Genarlow Wilson is a victim of a sexist system which imprisoned him for having oral sex with his 15 year old girlfriend..... and other lies being propagandized about this predatory, anamalistic, child-raping damaged monster and other monsters just like him, provided they are black and ONLY hurt BLACK WOMEN/GIRLS!!!
What follows is an expert from an article about Genarlo Wilson, which has been carefully cut, reshaped, edited and put back together into a more euphemistic portrait, which bears little resemblance to what actually happened. As usual, when the victim(s) is/are black, as well as the perpetrator, the BC will come out in droves to give him support and love. While driving the victim into hiding with lies, distortions, threats, and intimidation.... Isn't it wonderful to know that if your female child is attacked, raped, maimed or killed the BC will be right there to convince you that she not only got what she asked for and deserved, but that it is your duty to forget about her and protect the damaged brothers in question from the 'man'. That it is not only your responsibility, but is incumbent upon you to protect the brother(s) involved at all costs, including heath, safety, freedom, happiness, respect, peace of mind or other mundane and minor inconveniences. After all we all know as black women we do not deserve those things right? They are exclusively the domain of white women. And who the hell are we to expect for our daughters or ourselves the right to safety, peace, respect and protection.The following is a carefully constructed version of the Genarlow Wilson story which never happened except in the author's mind......
Genarlow Wilson is standing on a threshold all right, at the end of the last hall of Burruss Correctional Training Center, an hour and a half south of Atlanta. He's just a few feet from the mechanical door that closes with a goosebump-raising whurr and clang. Three and a half years after he received that letter, he's wearing a blue jacket with big, white block letters. They read: STATE PRISONER. He's 20 now. Just two years into a 10-year sentence without possibility of parole, he peers through the thick glass and bars, trying to catch a glimpse of freedom. Outside, guard towers and rolls of coiled barbed wire remind him of who he is. VideoGenarlow Wilson explains why he wouldn't take a plea bargain. Watch Video courtesy of ABCNews Primetime live. Stay tuned to ABC News for updates on this story. Once, he was the homecoming king at Douglas County High. Now he's Georgia inmate No. 1187055, convicted of aggravated child molestation. When he was a senior in high school, he received oral sex from a 10th grader. He was 17. She was 15. Everyone, including the girl and the prosecution, agreed she initiated the act. But because of an archaic Georgia law, it was a misdemeanor for teenagers less than three years apart to have sexual intercourse, but a felony for the same kids to have oral sex. Afterward, the state legislature changed the law to include an oral sex clause, but that doesn't help Wilson. In yet another baffling twist, the law was written to not apply to cases retroactively, though another legislative solution might be in the works. The case has drawn national condemnation, from the "Free Genarlow Wilson Now" editorial in The New York Times to a feature on Mark Cuban's HDNet. "It's disgusting," Cuban wrote to ESPN in an e-mail. "I can not see any way, shape or form that the interests of the state of Georgia are served by throwing away Genarlow's youth and opportunity to become a vibrant contributor to the state. All his situation does is reinforce some unfortunate stereotypes that the state is backward and misgoverned. No one with a conscience can look at this case and conclude that justice has been served." Wilson's mother, Juanessa Bennett, certainly doesn't understand. She has just bought a new house the next county over, hoping that a change of scenery might do her good. The past few years have been hard on her.....
The truth of the matter is that he was NOT having teenage sex with his GF! He was in a hotel room taking advantage of 2 young ladies who were both plastered and unable to defend themselves, much less give permission for anything sexual! The truth is he is NOT an innocent victim as is being portrayed by the media which loves
to demonstrate to BW that they do not matter. He was actually in a hotel room with several of his friends running a train on 2 unconscious and helpless young girls. When they finished raping the older of the two,(17) They then threw her on the bathroom floor (like trash) and proceeded to make a porn tape with the unconscious 15 year old! All the stories that emanated from the fictional account of 'Genarlow the victim', claimed he had consensual sex with his 15 year old, girlfriend and some mean old white cops busted in and arrested him without provocation. This could not be further from the truth. first of all, the stories completely edited the 17 year old girl right out of the story! I guess she just did not fit in with the Romeo/Juliet bullshit they made up. They also neglected to mention that the 15 did not and could not give consent because not only was she passed out, but by law she could not give consent because she was 15! The truth is a 15 cannot give anyone permission to have sex with her in most states because she is deemed too YOUNG! And for good reason, It's because she IS too young! But people (mostly the BC) was outraged when this little damaged predator was jailed for sexual relations with the 15 year old. They claimed it was just innocent teenage indiscretions and was harmless. The truth is there was nothing innocent about what went on that night. The young ladies were plied with alcohol and then sexually attacked/used in such vile ways, that they will undoubtedly need therapy for years. Yes, I know it was not the wisest decision for these girls to go to the room with these young men, However, you must keep in mind the naivety of youth. Does your 15 year old child deserve to be gang raped because she has a lapse in judgement???These girls thought they would be safe because they knew these young men and considered them FRIENDS! like I said, the naivety of youth. On the outside he was charming, good looking very bright, all star player being courted by several colleges, and had an all around great persona. Or should I say great Performance because underneath it all he was a MONSTER! Like many damaged men preying on women and children in the BC. He just had a much more convincing veneer than most. After he was jailed, rallies were organized, petitions went up, and The BC (as usual) rallied around the perpetrator not the female victims. The girls received death threats, while Genarlow and his cohorts in crime were praised repeatedly for their 'strength, endurance, and fortitude' Genarlow was then released in response to the outcry from the community (which believed the fictitious stories). He was given a full scholarship to Morehouse, care of the Tom Joyner foundation. (presented by Tom Joyner himself) He was welcomed into Morehouse with open arms, and given an award by the NAACP. He is being hailed as a hero for gang-raping 2 unconscious girls on a hotel floor!! Isn't the black community wonderful! The girls on the other hand, received a sound verbal thrashing, death threats, public humiliation, years of pre-disposed depression and therapy ahead and last but not least; a true glimpse of the authentic feelings of the BC towards it's women. I trust it shall be an enlightening experience they shall never forget, with all the underpinnings of a trip staight to hell. This is a very effective strategy. It not only serves to castigate, slander, and eradicate any remaining inkling of self-esteem and peace the girls might harbor, but it further serves as notice to millions of other young and old black women. The message is implicit yet abundantly clear. 'Don't you ever try to mess with a brother, even when he's guilty as sin, we will take his side because he is the one who matters! NOT YOU-AND DON'T YOU WOMEN EVER FORGET IT!!!
Read the full story in what about our daughters (Morehouse man)!
For fear of being called a mammy. I don't think his punishment fit his crime. He was a 17 year old who received oral sex from a 15 year old. It was wrong yes, but it was consensual. His release from jail was justified. We should be quick to condemn a black man when an injustice was done to him because black women experience injustice. As a person who was molested as a child by both a black man and black woman, I am not for letting predators out on the street and rewarding them, but in this instance, I think Mr. Wilson was unjustly imprisoned for an unreasonable amount of time. He served his time, he should be able to live his life.
In terms of the hotel room, all people were intoxicated, and the girl in question was not passed out when she offered oral sex to him.She was drunk, but was he. The only reason he got ten years was due to the oral sex. If he had just had intercourse with her, his sentence would have been lighter. This is bad judgment by both the BOYS and GIRLS in that hotel room.
Ahh yes...If my daughter were going to neighboring spellman..I'd feel so safe : )
BWDB http://thecwexperience@hotmail.com
Im glad I didnt go to a black college, I would never send my kids (if I have any) to one either! Because thats the type of shit my daughter would be exposed to.
Its funny cuz bp swear up and down that it's the kkk who poses a threat to us. NO enabling DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR bm poses a threat to us
Sara - Typically, I can agree with you; this you have wrong. Let's go back to the incident at hand. Wilson and 4 other young men along with the young ladies had a NEW Year's Eve party at a hotel. First problem is what are these young ladies doing on New Years Eve where they are not with their families or in church or even at an function supervised by adults. Second, the young lady willingly performed oral sex on Mr. Wilson (her own mother said she has done this before and knew what she was doing - again back to the Parenting). The other girls willingly had sex with the men. They taped it whcih was wrong. Mr. Wilson was charged along with the other men. The girl, her mother and the other witnesses said he did not rape her and did not want to press charges for rape. Was he wrong?? 100 percent wrong. Does he deserve to go to college? Yes, he deserves to be in a rehabilitating environment; the other suggestion would've been the armed services but that might have not worked either. Now young boys and men have been having parties like this for decades now, having gone to an predominately white(I'm a BF)school, we had parties like this. No one ever taped it, but I have gone to parties where the liquor flowed and the girls were easy. I graduated from high school in Atlanta, Ga in 1996 and students (white boys and white girls) were caught having oral sex in cars on campus, having sex at the tennis courts, having sex in the gym, and having sex in the band room. No one was disciplined. Everyone was told not to do it again. It still happens; Genarlow is no different that any young teenage boy nowadays with the exception that they don't tape it. As a parent of a bi-racial son, I try to instill to him how to treat a woman. As parents we have to take the stance of our parents and grandparents, our children are not to start off with our trust but to gain our trust and until then - I'm going to be the detective in his life. Where are you going, who's going to bethere, where is it at, are you lying to me; what's their parents names, whats their phone number; is their an adult in the house; when can I meet them...If both parents (his mother and hers) asked those questions, we would not be talking about it today.
siddity, I would never call you a mammy, I have always respected your opinion. And if that was all that happened I would be the first to say it was blown out of proportion if the young lady was willing. However, the girls in question are now claiming they were not only raped, but unconscious and no consent was ever given! I don't see how we could not call a young man damaged who runs a train on two unconscious girls and turns them into unwilling semen recepticles-can you. (Read the full story in what about our daughters)
The title of this particular topic seem very hostile. I will be the first to say there are DBR men (of all races), but this man is what now? 21? He spent some time in jail.
The rest of his life is supposed to be 'jacked up' because of this? Or should he be Allowed to make the changes required to be a non-DBR man? He was an academically smart kid from all accounts I've read.
I agree with Siditty. The 'crime' did not fit the sentencing of this young man (boy at the time) of the fiasco.
If the young ladies are changing their stories now...that leaves a "hmmm" in my opinion because the mother of the 15 (at the time) girl and the 15 year old herself had said no rape had occurred.
And what is being unconcious and being able to have $exual relations? To be sure, I am not blaming the women. Let me repeat that, I am NOT blaming the women.
As for going to college, I would like to hear what the young ladies in question are doing now? I also think scolarships should be awarded to them from a high ranking college. So yes, I want to see these women given a opportunity also.
But I disagree that the rest of Wilson's life should be stimatized as DBR.
I would agree with you DC lady the title does seem harsh because what they did to these 2 women was much harsher than a silly title! Everyone seemed to beleive the ficticious story that it was just him and a young lady having sex and he was unfairly prosecuted. What actually occured was a gang rape involving several young men and two passed out women. I hardly think a harsh title mitigates the horrific gang rape these girls suffered at the hands of these 'smart' young men. If you will do a little research, you will find the police say he was not arrested for oral sex at all, but for the GANG RAPE OF TWO YOUNG LADIES. THAT IS WHY HE AND HIS FRIENDS WERE ARRESTED! IF it were just the two of them as the media has claimed-WHY WERE HIS FRIENDS ARRESTED!!! But I respect everyone's opinion and welcome everyone to speak their mind in regards to this incident....
This post is being sent to all of the BW female IR blog sites because I just wanted to challenge all of you. First of all I think you are all awesome! You have changed the lives of many BW. Focusing on my own agenda instead of worrying about the BC is now my main focus . Self preservation is essential for BW right now. You should be immensely proud of yourselves, although I know that you guys are doing this for unselfish reasons. You are doing this because of your love and concern for BW. Uplifting of BW is your purpose. Knowing that BW are working so hard to make sure life is better for other BW does my heart good. I mean that literally...lol. Now having said that, I just wanted to discuss a matter of concern.
Recently, after reading over these blogs, I have been feeling a little drained. Why? (don’t refer to me as mammy because I am totally down with our cause) you guys concentrate too much on BM. I want to recommend these blogs to BW who I meet out in the street, at work, everywhere but there is so much BM bashing. I want to see more BW dating out and I do have some issues with BM but I don’t hate BM. I agree that BM have become arrogant because of our situation, they play BW, only care about their own agenda, don’t protect BW, allow WW to dis us out in public and are colorstruck. The numbers of single women, single mothers coupled with the fact that the wealthiest BM marry WW bother me to no end.
However, we need to not concentrate so much on what BM are doing wrong in the BC. We just need to concentrate on elevating BW and attracting quality men. I was reading a blog that discussed the fact there are two types of BW in the Something New/Dating IR movement. The BW who hate BM & worship WM and the BW who are grieving the loss of a dream. I read these comments on all of these blogs and it is not hard to distinguish between the two types. WM are not perfect. My experiences with WM have been a lot better overall. Nevertheless, there are still WM out there who are “wolves in sheeps clothing” as well as good WM. Look, I understand all that you are feeling because I am living it. I just think that the movement will do so much better if we don’t concentrate so much on what the "horrible BM" is doing all the time. Dating BM is no longer a desire of mine. Why don’t we just date our NBM and not give the BM a second thought? My challenge to you is to continue doing the wonderful job all of you are doing to uplift BW and bash BM less.
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DC lady Im sorry blogger erased your comment, but in answer to your question. No I most certainly am not privy to any extraneous information or court records. I have the information I have gleamed from digging deeper than the surface. As you or anyone else could as well. As for the remarks made by the girl's mother. She did not know where her 15 year old child was in the wee hours of the morning! To me, she lost all credibity as a parent right there!
That is ok Sara that blogger erased my last post. I suppose these things happen sometimes.
I will not question the court records but if it is found that the judge, parents, the persons in the hotel room that night and the lawers along with the rest of the judicial system is hiding information about the case then there are quite a few people who need to be held accountable.
My main point was should Wilson's alleged consensual actions at age 17 with the woman who was then 15 be held against him for the bulk of his life?
Or should he go on to college so that he may refrain from being a DBR man?
I will not deny that taping the act(s) that particular night was tawdry at best. The whole scene was dumb. But I certainly would hate to see him being a dreg on society for the rest of his life because of the scenario in question which was deemed consensual.
My understanding is that he was did well academically in high school. If he will pull his own weight in this world with a top notch college degree...that is better than my tax dollars paying for him.
I also question how someone unconcious could actively participate in such an act that was described. No disrespect to the young woman. I just want to know what constitues 'unconcious'.
If they have a tape that the girl was unconcious then yes, jail time was warranted. And a lot of people should be fired and in prison for lying about her.
And if I hear anything else about Wilson doing something like this, I will cover my ears to any excuse of his...because he is a grown man now.
If anything, this should be a HUGE lesson learned for him and any black man in America. What you do could cost you the chance to be free.
Also, its VERY important to me that the young Women who were in the room that night Also get a top notch college education. I wish those young women the best.
Wow, to say the story has been altered is an understatement. I feel a little bamboozled. Although a friend of mine was crying foul that "he got a scholarship for getting some underage head!"
To Black Women First, you are definitely entitled to your own opinion, but gang rapes and underage questionable sex happens not only in HBCUs (yes I'm a proud alum) but in predominantly white schools as well. I heard alot of hair-raising stories from my roommate in undergrad, who had gone to a mostly-white high school. I had gone to an almost-all black one, and we weren't as creative or devious sexually as they had been.
Wow and whew!! I am going to say that from what I have read on this site about the "Wilson" topic, I would have to agree with Sara...I'll tell you why. Some of the facts of this case may be a little off because I am not sure that a whole truth will ever come out about a lot of stuff that happens to folks, but I think that the point is that BC will always and forever slam a BW (no matter what age) when it comes to a BM rendering any type of abuse to her.
No doubt the over protection to a disgusting fault of BM by the BC, are by-products of slavery. My Grandmother told me once that our men had it so hard that we had to protect them more than the girls. I am Black and I remember the word "fast" or more commonly it was pronounced "fass" being used to described young or older Black girls whenever they stepped out of line, and "manish" was used to describe the young Black males' behavior. I think that our race also has a lot of residual shame from our women being used and raped by WM. So, we have turned sexual crimes against BW into blame towards the woman and even her family...look at how R. Kelly was straight up embraced and defended esp. by BW!!! I remember hearing how "skillful" the young girl in the tape was. This really is sick! I haven't heard of the whereabouts of that young lady and her family since! R. Kelly has a penchant for young girls, but the BC does not care.
Sara, I don't know all the details of the case and I likely won't read about it either, but it is just "more of the same" of what I am used to hearing/experiencing by our "community." I think that there is literature supporting perhaps that Black people may be suffering from post slavery, is likened to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome -- by-products/residual of slavery, slave mentality, etc. If I didn't know the race of people that we were talking about in that article, I would have assumed it was some extremist religious group (the type who keep women in subjection) -- and blame a woman for coming into maturity only to tempt the man to do awful/unlawful things to her. She is blamed for simply being a woman.
This way of thinking was no doubt a protection to us many years ago, but now, BW have been cursed by our own "community." Just think, unless you are a mammy or a woman who pretty much has given up all of her rights to be feminine or desire a loving mate and perhaps kids, and a decent living, you are assigned the role of Jezebel in the eyes of our community. You see how there is no healthy divide?? I am actually surprised that the women who posted are not more concerned about the message that this sends again to BW -- I can't speak on the man's sentence whether too long or too short, but he was embraced with open arms back into the BC....and I am sure that the over all sentiment from the BC is "The good Lawd knew the truth and them lil' fass ass gals need to be shame." Sara, we obviously will never see that this sick coddling of BM only fuels them and others to lend more treachery to us. We don't matter, we are not on anyone's radar when it comes to us being safe. We have taught people how to treat us, we just never knew it would be used against us.
WW would have come to the aid and been supportive of these women had they been White girls that this happened to. They (whites), seem to make allowances for the risky and foolish behavior that folks enter into in their youth. BW do not get a pass though! This is why BM (some) are so "off the chain." There are no consequences doled out to them by our community, but when the greater society makes them pay, all of a sudden it is racism.
Again, I am a little shocked that some of the posters here don't see the gloom in store for these young girls...they did nothing that other youth are not doing, but they are Black women. If those young girls had been White, Wilson would never have seen the halls of higher education. Black women just are not seen as victims by anyone...especially not by Black folks! Look at how in other races (esp.) Western society when girls mature, it is almost something to celebrate, but when Black girls get boobs and butt/hips, the first thing we yell is "she better be careful and quit wearing those kind of clothes, or acting a certain way" our femininity is constantly used against us!!
SMH! I think that most of our reasoning for our behaviors and attitudes is shame based and feeling like we BW are naturally a target for abuse by all men anyway, and we become even more unkind to one another and less understanding if we perceive that the VICTIM in some way "asked" for it.
I think the problem here is that he was awarded a college scholarship. I have no problem with Mr. Wilson attending college and I'm glad that he's doing so.
But what makes him worthy of a scholarship? He's going to college for free for what?
you understood the point so well, you could teach it. That was fantastic! We say we are not blaming the victim, but did you see how many of us sistas did just that? These girls were young and young people do stupid things like going into hotel rooms with boys they consider their friends and not expecting to be gang-raped! That does not excuse the boys from committing crimes against them. And when they are arrested, that is not racism That is supposed to be JUSTICE!! But you are right in our community our sexuality is used against us, and any sexual crimes that befall us are our fault! Never does a BM have to worry when committing crimes against us, GW would have never done what he did to a white girl, because he knew the bc could protect until the cows came home, but he never would have seen the outside of a prison again!
Sara keep doing it, dont let anyone trick you out of your mission and most importantly your anger at the atrocities mated out to bw. continue to write from your 'gut', thats why i am on here everyday. Dont sanitize your message one bit! Some folks want us to do this because then we would be a 'blunt' instrument and not be effective. Dont fall for that trick!
Gernalow is a rapist as simple as that.
Now if we want to claim he was young and foolish and should not be given a harsh sentence, then i am all for that. However we do not need to downplay or underplay aspects of the incident to do so, nor 'throw' the black girls under the bus and bismirch them to exonerate him. we simply need to make the case of him being young and foolish and leave it at that.
however what the BC has done is sacrifice bw in fact in an overkill manner, to show what value they place on the respective genders. You see, this is how the BC has always operated, hacking its way through a field of bw just to rescue one bm just like warriors in battle hack their way through masses of soildiers to rescue a captured king.
the overt need to protect bm and all the things we will do for it, is what i term Black Male Protectionism (BMP).
BMP is the reason why this rapist and pornographer has recieved a reward from black instituions, it shows were our values lie and is an indirect message being sent to bw that the community will not tolerate 'hos' trying to take down a bm especially one who has a slightly above average GPA. This also why we will even sacrifice younger women and not give them the same 'consideration' of being young and foolish, we will not consider the emotional and mental wounds we inflict by shunning their own version, and neither will we make provisions for their 'reclamation', and rehabilitation, as we will readily do for the bm.
One underlying reason why Gernalow has recieved this reward from the BC is as i said because we want to punish bw who attempt to take bm down (we dont care if he is guilty or not) particularly those who use the system in doing this. In truth we dont believe rape laws should be used to incarcerate bm because rape is a little thing compared to freedom of a bm.
Yes not only have these girls been turned into porn stars without permission they will likely never heal from the wounds inflicted by how the community treated them, even this reward is a backhand slap i believe the NAACP aimed at the two young women for their role in the whole saga.
and why shouldnt girls go to parties and consort with men even at 2am in morning if they so want? Does that give men the right to rape them? Even if there was a banner, "Sex party" on the door as they walked in, IT DOESNT GIVE ANYONE THE RIGHT TO FORCE SEX!
As for bw who defend the men or attack fellow women in these instances, they are just a joke and i put them on the side without skipping a beat.
it appears rape activists have their work cut out for them, and are going to have to do the most basic work these days to get black folk clued up to ABC's of rape and. I bet people will intentionally remain obtuse though because of what it would mean for the precious Black male.
its a good thing that the wider community (read: white society), has already put together the laws on rape because, can you imagine what would have been the fate of women, if it fell to the BC to draw up the definitions and laws around rape?
Yep this is one issue the Bc will be dragged into, kicking and screaming.
IR Dating E-Book
How did we blame the victim? I am sorry but maybe your high school was different but a 17 year old was still a child. I saw 17 year olds and 15 year olds date each other. They did things they shouldn't have like had sex with each other and drank alcohol, but they didn't go to prison for 10 years for it. The 15 year old girl as a white girl by the way and not a black girl.
Siditty said...
How did we blame the victim?
I was thinking the same thing. In the comments I've seen here, the girl was not blamed. The topic was about Wilson going to college as a DBR man and being lauded by the bc.
To me, the girls in the room with Wilson and friends that night were children at the time too and they were certainly victims. I hope they will get top notch educations. In fact, I'm going to follow-up on their progress. Even if I must contribute something to their cause.
I stand corrected. The victim was black. I will say this. Sex between two underager children 2 years apart does not equate to 10 years of prison. Child molestors who have multiple victims don't get that much time. I know this from experience. I will say that two years was fitting for his crime. And no he shouldn't have to register as a sex offender. I think often time than not, people are so far into their cause, they lose sight of what really happened and start spewing venom instead of focusing on things that would actually help their cause.
The 17 year was passed out and maintains she was raped till this day. On the tape you can see Mr. Wilson lifting her unconscious head up and putting himself in her mouth. Then once they are finish the dragged her into the bathroom.
Tell it Sara! This not just manish behavior. This is predatory behavior. I don't care how smart he was, heck the unibomber was a genius. What that's got to do with anything.
Thanks for that fact Siddity...I did not know that the 15 y/o girl was White! It makes more sense now that the oral sex clause was then used to put GW behind bars. Looks like the legal community there wanted to get him on something that would stick and carry a harsher penalty. Seems like folks are split with what they saw on the tape, but overall what I have read from comments on sites regarding this case is that it was rape!
This is probably why the NAACP and others dug into the pockets to show them that we will still send this young man to college and excuse his behavior. We would all probably be surprised at what our laws say about sex and consent to it -- if their laws state that oral sex carries a harsher sentence, then so be it and the girl was a minor giving oral sex.
Halima...that was hilarious what you said about the bc needing to be clued up on the ABCs of rape! I like the way you put that. You are right also that if our "community" had its own justice system regarding rape, criminal behavior, etc. BW would be in BIG trouble.
Sara thanks for what you said -- I read your blogs and you just make sense! You, Evia, and Halima have blogs that make me want to go out with a megaphone and read them in the middle of the streets...LOL! There are many others too with awesome messages, all of your blogs have links to them and I read them too and enjoy what they say. Now I must read your latest blog entry. Bye.
Oh...I also want to say that I don't know the in and outs of the Wilson case, but I think that we are still creating a pattern that is not working to protect our young women -- by over protecting our young men. GW is just another big example of how bad behavior is swept under the table.
Oh, so the 15 y/o was Black?? I thought so; but Siddity, I too saw on some comments regarding the case that she was White -- this stuff is bad either way! Miss Issues brought up something interesting...the 17 year old was out when GW placed himself into her mouth -- OMG!!! This is just plain old bad!
Thank you Miss Issues this is what I keep trying to explain here. No ONE IS TALKING ABOUT CONSENSUAL SEX!!! We are talking about them gang raping uncounscious girls! Of course a 17 year old should not go to prison for having consensual sex with his girlfriend who happens to be 15! That is not what we are talking about, and I am not going to restate the obvious again!!! We are talking about a 17 year old rapist running a train on 2 unconscious girls and then being pitied and praised by the BC and given a free scholarship. For all those who refuse to understand what we are angry about-perhaps you really don't WANT to understand...In which case I would ask you let us have our discussion....
For all those who refuse to understand what we are angry about-perhaps you really don't WANT to understand...In which case I would ask you let us have our discussion....
It does not get any clearer than that Ms. Taylor.
Moi will not post further opinions here on this topic.
I never suspected I was disrupting the discussion but I respect your command as this is your blog.
Hi DC lady...I understand what you are saying, but I guess I am looking at the much bigger picture than this Wilson's sentence. Oral sex with a minor is against the law where he lives and they tried to throw the book at him, so to speak. My biggest concern is that laws are written for a reason, and he broke it.
The bigger picture is the messages that are continuously sent to BW --we don't matter! I don't even want to go through the list of celebrity BM who have committed crimes and the BC comes to their aid and places them on pedestals!
DC Lady, this stuff trickles down. It seems that I just keep seeing excuses for the BM men, but no one sees what that then means for BW. It's like the signs are there and the rumors are heard and the denigration started years ago and then it got way out of hand -- this type of attitude (my opinion) is how we got ourselves into this mess in the first place. GW probably does not even see that what he did was even wrong!!
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I am going to say this. and I will try to be as kind as I possibly can. NOBODY AND I REPEAT NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT TO TALK ABOUT ON MY BLOG! Now there is a lot of harm being done to black women by the bc and bm and my readers and I will talk about whatever the hell they need to talk about to heal! Yall got the wrong blog if you think you are going to come here and boss me! NOT!!!!! Now If we talk about something and it is not to your liking God damn it LEAVE-and come back later or don't come back it is your choice. But any further references to what is appropriate will be deleted. I will decide what is appropriate on my blog dammit. Don't EVER try to control or stifle ME! Anon, I think you know why you were deleted. Take that bullshit eleswhere. This message applies to anyone and everyone who thinks they are going to muzzle me. I will talk about the harm, and damage the bc is doing and anything else I feel needs to be discussed. Keep fucking with me and there will be damaged black man topics every damn day! Once again for those who took the little bus-THIS IS MY BLOG-AND I WILL DECIDE THE TOPIC-IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT -LEAVE NOW!
LMAO!!! Sara, you are hilarious!! I like the way you word things -- so funny, but painfully true. We need to be afraid -- we need to see that we have to change ourselves because some BW are still out there trying to wait on these trifling men to "do better" when they should be working on self first.
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