Enough is Enough -It does MATTER!!!

Where does one begin? I'm so horrified by this photo, I find it hard to breathe. Yet this image, I am told is mild compared to some of the images and depictions of black women being circulated. To me, Hip Hop is nothing but a blood stain on our very culture! I am horrified that what started off as stories set to music has transmogrified and degenerated into misogynistic trash that labels women as hos, bitches, and objectified non-human units of matter, to be used, abused, and disposed of. People do you not understand that EVERYTHING MATTERS!!!! There is nothing going on that does not matter! If a young boy is told constantly that females are toys, treats, pieces of flesh to be used and discarded, soon he will believe it. Once he starts to believe it -he will act in accordance with that belief! Is it any wonder we have men who will treat women as if they are not even human???? And contrary to popular belief, it is NOT JUST WORDS!!! Every war that has ever started, started with WORDS!!! We have the most misogynistic, women bashing, child discarding race of men in the world putting out their trashy "art", where women are disrespected, defiled, defamed, and dehumanized on a regular basis, and so many people STILL cannot see the correlation between these images of black women and the hatred, defilement, and violence toward black women!! Enough is Enough! how long are we going to defend men (regardless of how fond we are of them-yes I have a soft spot in my heart for Snoop too) But how long are we going to defend men who have and continue to portray us as bitches and hos and pieces of flesh to be used and thrown away? Do you honestly believe that BM who claim they cannot resist WW because the media tells them that she is desirable, can resist the urge to strike out against, maltreat, misuse, and horribly abuse black women, who the rappers, media, and their misogynistic ilk treat as inconsequential??? Ladies help me understand, please. If your mind is so weak, that you are helplessly drawn to white women because the media says she is desirable and something to be coveted. Then how the hell do you now have the mental capacity to resist the images of black women as garbage, hos, bitches or just in the general realm of people who do not matter, when you are constantly told by images, songs, words of fellow bm, and even stupid unenlightened females that BW do not matter? (IOWS) If you are too weak to resist one, where do you get the strength to resist the other? Is it any wonder that bw are under attack! We stand up for the very men who would use, abuse, and talk about us like dogs. With ridiculous remarks like "well, some women are bitches or hoes!" My answer is it does not matter how she conducts herself, all women should be treated in a respectful manner just by the fact that, that is what a GENTLEMAN does!!! He may not like a certain woman and may avoid her, but a gentleman would not lash out at her and call her names or treat her in an unbecoming manner if he IS truly a gentleman. The problem in the BC is we have almost NO GENTLEMEN LEFT! and we are running out of just plain good men as well! They are being drawn into this horrible apathetic vortex, called it don't matter. First it did not matter that BW were being talked about worse and worse. Then it did not matter that the talk became vile and horrific in it's hatred of BW. Then it did not matter that BW were being accosted on the street and cursed out, maltreated and called names for any supposed infraction to the male ego, no matter how slight. Then it was taught that marriage, and fidelity did not matter, so it's ok to sleep with her and not marry her. Then, since that was ok, and did not matter, neither did sleeping with other women, while you were with her matter.Then being on the DL did not matter, because remember fidelity is corny and for white people. Then slapping the shit out of her did not matter because the brothers said it' s no big deal, it does not matter. Then violence against women escalated and went through the roof, -but of course it did not matter, even when she ended up dead. IT DID NOT MATTER BECAUSE SHE NO LONGER MATTERED! BW please wake up there is no such thing as it don't matter! Everything counts one way or the other. The holocaust started out with just words against Jews, Hitler looking for a scapegoat for Germany's horrific economy. He said such horrible things about Jews with impunity for so long, He started to believe it himself, when he started to believe his own garbage, He conveyed his message in a much more cogent, believable and forceful manner. It was not long before others believed it as well.
Slowly the Jews found their humanness being stolen from them just by words, then their rights, then their homes, then their children and finally their lives. Everything starts with words! And everything matters! Please turn off hip hop and these terrible images of BW as pieces of flesh to be peddled at the market. It is time we stop this massacre of images! Black women are no longer just being disrespected, we are being used, abused, mutilated, and treated like utter garbage because we have lied to ourselves so long and convinced ourselves it did not matter. It matters people! first we don't matter in the words, then we don't matter in the song, then we don't matter in the image, and finally we don't matter in REAL LIFE!!! These images matter! they are affecting the attitudes, self esteem and lives of many children as we speak! Now I know that I am not the most eloquent person. Perhaps Aimee or Pioneer valley Woman can put this all more eloquently. I just know that my heart aches seeing BW being treated like garbage because of something we should have nipped in the bud years ago.
Something that has been allowed to proliferate and get worse and worse. All I know is that is DOES matter. We, as BW are not pawns to be used, sullied, and discarded. We are not bitches and hoes. We are the mothers, sisters, and daughters of the very men who are defiling, disrespecting and dehumanizing us. WE MATTER!
You know, I ran across a blog last night where a bw blogger was complaining about the Enough is Enough campaign (they are fighting tirelessly to get BET to stop their foolishness).
Some of us just don't get it--the damage these degrading images are doing to bw and our girls.
** off topic** That blog was eloquently put. Just as newpapers (exception: The Wall Street Journal) blogs should be written at the standard 12 grade level, because not everyone went to college. Thats why Evia's blog is so popular. She is definitely educated and smart, yet she writes in a way that everybody can understand. You're a good writer, you intelligently get you're points across. Give yourself more credit sis. :)
Your post was to the point! I am tired of seeing these images. Currently I am making some posts to my blog that deal with positive images of who we were/are. I don't see too many blogs that deal with what I speak, maybe someone can point them out to me. But that is my angle and I am glad that we can come at varying angles.
Todah (thanks) all of you for starting a revolution.
There is coming a time of restitution of ALL matters.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your delivery... this post was well analyzed and written from the heart.
Enough is definitely enough -- but like Miss Pinky said, some of us (most of us, I think) just don't get it...
Hi...I'm surprised that there are not more comments on this topic. Sarah, you hit a home run with this one!! This needed to be addressed. I will be sending it to my cousin and her children to read too (she has a teenage boy and girl).
If every Black woman with any amount of purchasing power would stop supporting these "boys", change would have to take place. Sadly, most Black women don't see that this is disastrous to our self esteem and how we are viewed by others. In our "community", it has to start with the women turning our backs on this foolishness and blatant hatred and disgust shown toward us by some Black men -- we quite literally pay for the forum and pedestal on which they stand in order to demean us!!
I think it is also sad and pathetic at how many of our children are born with no fathers being married to the mothers or otherwise involved in their lives. A message is also sent to world and our kids that we (BW) and them (black children) don't count and are unworthy of love, support, and devotion from healthy, centered, and well prepared parents.
Anon, thank you so much, you really got it! Why can't black women see how important this issure is!!! My God we are literally allowing these fools to shape how we are viewed by the WHOLE WORLD!! Somebody said he who shapes perception -shapes life and they are so right. Once you are perceived a certain way, truth is no longer relevant. You will be treated in the manner you are perceived to be!!!
Anon you are so right. Most of the time Sara posts something so on point I'm like she's going to have hundreds. And her stories are so well written. People are sleeping on this blog but, if we continue to spread the word hopefully they will wake up.
Please put that post everywhere. I think so many more people need to see it. We stopped caring long ago and if this continues the results could be disastrous. We are the foundation of black families, we deserve better.
I agree with you candice and Anon. People could not know how fantastic Sara's blog is! We need to find a way to spead the message. Black women must wake up! This is one of the best blogs I have ever come upon, I feel like I have discovered coke soda before anyone knew what the hell it was. Sara you're gonna be big!!! Great job and keep speading your message..
Anon you are so on target!
I am starting to see some bad fruit coming from this dbrbm demon. BW and bc are being disrespected in all kinds of ways. I find myself in more battles that usual just on day to day life issues. Since that embarrassing 70% statistic has been displayed all over the world people know that most bw are mateless and that is being used against us in not so subtle ways.
For example, a single bm, with little to no support, started a new job and it was important that she was careful with her timeliness. Her daughter attended a charter school. One day mom was running late and the ww teacher told her 10 year old DAUGHTER if your mother can’t get here on time, then she can pick you up at the police station. Other staff confirmed that it has been said to other bc. I’m sure this would have never been said to a white child or if mom had a strong supportive mate. I’m happy to say the daughter has a great advocate in her mom and she is a fighter.
LMAO @Janet....coke soda LOL
@energize - You are not joking. I had to go to my child's school and have a talk with the teacher. I'm very active and go to everything they have. But a child was constantly hitting my child. Did the teacher let me know what was going on, NO! I found out from a Black person that worked at that school. I'm just glad this person was concerned enough to let me know. The teacher told the other parent but I was never notified. They see my face 5 days a week. I drop and pickup my child up everyday, chat with the employees to see how my child's day went. If I had been YT that would have never happened!
*goes to lay down to cool off*
Hi everybody! It's Meli again...I post under anon because I forgot my google password. LOL! I was glad to see that others woke up on Sara's "Enough is Enough - It does matter" piece. This piece is so powerful and relevant that I found myself speed reading it just to get to the end so that I could comment on it.
I was high fiving Sara in cyberspace on this one. It was so cool reading the other responses to this also. I had not seen the pic of Snoop with the women in dog chains before...because on some level, I thought that if I don't see it, maybe it was just a rumor! Nope, it is so real and thanks for posting it Sara. When I try to tell my friends or family about my thoughts on issues like this, they don't seem to realize the long term consequences of this crap! Those consequences have caught up with us and BW are paying the price!
You know, I don't think that our "community" really cares about BW...well, it is quite obvious they don't. I have to admit that I was actually shaken to my core after the Don Imus incident last year -- sadly, it took a white man to say something so vile about BW, and then Sharpton and a few others spoke out. We have taught others how to treat us -- like we don't matter and are not worthy of civil or positive regard, I mean afterall, look at how our "own" men treat us! This is embarrassing! Did most BW not see what Isiah Thomas had to say about calling BW the "b" word? I think that BM and BW think this is OK, but "don't let it get out", is our attitude.
People keep referring to us (BW) as the "backbone" of the BC, but what happened to men being strong, intelligent, healthy minded, and sacrificing? We used to be those people!! We were those people out of slavery!! We deserve happiness, security, passion, education, and support in our lives and that is why I don't let anyone tell me who I should date/marry! I don't know why this is so hard for some BW to understand. It is very sad to see a BW struggling alone with children...basically unrepresented, vulnerable, and angry. It seems to be ok for every other woman to be carefree at times and to live the feminine role that we are assigned by birth -- NOOO, not us, I sometimes get tired of hearing the "strong" black woman mantra! We are women, not mules!
Well, Snoop and others who denigrate us have been embraced by Hollywood - thereby sending yet another message that our screams have fallen on deaf ears. This is in our hands only.
A close example to something that "Energize" said happened in Houston, TX -- I saw this on the news. A woman (I presume to be Black) was arrested on traffic warrants and taken into custody...meanwhile her 11 and 15 year old were left alone at her apartment (in a dangerous part of Houston known for crime and drug activity) -- 2 men broke in and demanded money from them...the men found the kids hiding in the closet. It is not known whether the arresting officer was told by the mother that her kids would be left alone while she was in jail overnight.
The apt. complex is predominantly Black, so, I am almost positive that this woman is Black. She was reunited with her kids on yesterday after her release. This is just another expample of how BW and their children are not regarded on the same level as other races. Provisions would have been made for other people -- at least that is my thinking. Breaking the law has consequences, but perceptions sometimes determines how people treat you.
I feel badly that she didn't have a husband to call or someone to get her kids to safety. If anyone wants to read the story, It can be found on click2houston.com (kprc) is the news station in Houston. I don't know how to post links.
you are so right meli
treatment often PRECEDES image! This is why these images are sooooo dangerous. How often have we seen an asian child moved to the head of the class, treated as smart off the bat, and designated as someone possessing positive, leadership, and noteworthy qualities, purely becasue of the color of thier skin and the reputation that has PRECEDED IT! It seems bm are not satisfied to destroy their lives, they want to bring us down with them every chance they get, and white America is all too happy to help them do it!!!This is why Snoop is so popular to white America (and God knows I love him, and pray he wakes up) But this is why he is so popular, because he embraces and promotes the most despicable images of BW he can find. He depicts us in the most misogynistic manner he posibly can, and to hell with the consequences for Black women! What I don't understand is does he (and other rappers, brothers, BM in general) do they not understand that this female-hostile, violent, malevolent world they are creating, is the very world their daughters (whom they claim to love) will be forced to live in??? Why would they want to do this, I don't understand!!!
What I don't understand about these fellas is: don't they realize that they are producing daughters who will essentially have to go to battle with the same men that they are helping to mold through these lyrics. But to be more matter of factly, it's the record companies (run by the neo-cons) that will only market and promote rappers that say these vile things about BM and themselves. I mean, there is a rapper out right now named Uncle Murda !!!!!!! They're are more quality rappers out here that want to say more but can't b/c they won't get heard and will get SHUT DOWN. Shame on them for not standing for anything and falling for EVERYTHING. All in high hopes of being "seen by men."
I mean, how many woman are still supporting that pedophile R. Kelly? How many woman are singing "Super man that hoe" by Souljah Boy (who by the way is performing at the SUPER BOWL. The same bastion of wholesomeness that practically runied Janet's career). Snoop has a daughhter...how is he going to explain this one to her? Puffy has 2 girls now and won't even dream of marrying their mother b/c she's not the right shade for him? I tell you, the BC has disappointed me to no bitter end. Thank you for sites like this where the sane and civil and congregate.
FYI: To "Superman" a hoe means to ejaculate on females back and stick a flat sheet on her so that when she wakes up, the semen dries on her back and makes the sheet stick to her creating a makeshift cap like SUPERMAN. 17 yrs old boy Souljah Boy has had the #1 single in the country. promoted by the neo-con. But NYOIL and other indie rappers like him can't get any airtime.
4WIW (for what it is worth) and WADR (w/ all due respect) It is not that the "media is encouraging this kind of behavior so much as - the BC and BW are not doing anything to stop it!
The media is only doing what BW and the BC is/are doing to stop it - nothing. Doing nothing is in effect condoning it. The people who have the power to stop it - do nothing and voluntarily participate so it is presumed not to be offensive. It is presumed to be ok. If the parties involved are 1) of legal age 2) not complaining 3) not doing it under duress i.e. participating freely.
The media is loathe to intervene when no one is being harmed based on the actions of the participants for fear of being told to butt out or worse yet be accused of "not respecting the right of people to live the life they choose."
Given the backlash and out cry and negative attention BC leaders - Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et. al. bring when they think their interests have been harmed or there is a chance for their own gain - if the participants and other members of the impacted community of interest does not protest - no harm no foul - why risk a media circus. It "they" do not mind why risk a backlash needlessly.
These artists are popular because they make money and garner attention. If they make money they are promoted. Everyone wants to be liked and popular - if everyone is doing it then it must be cool. Most people are sheep and will go along to get along. Yes these artists are popular in the mainstream media - but marketing studies have shown and even observation the BC supports the artists, and the lifestyle.
The lion share of support comes from the BC community. Looking around it is easy to see where the money in the BC goes and it is not into savings or education. Black dollars are supporting this and people sell what people will buy as long as they will buy it they will make more.
There is no outcry at these negative images. The record and merchandise sales remain steady and increase, women fight to be part of this. Bottom line the people who object remain silent and ignore it hoping it will go away.
Until women make their outrage at this known by not supporting the artist and protesting - effectively making it cost more to let it pass than it will make on the image - then it will continue.
Dollars are what gets attention. Speak up, speak out or deal with the results of being silent - which is what is in evidence in these photos.
Forget "give the brother a break" - "everybody wins because it creates jobs" - the same tired arguments the members of the BC spout when asked about protesters at the BET awards - protest and do not stop protesting. Keep talking with our dollars and our time until someone listens.
If every person who objects to this material and the way women are portrayed and the damage it does stopped spending to support the artists and the sponsors, helped educate children to the truth, then it would change.
Boycott the artist, the sponsors and the sponsors sponsors and partners and let them know why they are losing revenue then people will pay attention.
Will it be difficult- will it take time - yes! It is hard to boycott some of the products that sponsor these folks because the sponsors are wide ranging - but the pocket book is what counts. Think short term sacrifice for longer term gain.
That was excellent Clarice and I for one am willing to do anything and wait however long to make changes! I am so tired of the terrible images and horrific words used to describe/and ascribed to BW! Aimee is talking about organizing an image clean up and We all need to get behind her and really make this thing happen, If you won't do it for yourself-for God's sake do it for that poor little girl who will have to live in the world you left behind! OUR DAUGHTERS ARE BEGGING TO BE PROTECTED! And our sons are begging for guidance on how to be men-are we going to allow them to emulate rap artists-straight to prison????-Because rap (most, that get played) advocates violence against women, the police, drugs, crimes of all nature, forties all night, bling, bling, regardless of how you get it, and Gang affiliation/methodology, and all of these behaviors are leading BM staight to jail! and leavign the bodies of BW and children in it's wake! There is no such thing as it don't matter! If you put trash in your mind on a regular and consistent basis, the actions that begin to come from you will mirror the garbage that you are putting it! We have got to make a change!!!
Well sign me up for whatever program, initiative, etc. that is, or will be in effect to help us save our images, our girls and boys, and overall, our lives!! You are right Clarice that money is the bottom line, but I must say that we have some misguided and disturbed "boys" among us who we allow to stand on our shoulders and the shoulders of everyone who fought for us to be able to become educated and achieve the American dream just like everyone else.
I don't know if you all saw Russ Mitchell's interview with Maya Angelou where she stated that if these rappers were talking about Laura Bush (WW in general), there would not be a rope long enough to hang them with. That was powerful! It just would not be allowed or tolerated!! What does it say about our race, in 2008, when people can get away with this? We have to look out for our own interests and stop supporting that which does not support and protect us.
Maya's interview can be found on youtube.
Looking at Myspace, I see more and more Black girls becoming Goth Metal fans.
Speaking as a WM and a fan of various kinds of Metal, I've been comparing the images of women in HipHop and the women of Goth Metal. Goth Metal has female singers dressed as dominatrixes and pretty explicit images on album covers, on the other hand, women are often the founders and leaders of these bands and hence they are probably much better role models for girls. I actually saw a band made up of two Black sisters on Myspace, that were just as influenced by Goth Metal bands like Within Temptation and Evanescence as they were by Mary J. Blige and Beyonce Knowles.
Mind if I toss a grenade into this discussion? What if it had been a wm rapper/singer/artist/entertainer? that had two young bw on dog leashes? No, wait, let me answer that one, ALL HELL WOULD HAVE BROKEN LOOSE!!!! But Snoop shows up and NOT A PEEP! I guess it's OK if a bm does it to bw but not ok if someone else does it, right? Kinda like calling a bw a "bitch" or a "ho"; it's OK if a bm does it, but not OK if........ hey,wait, haven't I heard that somewhere just recently? When will people in the BC STOP defending this kind of behavior? Oh, I forgot, these guys are "artists" and "they jus be keepin' it real"! What a load of BS!!!!!! How is it possible that any BW anywhere could find any reason to defend this type of conduct? As you say, Sara, "enough is enough, IT DOES MATTER!"
Sorry for the rant, but this stuff really sets me off.
Well, we white people have something equalent...
Well, we white people have something equalent...
I think it is extremely disappointing that Oprah would have the female comic Mo'Nique on her show. Mo' Nique is a potty mouth comic that uses the N-word, refers to women as B's and hoes while being completely unapologetic about it. Conversely, Oprah refused to put the rapper Ludacris on her show to discuss his role in the movie "Crash" because she felt his material was degrading to women. Mo'Nique does the same thing. Why is there a double standard here? I personally don't support either one.
Sorry for the double post.
Gag...Mo'Nique is promoting her new movie I presume ?
Actually, Miss one, Oprah did have Ludacris on her show along with a few other members of "Crash" which is when she politely gave him a piece of her mind about the N-word. I think he felt picked on and singled out. Yes, I was surprised to see Monique (sp.) on Oprah (I did not watch the show), and I refuse to watch the new movie that she is starring in with Martin Lawrence...looks chock full of stereotypes as do many movies featuring Blacks. I am embarrassed by the previews alone!
These days, it does not take much to make me see straight through yet another movie that casts an ugly shadow on BW. The movie casts Martin's love interest as thin, poised, attractive, and engaged to him. Monique is overweight, loud, aggressive (fighting scenes, and shower scene), and overall, she is not depicted as feminine -- I cringe when they show the preview of her with her feet on the kitchen table and the shower scene with shaving cream on her face, suggesting that she has facial hair!! I won't even get into the "Norbits, and Big Mamma's" series of movies which continue to depict us as the most unfeminine creatures walking!
Keep blogging Sara, we really need this wake up call. I am so impressed with everything you have written!! I am so pleased that more and more BW are creating blogs about issues affecting us...esp. in the dating/marrying arena. It's like we have been asleep at the wheel for decades as this awful culmination of stuff just exploded on the scene. I thought that I was alone with my opinions on these trends that tend to attack our very femininity and our humanity!
I am totally for this image clean up movement!
*Cracks knuckles and starts typing*
Hi Sara,
I've been a long time lurker on your blog and I really enjoy it. You always convey your message in a succinct and understandable way and as a reader, I really appreciate that.
On this topic, I couldn't agree with you more. I attend university in England in a small city and the black population here is tiny compared to where I live in London. Last year, they started an "RnB and Hip Hop" night at the uni and to promote this, posters and flyers appeared all over the place. What really annoyed me was the fact the posters/flyers depicted scantily clad BW, sometimes naked BW. Our numbers in this city are small enough as it is, and many people here have had little exposure to black people in general. These sorts of portrayals create a negative picture of black women in their minds and it's not fair. My mother is a bw, my grandmother is a bw and I am a bw. It disgusts me knowing that this is how people imagine them and me; as slutty and suggestive. This isn't a new phenomenon though, historically bw have always been portrayed as sexual objects from colonial days up to now. We are literally born having to fight for our very honour, for the right to be seen as equal human beings.
The interesting thing, is that it was a group of black guys at our uni that proposed this idea and designed the images whilst parading around the uni with a different blond on their arms everyday! These ww look at us here as sub-human and the comments I've heard from the girlfriends of these bm is painful.
TBH, I don't entirely blame white people for their perceptions when it IS, in fact our own people that do this to us. We are digging our own graves. But women like you, Sara and the frequenters of your blog are living by example and painstakingly changing the perceptions of those people in our immediate world.
Thanks for the inciteful blog post.
*Returns to lurking mode*
@ Meli
Thanks much for the correction on the Ludacris appeareance on Oprah. I know he was very vocal about the way she viewed his music. But why is Oprah not offended by the way Mo'Nique portrays herself in these typecast movies. Like you, I find it highly offensive !!! Does Lady O hold sepearate standards for comedians and musicians who BOTH use offensive lanuage to describe the BC? Just curious on all thoughts whether one disagrees or not.
@ Miss Pinky
Yes Mo'Nique, Martin and Cedric the Entertainer were on Oprah to promote their new movie. But I'm baffled as to why Oprah is giving these types of movies a platform when they are "supposedly" in direct contrast to all she represents and tries to combat on a daily basis. I'm just shocked that Oprah of all people even entertained it.
I personally get lil' tired of Buffoonery movies myself. Well-OK- there was something a black actor had said, I can't recall his name but he was the black guy in the first Predator movie with the sleepy eyes. He said basically it would be OK to do humorous movies, but when you continuously put out that garbage without VARIETY and showing the differents sides and genres,now you have a problem. IN other words, too much candy but no real diet. You have to balance it out.
If anyone comes up with any ideas to confront this issue PLLLEEEAASE let all of us know! I will post the ideas to my blog also.
Sistas get yo blogs created and rollin'!!
We can not afford to complain--unless we are doing something about the situation.
This is why we discuss and come together on these issues. I am suremany will have different roles in this but blogging against it, is the first step and getting the message out.
thank you phantom,
you are so right! blogging about it is the first step, but now we need to come up with some ideas to fix this situation.
There are so many DBRM that are in the media it is hard to id the worst offender. The key is to find out about the artist in question - who the money men are. start w/ company name. Then find out who the CEO is and the board members - get contact information. Email and or telephone numbers including fax numbers.
A lot of this info is available on the web. Start emailing these people explain what is offensive - why and what resolution you would like. Include members of the media and local tv stations on the email, local political officials. Maybe not the first but certainly in later emails or if the email fails to gather a response.
This is a business person so be polite and professional.Think S-M-A-R-T. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound goals. Be specific about what is offensive and why - have specific goals in mind. State what recourse of redress is sought - change in images, donation to organizations to redress the damage done i.e. scholarship for women - whatever. State that the intention to follow up with this in 30 days, and the intention to not purchase products made by the company effective immediately.
Do this for every company and or sponsor of the offender. Post copies of the letters to blogs - send copies to media outlets, reporters, senators, congress persons. If enough people generate this level of strategic heat and pressure and stand firm not to spend dollars on detrimental artists or endeavors - it will have an impact.
It would be best to pick one of the more popular artists or the more offensive. This does not have to be a net only effort, letter writers, snail mail works well too. Letters, post cards etc. The goal is to give them 15 minutes of fame to advertise the shame of the products and services they are promoting.
The artists use the media to peddle this filth and make money - use the same tool and same tactics to generate interest and reduce the profit margin. Initially it may generate more publicity for the artist - however the money makers do not want the negative attention. Network with groups that have similar agendas and issues i.e. NOW, MADD, and all the citizens for decency groups.
Granted these people may not have BW in mind but they share the goal of promoting decency. By any means necessary - focus on the goals and form strategic partnerships to move it forward - eye on the prize.
Work with groups that have intersecting interests for as long as it works - but maintain a focus on the goal.
Politics and war and make no mistake this is a fight for the lives, dignity, and respect of BW and girls so strategic alliances are called for.
Work with groups with common interests until the interests diverge and form as many alliances as necessary to reach the goal.
The money makers do not what the religious leaders and women's groups and attention seekers to join in which they will if it is in the media.
We all know that Jesse and Al and company will join in if there is a chance for camera time.
As I said, there are examples of equal discrimination of women in other types of music. The odd fact that there's a lot of it in the female-dominated Goth Metal community, is pretty weird to me.
I saw a clip of Snoop's show and am STUNNED that his wife won't allow him to curse in the house or eat fried food but she for some reason allowed this.
I've wondered if these goth metal album covers would be considered misogynic?
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