bud too early.
Nice blog, BTW.

At Sunday, October 21, 2007 , Blogger Taylor-Sara said...

thanks arthur,
I swear they seem to travel from blog to blog starting stuff!

At Monday, October 22, 2007 , Blogger Sangraneth said...

Wow. It hard to imagine that someone could be in an IR relationship and still be so racist. It's especially disturbing considering that damage that was being caused to the children.

Well, it's good if they got the problems worked out, and hopefully the children haven't suffered any permanent damage.

Oh, and great blog by the way, Sara.

At Tuesday, October 23, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taylor-Sara said...
Anon. 7:03
Don't you ever come to my blog and insult my readers again. He is not an Author! He is an ordinary person telling his story to the best of his ability, If things are not to your liking over here -MOVE ON!

October 20, 2007 8:33 PM

arthur said...
Sara, good work on the anonymous @ 7:03. Trollism can't be nipped in the bud too early.
Nice blog, BTW.

October 21, 2007 4:29 PM

Je ne suis pas un troll!

If you believe his story, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell to you.

BTW: You should remove the photo of Rosario Dawson and Gerard Butler...they are not a couple.

I'll end my post here--because you probably won't allow it to appear.

At Tuesday, October 23, 2007 , Blogger Taylor-Sara said...

BTW there Never was a picture of Rosario D and Gerald Butler! Not sure what you're on but you need to leave it alone!

And by the way I happen to speak/read french quite fluently -you said that you were not a troll but you lied Get off my blog and go somewhere else to start your mess.

At Tuesday, October 23, 2007 , Blogger Taylor-Sara said...

You've been coming here everyday trying to start stuff using dif. names you are not fooling anyone. I am likely going to have to turn no anon. back on to rid myself of rodents like you, but you are right any further comments from you will be promptly deleted.

bon jour le enfant du'nuit
sil vous plait ne pas retentre'

At Tuesday, October 23, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason the troll can't believe this is real is because there is a black person showing racism. Remember black people can't be racists. (PPPlease)


At Sunday, October 28, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting story. I'm glad it worked out.


At Thursday, November 01, 2007 , Blogger Conservative Caridad said...

I definitely can see how this might happen. I wasn't always open to interracial dating before and I am guilty of saying many things against it. My boyfriend is White as well and at times I find myself making a conscious efforts to not say anything he may take offense to. Its like that scene in the movie Something New where Kendra refers to her job as the plantation. Its one of those things interracial couples face. Nonetheless, the wife was way out of line.


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