Is is harder if your man is considered more desirable?.....

Wolfgang Puck (multi-millionaire - food guru/empire) and his wife Geila'
Robert Dobrishe and his wife Elizabeth. (He's a matrimonial lawyer to the stars and quite wealthy)
My cousin Bridget who is married interracially and has one son told me recently that while walking in the mall with her very good looking - obviously well-off husband and son They were approached by a ww salesperson. The woman gave Bridgette a dismissive look and smiled sweetly at her husband Ted. The woman had an expensive bottle of perfume and asked Ted if he wanted to sample some perfume for his wife. Keep in mind my cousin was right there! Her husband replied "why don't you ask her yourself, she's right here". The woman looked shocked, and flustered. She stammered something incoherent about how she thought my cousin was his nanny! My cousin was furious. I told her to let it go. It's just an angry ww who was mad because her husband is quite desirable.
Yesterday besides an angry email from a ww demanding that we stay away from 'their men'. I also received a private letter from a young lady asking me to ask my panel for advice on what to do about angry ww neighbors. She said that she and her husband and 4 children had moved to a very nice suburb. They loved the area however, since her husband is tall, handsome, company vice-president who is considered quite a catch, she has had alot of problems with the neighbors. Many of the ww there were being extremely nasty to her and refusing to let their children play with her children. She said that she has only been there for 3 months but the situation has not improved at all. They apparently are quite sweet and charming to her husband and then nasty to her. She described incidents of rolled eyes, muttering, talking behind her back and getting together to glare at her. Nothing physical yet, she knows it could escalate at any moment. She is also concerned for her children and feels the need to hide her discomfort from her husband as he works very long hours and she does not want to bother him with 'her problems'.
As more and more sistas date and marry out, I think this is a discussion we need to have. How to deal when you land a big fish, and women are jealous. Of course we know that when it comes to wm, many ww will be angry regardless, yet I think the problem is compounded when the man is wealthy, handsome, cultured or desirably in any other way. You all tell me your opinions on this matter. Is it harder if he is more desirable? How did/do you cope?
I did tell her that she needed to discuss this situation with her husband and not keep him in the dark, but I also feel that she needs to expose her children to like minded parents and maybe even consider moving if things escalate. I would like to ask the readers about their personal experiences and relevant decisions in these matters. Please simply give your best advice: She will be reading along......
.. Many of the ww there were being extremely nasty to her ..
I'll bet she is very attractive. How were their husbands reacting to her? Let me see if I can guess ... :)
An extra-pretty woman moving into a neighborhood will always be viewed with suspicion by the other wives, particularly if they don't feel their marriages are very strong. And if the new standard of beauty is a BW, and the other women see their men checking her out, I can imagine that would really rock their world.
Bet a nickel that's at least part of what's going on.
I would like to know too, in case I land Prince Gerard Butlerdinker.
Hi Bridget...
I really feel for you in this situation.
You HAVE to let your husband know. You cannot shoulder this by yourself. These "women" are evil, but eventually when the karma starts to bite them, they will have to focus their attention on themselves, or their own families, and not be so concerned with yours.
Have you any kind of interracial support groups in your area? You should call on them for emotional support. Check out the internet, and see what you find. If not, start your own group. I think it is important to be around like minded people.
DO NOT let your children play with their children until this behaviour stops. WW know bw/wm are a freight train that is unstoppable, and they are going to throw some rocks on the tracks. Your train WILL NOT be derailed. BTW, even after this behavior stops, (and it will)be vey careful about allowing contact with your little ones and them Don't let them go to these houses, or eat anything from these people.
When they stand around in a group and glare at you, wave at them and smile. Eventually, a human being who is not a psychopath will waver. They are going to have NO CHOICE but to accept your beautiful family. God is watching them.
You might have one who waves, and approaches you timidly.
What is really important is NOT to let them see how much this bothers you. Share your feelings here, or with the people who love you. Take comfort in your own family and friends. Have them over, be joyful, prayerful and thankful. GO outside and do your gardening, hug and love your husband and children. Be WHO YOU ARE in other words. They really are UNIMPORTANT..they are the neighborhood bullies..but one day they will have to stop.
BTW..the ww who approached you and your hubby in the mall KNEW your hubby was your hubby. Just want you to know that.
Hang in there, and focus on what you want in your life, not their negative behaviour..
If it becomes too much for you..then by all means consider a move. You deserve to live in a place with quiet enjoyment, not glares and stares from bitter angry Becky..but that is how they are..they know what they see when they look in the mirror..and they do that kind of stuff to each other too.
You are never alone Bridget..never.
My first post was to Taylor-Sara's cousin I just want to make a quick post about the subject of the blog.
Without a doubt these women go crazy when the man is desirable..and desirable is not necessarily the best looking man..desire in this day and age is is wealth, it is freedom which creates the power to do whatever you want to do..or Becky does go crazy when a bw gets a man like this, and actually this is the first wave of bw/wm relationship which are imploding all over Becky's little life. What do I mean by that..well, I don't know..just kidding lol..what I mean is that a rich wm does not feel the constraints and pulls of society as much as another man would. He is going to do what he wants to do. More than likely, this thinking is exactly what got him where he is now. He does not play by the same rules as everyone else, and if he wants a bw, well that is what he is going to get. He could give a rats arse about Becky and her feelings. Moreover, Becky's husband (who is cheating with the au pair..HAH) works for the rich wm..and they don't want to rock that it basically behooves bw to go after the most "powerful" and wealthy wm.
The second wave of bw/wm relationships are with just regular middle class guys who are making a lot of money, and are able to care for their families, and future needs, but they live a fairly modest life. This type of man is also a good catch, and perfect for us. This is what we see happeniing now.
You don't have to be a surfer to jump on any one of these waves. Just get in the water.
Becky does NOT and never has had a lockdown on the correct men (ie non dbr)Please believe that GOD would never make a world that is so unequal. Use your mind to bring in the right guy, and believe that you are worthy of the best.
The other day, I was watching the Bachelor..I know it is a really lame show, but if you ever want to see how young Becky is, and how they treat each is a perfect studying ground, and it NEVER changes..even when they are older. Now this new Bachelor is an English guy, and he picked a bw over a blond woman, and I swear I have never seen a contestant look at another who got the rose before them, like that before. She literally could not believe it. It was classic. (Unfortunately, the bw is loud, tacky and argumentative..sigh)
Set your sites HIGH Ladies. If ww are getting mad..that is a good sign..but don't worry, they WILL get over it..they have no choice.
OMG I am ashamed of my spelling..Please forgive me. I dislike sloppy spelling..I of course meant set your SIGHTS...not think it means I should get off the internet now...
Have a great week all..(I'm acting like I'm going to check back in a week, when we ALL know I will be back here in an
While I cannot speak to much of what you ask in your post, I can tell you to advise your cousin this, absolutely positively tell her husband, and not now but RIGHT NOW!! Not only does he need to know, but I'll wager my next 10 paychecks that he wants to know!! WE WANT TO PROTECT you ladies, don't forget that........ever. If you are threatened or intimidated by a situation, we NEED for you to tell us, so we can deal with it...You and your world IS what OUR world consists of and looking out for you is part of what we do-but we can't fix it if we don't know about it.
Oh, I would guess that your cousin's hubsband really enjoyed putting that saleswoman in her place..........I would have....don't talk down to my lady.........ever.
Bit of a rant, sorry Sara.
Firts off, I don't think she should move. You are letting them control your life. As far as things don't get physocal, then screw 'em. If they do, call the police.
However, you should definitely tell youe husband. Not outrightly complaining though, unless they do something really nasty. Just, for example, ask him how he is with the neighbours, does he fins them friendly. Use this as a way to inform him of their behaviour. Tell him that the women don't seem to like you and have even refused to let their kids play with yours.
On a second note, I agree with Delishmish about the ww salesperson knowing you guys were married. If you were with your son (I'm assuming he's bi-racial), she would have imediately guessed that he was both of your children, and hence, you were a couple. (Unless he is from a previous relationship with a non-white). She saw your husband, then your son, so the natural thing would have been that she'd assume that you were his wife. She probably did, but decided that, no it can't be true, or I'll atleast pretend it isn't. If, however, you were not with your son, why the hell would she have thought you were his nanny? Or do grown men now need nannies? And since she was selling women perfume, shouldn't she have come up to you instead?!
delishmish, that was the first Bachelor that ever let a bw get past the first round. Of course he's not American, of course he's British.
My boyfriend is very good-looking and very educated. We're still young, so he's not rich YET, but I fear these will be my problems one day. I'm no slouch myself, I'm fairly pretty, but I still can't help but worry about these slutty white girls who throw themselves at him RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
I experienced the same thing at work. There was a very attractive sales guy who resembled Matt Damon. We would talk and laugh alot and NOBODY had a problem with that until he let it be known that he liked me. All of a sudden these 4 women were in an uproar. It didn't make it any better that his friend liked my best friend who is Mexican. All of a sudden it was like "why do you like them"...because (of course) three of them were blonde and the fourth was a redhead. The office was rampant with lies about me and my friend. Whispers, stares, anything and every happened. So you are probably asking 1) what did I do and 2) do I still work there?
To make a long story short I started focusing on myself and what I wanted in my life. I didn't stoop down to their level and I basically ignored them. And that's one thing those types of women don't like: being ignored. For some reason they can't stand it. If the attention is not on them, they go crazy. So knowning that I drove THEM crazy by not even acknowledging their presence.
I am still working there because I worked hard for my position (I am a website manager for a mutual fund company - I have designed 7 websites for the company and maintain all of them). I was not about to let them run me from my job and what I worked so hard for.
Just to show you how things work out: All four of them no longer work for the company. They were basically fired for other reasons, but that just goes to show that they were so busy into ME, that they didn't have their stuff together.
My advice: focus on yourself and your family. I believe the woman's job is to protect the home. Tell your husband what's going on. I suspect that he will take it upon himself to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
Make friends with other neighbors and ignore those trifling women. After awhile what will probably happen is they will try to start being "friends" with you so they can get into your life and house and try to mess things up. Don't let them. They mean you no good. I believe how something starts is probably how it will end. And people that are miserable with themselves definitely want you to be miserable too.
Good luck!
All I have to say, is God is lashing his finest weapons for the very best. His finest weapons are we black women, that is why a lot of people are getting their mad, angry, vex, hysterial. All I have to say to you Bridget is read the Psalm 91 and start confessing your protection over your husband, yourself and your 4 children and bring down your protection squad from heaven. More and more Kings and Princes will be asking for the hands of black women, we are an unstoppable train. We are truly the very best.
Good Comments Delishmish,
Now other race females will have an idea of how we feel when a desirable bm chooses another race female over a bw and because of this factor it is only right that bw marry other race men.
Fair is Fair.
To that lady that emailed you Sara, I would suggest to her to continue to be nice and friendly towards the neighbors; however, keep in mind most of them do not like the idea of her being married to a desirable wm and that is THEIR PROBLEM.
Delishmish I men usually do not care about the race of the female and some of those husbands probably wish they had a bw. Also, there is no way I would send my kids to any of those homes...even if the people were blk. people need to be more careful with their children. One reason is because those women will try to pump your kids for information about you and your are so innocent they simply answer questions.
These ww are lucky it is you and not a in your face type of person. Also, they will try to make you a in your face type of not fall for that crap.
Wave to your neighbors and go about your business.
Your family and close friends should visit you and your family a little more offend...that should help with some of the loneliness you may be feeling. As Delishmish stated you and your kids can join a group outside of the neighborhood or start one yourself.
I know you are very busy with 4 kids and a husband.
Have some of their close school friends over and yes you can always move as a LAST resort.
Continue to give your hubbby all the loving he deserves. Walk him to the car and hold that kiss for all the haters to see...I bet they will stop looking so hard. When the kids are in school take yourself to a spa and relax. Continue to go to the gym.
Speak and think positively. We all wish you well and stay strong because those neighbors will move on to someone else eventually.
Ann F.
BTW...Keep those gorgeous pictures coming... I love em!
Delishmish, I agree with you I have gone through this with previous boyfriends and pretty sure I will continue. The older we get the better we handle things in many cases. I know for me if they are huddled up to watch me as if I'm an alien I blow a kiss and not just any kiss but the miss america kiss, that rotates to each and everyone of them (with a beautiful smile). I understand everyone doesn't have this type of fiesty attitude and I plan to grow out of it one day. As to the children, please do not let your children play with their children, if the parents are racist then 9 out of 10 they are influencing the children to be too. Everyone likes to say kindness kills all, which nay be true in some cases, but I wouldn't entertain that crap. The last thing I want to mention to you is if you decide to stay in the neighborhood be alarmed that they will eventually try and be your friend, in order to get in and know what you do, how you do it, and when you do it. You can be nice, but don't let them get close to you and you don't get to close to them. Protect you and your family from the home wrecking mentality ww that live around you. Thus, keep to yourself and meet people outside of the neighborhood if you don't have any friends yet, I agree it is a good idea to see if there are IR groups in the area. Check online! Also, read lots of books if you don't already this should get the highblood pressure causing drama off your mind. :)
First foremost and always - IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! As a woman you are desirable, lovable and deserving of not only respect but the BEST that life has to offer - the best life, the best man the BEST regardless of race, creed color. Never forget that and never doubt your worth and value or your decision to marry, love and be loved in the manner you deserve. There are going to be times when you feel insecure it is human nature but check that with a quickness. Also never doubt the decision of the man you have chosen and who has chosen you - if you doubt it or your love then he will.
Men follow the woman's lead. These women are going to try everything to wear you down and wear on your nerves - just like seeing your happiness and success wears on theirs - so be prepared. If you let doubt linger it will grow!
Sit your hubby down and clearly and calmly explain the situation. State it in terms of what you see and feel that you are concerned about the situation present the facts and you know that he loves you and wants only your and your families happiness and safety. This does two things it assures him that your faith and trust in him is strong and you value the relationship. Men tend to want to fix the situation and see it as their job and themselves as a failure if something is wrong - he needs to know you believe in him.
As a loving caring man - what matters most to him is your happiness. Just because he has not said anything does not mean he has not noticed it. Men notice more than they let on - especially when they care. Chances are since this is true he probably has already sensed your unease - men watch men for cues as to what to do and being highly visual they notice little things. He may not have said anything because he does not have enough info to know what the situation is and men do not like to act without knowing what is going on - they want to solve problems. He does not want to create a problem if there is none there - so he is waiting to see what the situation is.
Problem is sometimes men think they are the problem or they did something wrong - since the woman they love is not happy. If heaven forbid something happens and you did not mention it because you did not want to worry him - what he is going to hear is that you did not trust him to do his job as a man and worry about and protect you and his family i.e you doubted him and his ability as a man - ouch talk about a blow to the ego. Is he going to worry yes - but he is also going to know that you believe in him and are on his side and that together with you by his side HE can solve the problem.The two of you and your family are a team - you and your hubby are the captain and the coach of the team and must work together to protect it. He can't fix what he is not aware of and he wants to fix it. His family and his wife are his responsibility to protect and make happy - simple as that. Giving him the information assists him in doing that and lets him know you believe in his ability to do just that. While he solves the problem your job as coach is to keep things moving - make sure he is happy and the kids are well taken care of home is to be a place of peace and tranquilty a safe place a safe harbor and he counts on and believes in your ability to do that and he will provide everything he can to make your life easier. Men are simple they want peace, loyalty i.e. to know the people they trust have their back and they want sex. They would love it from the one woman in their life - their wife. Peace as in a safe place to be a shelter from the storm that is life and its many battles - in short they count on women to give them this. In a marriage it is a give and take. Men will do anything and everything to please and take care of protect and preserve the woman they love.As his wife your happiness is his goal - his reason for living. Use this knowledge to fight off the WW hellbent on stealing your joy. Make his life with you source of joy and pleasure and nothing will make him leave. Face the fact that men are different and their self worth is based in sex. So in a loving marriage do not use sex as a weapon or a reward or punishment. Keep him happy at home - meet his needs - give him what he needs and make sure he knows that he can count on you to be there for him the way he needs it. Before the folks here who get their nylons in a knot get going ask the question - So what is wrong with giving him what he wants if the man you are in a committed loving, caring respect filled relationship with or married to wants sex? As a team united you and your husband can shut this down and keep it shut down.
It is just how guys think - because as they see it their job is to solve problems and keep their woman safe and happy. If she is not then there is a problem and it is his job to solve and if he fails to solve it then he is a failure. This maybe a bit simplistic - and I would appreciate if any of the males that regularly read this will correct me on this if I am off base. In the male mind - mode of operation the card laid is the card played - so do not put a card on the table until and unless you are prepared to act on it. Telling him will let him know it is not his fault and you love and trust him and have faith in his ability to solve it and his ability to care for you - that means everything to him.
"Now other race females will have an idea of how we feel when a desirable bm chooses another race female over a bw and because of this factor it is only right that bw marry other race men.
Fair is Fair."
Anybody remember a little ol' thing called SLAVERY? Yeah, I do. Well, we shall call this part (where we take the best man and claim them as our own) PAYBACK.
My advice: focus on yourself and your family. I believe the woman's job is to protect the home. Tell your husband what's going on. I suspect that he will take it upon himself to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
No, it is the man's job to protect the home. Agree with every other thing you said.
Anonymous said...
"Now other race females will have an idea of how we feel when a desirable bm chooses another race female over a bw and because of this factor it is only right that bw marry other race men.
Fair is Fair."
Anybody remember a little ol' thing called SLAVERY? Yeah, I do. Well, we shall call this part (where we take the best man and claim them as our own) PAYBACK.
I disagree with both statements. I won't be with a wm as some sort of revenge against ww or even bm for dating themselves. I would be with him out of love and a mutual connection.
And if you are going to use the slavery thing as some reason for IR dating, I hope you have no problem when bm do it as 'revenge' for the raping of black women by the slave masters, or as an excuse why they (bm) can date out but black women can't (sleeping with the enemy bullshit).
Hey GRANT...Hi Hon..
btw..I think I'm in love with
Ladies, back up and read what Grant had to say. These are the words of a real man..a normal man...this is what ALL our men should be saying to us...We deserve to be loved just like he describes...EXACTLY like that.
SO Grant, about the love thing...
Delishmish..(4879)73908-287598-729875-692687..yeah, I know it's a long number..but those are the telephone numbers of the
Grant, come on down to the new place...YOU KNOW what I'm talking about...see you there.
As usual, all of you guys are right on top of things.
I definitely want to reinforce the point that someone made earlier, which is that women like this will indeed pump innocent talkative children for information they hope to use against the parents. These are truly truly the worst kind of people...they are so unfulfilled in their own lives. They are dangerous, in fact, and should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, it is women alone who perpetuate this kind of behaviour. Men don't do crap like this.
I recently met someone who had a teenage daughter, and she would regularly call her kid's friends mothers and ask them if they had teenage sons or guns in the house. I thought this was an excellent line of questioning. SO even if you do get along well with people, you still have to ask questions...lots of them. Children are a precious commodity, and should be protected from "people" like Bridget's neighbors.
Once again, this behaviour on their part is not sustainable in the long take heart B.
I recently met an older korean man(I am very respectful of older people of all cultures, unless they p--- me and I was just talking to him, and he said something I am going to share with you..becuase I thought it was very profound..and I actually mentioned it may have sounded really religious though..I am a deeply spiritual person who believes in the Almighty GOD, but I am not religious, in terms of I don't have to go to church every sunday or read the bible all day..some probably would wish to debate me on my reasoning, but not here, and not now, in fact, not ever..because I believe what I want to...anywhoo..sorry...drifting.. the gentleman said to matter what is going on in your life, and the world, be joyful, prayerful and thankful...somehow this really resonates with me, and I hope it will with you too...especially you today Bridget (if you ever read it)
"I disagree with both statements. I won't be with a wm as some sort of revenge against ww or even bm for dating themselves. I would be with him out of love and a mutual connection.
And if you are going to use the slavery thing as some reason for IR dating, I hope you have no problem when bm do it as 'revenge' for the raping of black women by the slave masters, or as an excuse why they (bm) can date out but black women can't (sleeping with the enemy bullshit)."
This isn't why I date IR. I do it because I'm attracted to WM and in love with mine in particular. But it sure is a damn good excuse/justification when ww like these tell us to leave their men alone.
Jalilimaster, I was only responding to the poster. Of course, marry for love; however, do not be so naive as to think love will pay the utilities. Been there done that.
Ann F.
Would any of you be open to an ir with someone many years older? What if he is not wealthy? What if he does not resemble GB? Or he's overweight but has a great personality?
This is something I'm seeing a lot of online intros. This may be a way to uncomplicated ir.
Anon., What if the female is the one who is overweight then what?
Ann F.
"Would any of you be open to an ir with someone many years older? What if he is not wealthy? What if he does not resemble GB? Or he's overweight but has a great personality?"
Yep, yep, and yep. I said it before and I'll say it again; when I marry, it will be for all the right reasons, like genuine love, loyalty, and companionship. The man will be white, but he doesn't have to be or look like Gerard Butler. He just has to be/look like a husband.
Delishmish said... " matter what is going on in your life, and the world, be joyful, prayerful and thankful..."
These shared words from that man resonated with me. It calls to mind the words of wisdom shared with me - worry is a negative prayer - it creates negative energy. People, circumstances and situations are placed in our lives to teach, inspire and or encourage. This proves what he said is true - in your happiness you shared this as a message or as I call it prayer for good to others to inspire an encourage. Prayer is at it's simples form creating and or connecting to positive energy - that builds up and empowers and encourages. Being joyful and prayerful and thankful even in the face of evil keeps the spirit alive and moving like from him to you to me and hopefully to others.
Consider this - the negative people with whom we come in contact who make it hard to be joyful, prayerful, positive - maybe there to strengthen our ability do exactly that and remain positively focused. Yes it is easier to be positive and joyful when things are easy - the good times are to be enjoyed and cherished - however doing that when it is hard or in the face of resistance makes the joy stronger, sweeter. The more a person does something the better at it they become the stronger the ability grows. Having a strong sense of joy and positive peace and gratitude that you can tap into as needed or just in general makes for a happy life and makes it easier to rely on when it is required and repels the negative and can and does protect the situations, circumstances and people who bring us joy. A strong sense of joy, peace and happiness may not prevent negativity but it can out last it. Living long and well is the best revenge - your happiness not only feels great it drives your enemies crazy - which also feels real good ;) Live your life happily and shut down the haters.
Clarice and Delish, in light of what you said, I thought of this youtube vid featuring Walter Hawkins and Tremaine (circa 1997) called "It is Right and Good." The lyrics really say something.
To respond to your question, I am a bw involved with a wm 29 years my senior - he's in his 70s and I'm in my 40s. He is not wealthy, but he is the kindest, sweetest and most loving man I have ever known. He is very much a gentleman. He always brings me flowers and little gifts, and he believes that the man should pay; my money is no good when he is around. We have a deep connection despite the age difference and get along wonderfully well. I find him very attractive. He is in as good a shape as a man 20 years his junior, due to a lifetime of hard work (he is a farmer). He is wise and generous, and he loves and understands me. I have never been so happy in a relationship. We met the old fashioned way, through mutual friends. We sometimes get curious looks from both blacks and whites (due to the age difference more so than the color difference, IMO), but we have not experienced outward hostility as yet. Our friends don't think us an odd couple, however. Those who know and love us know that we're good together and good for each other. My teenaged son has no problem with the relationship; he likes his mother's gentleman friend, and likes the fact that this man makes his mother happy and treats her very well. I did not seek out an older man, or a white man, just a good man. I feel truly blessed and do not question what God has provided.
Hey's moi, Delishmish..too lazy to sign in to Blogger .....
What is the V/r at the end of all of your comments?
I am a curious cat. I must know.
it's so true - folks hate more..when that grass seems oh so greener!!!
V/r is short hand for Very Respectfully
Jay-Z finally made Beyounce an honest woman...yahhhhhhhhhh
Ann F.
Curious minds want to know if Bridget will use any of the advice she has received?
Ann F.
Ladies Bridget and the lady with the problems with the neighbors are 2 different people! Bridget is my cousin with 1 child. She is the one at the mall with the ww saleslady who tried to say she thought briget was the nanny. The other lady is the one who moved to a nice suburb and had problems with her ww neighbors because her hubby is so rich, cute and desired. She has 4 children and wanted to know how to handle her mean spririted neighbors (ww) She is the one who asked me to ask for your advice, and she emailed me last night to tell you all thank you and yes she will be using the advice.....
Hey Sharon;
Where have you been hiding, haven't seen you in a looooooooong time.
Delish: You are the minx aren't you!!! Now everyone here is gonna think that we got somethin' goin' on.......and what with you and Gerard and Viggo, girl you put me a bad spot here-LOL.....Honest Sara, we're just friends. Tell her Delish. Delish? Oh, yoo who............
Thanks Sara for letting us know.
(lol...curious would like to know what type of business her hubby is into.) Good Luck to You.
Ann F.
Oh snap...Sara...I guess none of us were reading too carefully through the red haze that crossed our eyes when we read about your cousin Bridget and that old sea hag pretending she didn't know that was Bridget and her hubby........anyway, I thought it was kind of weird..something just didn't add up when I then read about 3 more it makes sense that it is 2 different
BTW..more power to you Mom of 4...yowza..that is a lot of work..I thought only Brad and Angelina could do that anymore..hahah
Now about the women in your neighorhood..Here is my final suggestion...the ringleader might just need a ninja style a-- whupping (see below)..and I think you should deliver it to a place where no one else is, and you wearing a dark hood and as not to be recognized...seriously, some people need that beatdown
My Grammy, who is not a rough lady, once had to give a serious beat down to Becky, because Becky had slapped a really timid young black girl in her face (oh DOUBLE SNAP) talk about a red haze covering the eyes..My Grammy, and two of her friends waited for the woman, and beat her down really harsh..and she deserved every bit of it...some people need to be I am not advocating violence here (, well let's see, maybe I actually am)..anyway, THEY would always have to make the first move..I guess you really can't deliver a beatdown just because someone won't wave at you or smile at you..if that were the case there would be several Becky's on any given day ready to give me a beat down...because I didn't smile back...hahah
I am totally rambling..must be the late afternoon
Ninja Style Beatdown (according to MY dictionary)
A beating accomplished at night, while wearing a dark cape and hat, upon someone who really deserves and NEEDS it. Such a beating is designed to remind the person to be decent, not to actually harm them (although it is likely there will be some blood spilled from the lips, as well as some bruising all over)It serves to remind the recipient of such beatdown, not to mess with people who haven't messed with them.
After a beatdown, the recipient is likely to become your best, that is if your friends are deathly afraid of you)
girl you are soooo crazy! ha ha ha you must get that from your grammy!
Grant said:
Delish: You are the minx aren't you!!! Now everyone here is gonna think that we got somethin' goin' on.......and what with you and Gerard and Viggo, girl you put me a bad spot here-LOL.....Honest Sara, we're just friends. Tell her Delish. Delish? Oh, yoo who............
Tell her what Grant? Tell her our WEDDING DATE...I will
As a live long and be happy live and let live girl I am definetely game on street rules - Go Grammy Go when it comes to protecting my happiness or those of whom I love and care for. I do not have the guts your Grammy has but I learned from the old school to "kill 'em with kindness" D your are too funny!
Congrads Delish, hope you two will be very happy and now you can give me back Viggo and Gerard!
Hey Grant, just been lurking. I'm rarely out of lurk mode anymore.
Mr. Grant!!
I belive that Ms. Delish is interested!! Git them Digits for real!!
And Ms. Delish - when is your blog launching!?!? TMC can't wait!
Great advice from both - cant add anything here!!
Sara, Sara, Sara
tsk, tsk, tsk....
Surely you know that I am not going to give up Viggo, Gerard OR Mr Clive Owens (Have we talked about him yet?)...why even my intended Grantie knows
May I suggest some um, replacements for you my dearie, out of the kindness of my heart.
1- Flava Flav
2- Bobby Brown
3- Newt Gingrich
4- Rosie Odonnell
5- Jaws
6- Al Sharpton
7- A Grizzly Bear
8- Don Imus
9- Isiah Thomas
10- Edward Murphy (lol)
I think I have been more than generous in compiling this list of strong male energies for you to choose a mate from.
I am a person who thinks about the other
Love, Delish,
Your Bud
As for
whoever you are (I think I
I am a terribly, horribly, tremendously lazy person, and as much as I enjoy writing "TMC" (and will continue to)the idea and pressure of running a blog and moderating trolls is tiresome. I would much rather visit with friends here and there on one or two other blogs...This brings to mind a commercial I have seen.
A scientist is working in a lab on some kind of spray, and he sprays a quick shot, which blasts a hole in the wall, startling himself, and another scientist working in the next room...and then a voice says..
"Because the world is not ready for formula 410."
For those who don't get is a joke about the infamous long existing formula 409.
Likewise, the blogs are not ready for "TMC" (which means it is a perfect time to
Nitey nite all
Sorry ladies, Cameron Diaz & Gerard Butler are dating:
With all the viggo love, i remember a story from the LOTR days about him and Josie D'arby and i thought it was kinda shady. I couldn't find the video but i fond some qoutes that were similar to the video i saw.
As for having more kids, Viggo says, "Never say never." (metro3: Viggo, 你不会还要生一个吧? 呜呜...) But he's realistic about parenting. "A lot of people romanticize being a parent and go into it without a lot of thought. It's a huge responsibility, something to take seriously."
Forget rumors that he's about to get hitched to anyone despite the names in bold face that have been linked to him. "I have no plans to get married. But I wouldn't say I'd never do it."
Also forget gossip that he's dating British TV actress Josie D'Arby. "Not true at all," he says. "And it's really unfortunate that these rumors are out there. Of course, I do understand that if you're part of a popular movie, then things happen. She is someone I met at the London premiere of 'Return of the King.' She was introduced to me. I said, 'Hi, how are you.' I introduced her to some other people and then I went home. And she said, 'Oh, by the way, I might see you in Paris our next stop.' I said, 'OK.' I never saw her again."
So how did this rumor get started? "The rumor obviously had to come from her. And it's stupid because it gets printed everywhere and I'm answering questions about it from people." He sighs and says, "If that's what you need to do, good luck to you. It's just not a joke to me. It gets into my life"
The metro3 may be the station website i saw the video on it was 5or so years ago. But his tone turned me off, i do remember that.
He is one of the pictures i saw
there is another in the series that show her about to enter the car.
The whole thing seemed shady.
With all the viggo love, i remember a story from the LOTR days about him and Josie D'arby and i thought it was kinda shady. I couldn't find the video but i fond some qoutes that were similar to the video i saw.
As for having more kids, Viggo says, "Never say never." (metro3: Viggo, 你不会还要生一个吧? 呜呜...) But he's realistic about parenting. "A lot of people romanticize being a parent and go into it without a lot of thought. It's a huge responsibility, something to take seriously."
Forget rumors that he's about to get hitched to anyone despite the names in bold face that have been linked to him. "I have no plans to get married. But I wouldn't say I'd never do it."
Also forget gossip that he's dating British TV actress Josie D'Arby. "Not true at all," he says. "And it's really unfortunate that these rumors are out there. Of course, I do understand that if you're part of a popular movie, then things happen. She is someone I met at the London premiere of 'Return of the King.' She was introduced to me. I said, 'Hi, how are you.' I introduced her to some other people and then I went home. And she said, 'Oh, by the way, I might see you in Paris our next stop.' I said, 'OK.' I never saw her again."
So how did this rumor get started? "The rumor obviously had to come from her. And it's stupid because it gets printed everywhere and I'm answering questions about it from people." He sighs and says, "If that's what you need to do, good luck to you. It's just not a joke to me. It gets into my life"
The metro3 may be the station website i saw the video on it was 5or so years ago. But his tone turned me off, i do remember that.
He is one of the pictures i saw
there is another in the series that show her about to enter the car.
The whole thing seemed shady.
I like Gerald Butler too ladies; however if this is true I think they make a good match, because they both get around.
I am going to word this as carefully as I can.
You are really starting to sound like a member of what I call the "Don't Because" brigade. These are people who will give you a thousand and one reasons why you shouldn't do something.
ex- Don't quit your job because you'll never find another one better.
Don't move to Paris because they hate black people.
Don't eat that, because it might make you sick.
Don't get in the car, because it might crash.
Don't date that white man, because white men don't like black women.....
You see where I am going? It's pretty obvious.
You are trying to control what we think and do, but you can't. It is up to US to make the individual determination of who we want to lust over or not lust over. If you would throw some things that I have said in my life at me, you would find that I have said some really outrageous things. You cannot judge someone based on one interview...look at the entire picture..and since we do not know him, we can never know the entire picture.
You are entitled to NOT like him. I don't care....but stop trying to rain on our parade because we DO like him.
That's all
I agree, and for the record if you have something nasty to say about Viggo or Gerard -hon take it to another blog....
I just don't get what all the fuss is about.
You move into a neighborhood, neighbors don't like you? I say Fuk 'em! They don't pay your mortgage/rent, or anything else that's in your home. And you damn sure ain't sleeping with any of them. I say CONTROL, ALT, DELETE!!
White women are no different than any other women. There are some nice ones and some not so nice. Some people think that its such a surprise when they find out that a lot of them are insecure, uncouth and ignorant as hell.
I'd go up and down that street (looking "fione" of course) and wouldn't so much as look their way.
Let hubby know what's going on and be done with it.
As I've said, lets watch the profanity.... thank you
Do not post
Sara please remove my posts. It wasn't my intention to beat black women back into a cave only that this guy is a creep and not deserving of the celebration. I said nothing abour GB so i don't know why that was lumped into what i said about VM. I really love your blog but the projection of my post by Delishmish was inncorrect.
How come there is no Colin Farrell love on this blog!!
oops sorry Sara!
oh girl, I was just playing with you-and I don't thing delish meant anything either. She's just sensitive since I stole my husband back from her!
That is right..I am sensitive. I don't know exactly why, but I love that "creep"
Anyway J..don't go...and don't mind me either...sometimes the true sentiment does not come through in this forum...that being said..I am still a "Black Bombshell" with a short and deadly fuse...
Gerard Butler can do soooo much better than Cameron Diaz!
Who Cameron Diaz does not date. This is one female that goes from one man to the other. Now, she should make up her mind and get a husband.
A. F.
I agree with you. It seems as if in this day in age more than ever black women are under attack for EVERYTHING we do or don't do. The desire to control us by everybody is unbeleiveable. They don't care about us, but they want to control us. They say we are ugly nappy headed women, but they want our features. And when a BW/WM couple are together? It's way too much for people to bear. Too much strength and power together. And that's what I think is the root problem. Two individiuals who weren't "supposed" to, but did anyways, even after all the media beauty brainwashing and all of the "Blue Eyed Devil" stories-the mental slavery didn't work. My husband and I had to deal with this crap. He sees the women staring at him, while they eyeball me at the same time. He is the strong silent type, so he tends to shut them down without saying a word.I don't have to do anything. They can't help but to see the desire in my husband's eye's for me. And when they see it, they have no choice but to silently bow down and out and acknowledge me for the TRUE queen that I am. Or look and feel like a damn fool.
On "ww demanding that we stay away from 'their men'." Tell them ww that there are TWICE As Many BM with ww than BW with WM! So if they see us "taking" their men, they should start by leaving OUR Men Alone!
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