Sunday, December 16, 2007

(S.L.P.) Sara's love plan for finding Mr. White/Right (lesson 1.)

(Both were posted on the same day)

For all you out there who are looking for love... It is time to take action.
I have posted some wealth ideas below for those looking for wealth information. However, for those looking for love,-keep reading.....

Today I am going to introduce you to the S. L. P. (Sara's love plan)
Lets get started....

Lesson 1.
First, forget what your mama told you about good girls only seeing one man at a time. You should ALWAYS date at least 3 men at a time. Why? because:

1. You will not become readily attached to one.

2. You will have a much, much better shot of picking the right one, not the sexiest, or most handsome one. (which is rarely Mr Right)

3. Your confidence will get a great boost, when you are being courted by 3 instead of one, and you will realize very quickly that you DO have options. (many sistas just do not realize THAT THEY DO HAVE OPTIONS!)

4. As your confidence grows, you will give off positive vibes that will further attract men to you.

5. Most important!- Men are extremely competitive! Men always want what they cannot have/ or is very hard to get. You should always BE hard to get and not playing it.

6. Supply and demand: You must think of it like this; You are a quality woman and you are in short supply! Whenever there is short supply-demand goes through the roof! They are all competing for YOU. Think of yourself as a scarce and precious commodity. A prize that only ONE person can win! (this is pretty much the only thing holding up 'brothers' seeming popularity, is the fact that there are so few of them. With BW fighting over them, they become that much more in demand, and they know it. This is why they are fighting tooth and nail to keep (one of the a main reasons) black women in the box and dating/wanting/fighting over BM. As BW continue to date out/marry out -mark my words, Brother's will find their stock PLUMMETING!

7. Later on after you snare the man of your dreams, he will forever look back and think of how hard he worked to get you, and this will make him work to keep you as well as keep him in love with you....
Ladies I think I have told you this before, but it bears repeating.

8. Men do not fall in love with women they do not have to work for!!!

Getting ready to meet (HIM)

Always prepare yourself for anything important in life, and that includes meeting Mr Right. So many women think things just happen in life and they are ill-prepared, and then wonder why they did not succeed. Did you get your job by just being there? Then why would you expect to find Mr Right by JUST being there? There are certain actions you must take or avoid so lets start to learn them now.

Step 1.
The first thing I want you ladies to do whether you are a size 6 or 16 is to get in shape. You will feel so much better about yourself if you just get in shape. Nothing takes the place of exercise:

It will cause you to be more confident.
It will make you feel sexier, and more alive.
It will normalize your body functions.
It will help you deal better with stress than any medication.
It will strengthen bones and bodily systems.
It will strengthen the heart and other bodily organs.
It will clear your mind and enable you to think at a level you only dream of.
It will spur your creativity and make you more creative in all of your endeavors
It will energize and oxygenate your system and make your skin glow.
It will release endorphins in your brain that make you feel excited and sensual.
I could go on all day but I think you get the picture, the best thing anyone can. do for their body and their life is to exercise.

Step 2.
I want to introduce you ladies to a secret EVERY famous, rich, happy, or simply successful person knows. I began to do this in my life about 3 months ago and I cannot tell you what a difference it has made in my life in that short amount of time.
The secret is:

Positive Programming/self improvement

I began to read self improvement books and listen to positive tapes. Some of my favorite authors are Tony Robbins, Dr Wayne Dyer, and Paul Makenna. You must think of your mind as garbage in garbage out. or Success in/Success out Always guard your mind. Never sleep with your TV playing in the background (unless you mute it) because you will be programmed all night long with garbage/negativity
If you don't have a lot to time to read buy CDs from Ebay, but always program your own mind or it will be programmed toward negativity and failure by default. Ever asked a child why they took a cookie from the jar, and had them lie? Who taught them to lie at such a young age? The truth is nobody had to teach them. Negative traits are already in us, we have to be taught to make them positive. In other words, you will aim low by default or settle for something you dislike by default, etc. You must teach yourself to aim high, and to go for more. The books, and CDs have made a tremendous difference in my life, and this is very common for achievers. Mary Kay used to say she never wasted time in her car listening to the radio. She always listened to positive programming/self improvement tapes. Try it for 30 days and see how much better you feel, You will feel like a brand new person, and you will be sexy, confident and ready to meet your Mr Right/White.

Step 3.
Where to meet (HIM)
Some of the best places to meet upwardly mobile/financially stable and marriage minded white men are the following:

Bookstores (like Borders, Barnes-Noble
Home depot or like stores
Miniature golf places
Big and Tall stores
Expensive/Tailor stores
Quiet-out of the way restaurants
City Planning meetings
Chamber of Commerce ( join for a few hundred/meet all the men you want)
Real Estate Associations
Another tip-find out where your local police/fire department regularly meet for lunch and be there! In our area there is a little restaurant about 20-25 minutes away, bursting at the seams with Big, handsome, White state troopers! Look around, your area will have one too!

Anyway ladies, I think you all get the idea. This is Lesson 1 in S.L.P
Sara's love Plan Thank you for coming, and god bless, check back in a few days for Lesson 2

End of lesson 1.

PS. For those of you who have been emailing me continuously about the Wealth Ideas, See below!


At Sunday, December 16, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post Sara...... I met some of the most interesting and altruistically minded men while I was volunteering at an animal shelter. There are lots of places to volunteer (i.e. food banks, animal shelters, hospital, church functions). The men I meet volunteering share my passion for helping animals and are generally kind hearted. My point is, whatever your passion is, find ways to get involved and the men will follow.

At Sunday, December 16, 2007 , Blogger Taylor-Sara said...

That's great Anon.
Ladies are you listening?

At Monday, December 17, 2007 , Blogger Miriam said...

Wow Sara! you are on fire! re:dating several ppl. That is such a good idea! I never realized it before but its a great way to get the lady to feel confident and not stuck -as you've said. I m just marveling at it. lol I do have a quesion:

Should the men know that the lady is dating others?


At Monday, December 17, 2007 , Blogger Taylor-Sara said...

absolutely -he should know! there is no better way to get a man to go all out to win a woman than to think he is going to lose her to someone else!
Like I said men are extremely competitive, most men will not even want a woman nobody else (so they think) wants!


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