What qualifies a woman as a Gold Digger?

Michael Strahan and his Ex.-wife Jean
who took two thirds of his wealth in a well-publicized divorce.
How come no one is calling her a gold digger? And how come, when Lou Rawls passed away and his white wife informed his daughter (from another woman) she would be lucky to get enough money to bury him with, the BC was not outraged at her actions? How come Kolbe Bryant's wife who stole him away from a long term girl friend and took a 4 million dollar ring in lieu of fidelity is never referred to as a gold digger?
Read the report below concerning Michael Strahan and his Ex-wife.
Athlete: Michael StrahanPosition: New York Giants defensive linemanDrama: Ex-wives don't get mad, they go to court. In one bitter divorce battle, Strahan's wholesome reputation was hit hard by allegations of adultery, abuse, forgery, lying, perversion and an extramarital affair with another man. When all was said and done, Strahan's ex-wife Jean was awarded a staggering $15.3 million and hundreds of thousands of dollars in child support, despite the fact his net worth is only about $22 million. (Do the math: she's cashing in more than half his net worth.) Adding insult to injury, Jean held a yard sale and sold a bunch of the player's belongings at bargain prices. (You may now cue the 'Waiting to Exhale' soundtrack.)
Ladies do not be misled. Wanting a nice home and family, the 2.5 kids, and the white picket fence does NOT make you a gold digger. It seems that anytime a sista wants a better life, or just a decent life, people will come out of the woodwork to tell her that she's acting like a gold digger. Ladies that strong black woman label is a double edged sword. You cannot be strong all the time. When do you think it is appropriate to let your hair down and just be a woman? It is ok to want someone to help out, and it's human nature to capitulate to the need to lay your burdens down. It does not make you a gold digger to expect a man to take the load sometimes. If he is not making life easier for you, then what is he doing there anyway?
Help me to understand, Michael Strahan's wife took 15 million of his 22 million and yet no one is calling her a gold digger. Yet if a bw asks a brother to buy her a drink, he's likely to start screaming gold digger. Ladies gold digger is just a label just like strong black woman. These labels are meant to act as control mechanisms. They impede you from asking for help or money or resources of any kind. They impregnate you with the belief that you can do it all and that "you don't need no man to help you" We must eradicate these false labels which serve no purpose except to control and manipulate us into perpetual, and frustrated silence.
There is something fundamentally wrong when a woman feels guilt for desiring or expecting a better life, or financial help from the man she's involved with. It is interesting to note that ww are rarely called gold diggers no matter how little they have when they marry a man of means ( ie Tiger Woods and the nanny, OJ and the waitress,) or, in the case of Michael Strahan and the ex-wife who took him for the majority of his wealth; how little he has when she leaves.
Why are we always expected to take a man (ie brother ) with nothing and elevate him? When did the roles become so misconstrued in the BC that women are expected to be the bread earners and men are allowed to wallow around in a lackadaisical fashion? How come bm can marry a ww and not give a second thought as to her mediocre finances yet if a bw even intimates that she would like to date a man of sensible means, she is immediately cast into the gold diggers lake of fire. Ladies do not be deceived. it is just as easy to love a rich man as a poor one and it is just as easy to love a man of mean as one who has not two nickels to rub together. If you have your eyes set on a wealthier man, there is nothing wrong with that, provided you are up front and honorable in your intentions. Never allow people to guilt you into settling for less than you want. The sad truth is you can never be saintly enough to escape the derision that will be thrust upon you in this life. What do I mean by that? I mean that they are going to talk anyway, live it up, No matter what a sista does it's going to be wrong anyway as far as the BC is concerned. I'm not being facetious I'm being real. If you aim up, you're a gold digger. If you aim down "you're a fool who don't want nothin in life". If you get an education-you think you're better. If you don't - you're stupid. If you leave a brother who's a waste of your time -you're deserting. If you stay-you're a dumb ass who got what she deserved when he hit you. We must discard the labels that would keep us shackled in our minds and bodies and reach for the gusto anyway. Because no matter what WE do we will be called gold diggers. If you want more, go for it. As my deceased grand mother used to say "don't let nobody live for you who can't die for you!"
wow, Anon. did he really make that agreement? Why in the world would he do that?
p.s. I meant to say Paying not playing. I read an article online about how much he would have to pay his ex. Oh, well a good divorce lawyer...priceless.
Ann f.
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Rainy I'm sorry, I disagree. I don't think you need 2/3 s of a man's wealth to live in the style to which you have become accustomed. I do not know the details of this marriage either so I will not presume to judge her on whether she was honest in her allegations. All I know is that when someone has 22 million and you take 15 + hundreds of thousands in child support, to me, you are a gold digger! But hey, he was stupid enough to marry her. I don't think he would have done that if she had been black and came to the table with absolutely nothing like he did for this ww.
Sara this is so real i wanted to add to what you noted: "If you aim up, you're a gold digger. If you aim down "you're a fool who don't want nothin in life". If you get an education-you think you're better. If you don't - you're stupid."
And if you are outspoken and not afraid to put a person in their place your a Drama Queen or sometype of emotionally exhausting being.
I think he deserves everything he gets, I wonder if these stupid dudes sit back and think if I was with a sister would she have taken me for everything, these men forget that WW feel they are the best things out there and God's gift to earth, so if they slip up and do anything that goes against their entitlement they have hell to pay, some men are just so stupid. And I'm not saying that BW should feel anyless and not get what's owed to her, but I've seen BW walk away from situations like this a little more humbly, such as moving on and giving it to God. I still see a BIG difference, you will see bW settle for these creeps when they have nothing vs a WW. To me this speaks for itsself and at the end of the day these BM are the ones looking stupid to the world lol..
Sara: "Rainy I'm sorry, I disagree. I don't think you need 2/3 s of a man's wealth to live in the style to which you have become accustomed. I do not know the details of this marriage either so I will not presume to judge her on whether she was honest in her allegations. All I know is that when someone has 22 million and you take 15 + hundreds of thousands in child support, to me, you are a gold digger! But hey, he was stupid enough to marry her. I don't think he would have done that if she had been black and came to the table with absolutely nothing like he did for this ww."
Cosign, so true!
I was wondering if you knew about Michael Strahan. That man needs help. Did you know that he left is ex-girlfriend who was his highschool sweetheart ( a black woman), for his now ex-wife Jean Stahan? He also has three kids with his highschool sweet heart. When he met Jean Strahan she was working at a Wal- Mart or something, not that there is anything wrong with that. But one has to wonder, what was going on in Michael Strahan's mind when he left his college educated girlfriend for her.
Personally, I don't like the term gold digger and I try not use it to refer to any woman. I won't even call Heather Mills a gold digger. The fact of the matter is that none of us were there and we don't what any of their true intentions were.
BUT, Strahan should sue both of his lawyers- his divorce lawyer and the lawyer who drafted his pre-nup, I mean please! Secondly, no prenup is iron clad (see Donald and Ivanna Trump, Claude van Damme- etc.) And I do agree that if this had been a BW with a master's degree and her own home everyone would be calling her a gold digger as opposed to Ilen Woods and Nicole Brown Simpson who just happened to get lucky.
Rainy...I do not know if your are a ww or bw and it really does not matter. Because I am not angry at that woman. Again, she played her hand very well and she won big time.
I am sure we all can remember when Michael Jordan left his wife/college sweetheart for the second time. There were people with the view point that she did not deserve the money that she received. Mrs. Jordan was with Michael long before he joined the NBA. She was his wife/friend/lover/
confident/mother to his children and she is also an college educated woman.
Michael Strahan obviously did not understand the prenup and why would his lawyer draw up such a prenup...maybe the lawyer the ex are closer than Michael realized.
Tiger will be in the same position when that fake ass marriage comes to an end. BM are the ones that should wake up and stop being so stupid behind the skin tone of a woman.
Ann F
Sorry, but I have to agree 100% Ann What the hell is going through these men's minds? What multi millionaire marries the walmart girl? There is certainly nothing wrong with working at walmart, but has she been black, she would not have gotten the time of day from him much less a wedding ring! And what kind of prenup was that! I'm sure she was only too happy to sign that thing....
Sara these fools do this kind of thing all the time. Brothas who scream gold digger if a sista asks for 20.00 to buy her kids something to eat, will marry waitresses (OJ) nannies (Tiger-don't wanna be black woods)and every other service provider but give a sista all kinds of excuses as to why he can't marry her, no matter how much she has going for her. they all deserve what they get. and I agree with whoever said Tiger will be in the same boat, and his (black hatin) ass will find out in court that in America you can claim any label you want but if you look black you is!
I really detest the term gold-digger when it is hurled at a normal, every day BW who wants to have a man act like a man and be the sole provider of the family. Where I come from THAT is the definition of manhood or at least it used to be.
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For the most part I agree about the double standard. So that's what you want Sara, a man's financial worth. Is this what most white men represent? Is this about finding true love or being entitled to what the white female always seem to get from men.
Sorry guys, off topic but HALLE HAD HER BABY, leave a message on her board-her site-I know the girl who runs it for her, and their amassing fan congrats for her
link with info about the baby:
A Black woman who asks for more than a "drank shawty" tends to fall in the gold-digger category...LOL
Zabeth said:
BUT, Strahan should sue both of his lawyers- his divorce lawyer and the lawyer who drafted his pre-nup
I hate to be judgemental,but I suspect this man may be so,um not knowledgeable, that perhaps he should just cut his losses and go home.
Trying to sue the lawyers, he'll probably lose what little he has left.
Ok, Rainy I get it read: "Feminine Mistake", that book has been around awhile I simply did not read it. However, I think Suzy Ormond has great financial advice also.
Yes, Ms. Pinky every woman should have a mate that is both mentally and financially able to support a family.
As Steve Harvey says, "Ladies stop giving up the "cookie" so easily you are worth more than a dinner and a movie.
Ann f.
Ann f.
Anon. tread lightly because unlike some of the more compassionate bloggers, I don't let people come here with the intention of 'starting something'. I don't care how much a man makes provided that he is financiallly responsible and has the common sense not to think good investments = gold teeth and cadilacs! What I am saying to the ladies is: If they want a man of means that is fine. There is nothing wrong with that but be honest and up front about it. And "means" to a sista is usually a far cry from 'means' to a ww. When we say means, we usually mean a decent job, a bank acct. decent credit etc. I don't think bw should ever take home the 'drunken church janitor' and clean him up. We can do bad all by ourselves....
Rainy, I'm happy that you are degreed, most of us here are, However, I don't think that is relevant in this particular post. You don't need a degree to tell you that taking 2/3 s of a man's income + 100s of thousands in child support is wrong! She may be entitled to live in the style to which she has become accustomed but is he not entitled to live in the style which HE WORKED TO BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO! What exactly is he supposed to live on? After taxes, pymts, and divorce/lawyer fees, He'll be lucky to retain his residence. Does this sound fair to anyone else? Because it does not sound fair to me....
Bravo!!!Bravo!!! I totally agree. That is what Strahan gets. He thought having a white woman was the highest achievement, and he was willing to do anything to get her, even sign over 2/3s of his income in a prenup. He knew what he was doing when he create that prenup to convince her to marry him. What he didn't anticipate is that he would get caught cheating and she would leave him. Because you know a black woman would have stayed with his ass through the humilation and all. So, good for her, and he deserves what he got because basically he gave it away, that shifty son-of-bitch! Not that it even matters, hell he just won the superbowl, he will not be begging he still will be a millionaire. But Black women need to learn from this, because black women get taken and white women get even.
"...gold diggers lake of fire..."
Oooohhh wow, I had tears coming out of my eyes laughing when I saw this. But here! here! This is soooo true. A big up for this post!!
Just googling, I couldn't find anything about her. If anything an article about him seemed to celebrate her:
This was not his first white wife. He was also married to a woman I think who was from Germany or similar European country.
He's had the ww thing going on for some time now. I agree that is a LOT of $$ for someone he was married to for a few years. This is where ww are smart...they know how to appeal to their community and lay it on real thick to get much of what a man wants (Heather Mills anyone)?
The wc falls for it (they did give Anna Nicole a little drama---she never got to see the $$ from her late husband).
Bw toil for their men many years and get usually NOTHING (that's right $0.00) from their relationships.
Indeed we need to be smarter about who we mate with.
In regards to Ann F.-The Feminine Mistake is not to be confused with the feminist classic The Feminine Mystique, which is what I believe you may have done. The former is a relatively new novel compared to the latter. That's all I have to say in response.
Hey Ya'll,
Great topic, I just laughed when I heard what happened to Strahan, but believe he'll get another ww after this. HEY WHAT CAN YOU SAY! I know I don't feel sorry for him though, you have a good woman-white or black-and you you leave her for another, that's karma baby.
One more thing, Rainy-Ann F. is right, the Feminine Mistake is a post women's lib/social study book- the life of women despite men, not depending on them- and the Feminine Mystique is a novel, Pre women's Lib, so she is using the book in the correct context. But, READ THAT BOOK YOU GUYS-most of the knowledge she drops is common knowledge to BW, but she also addresses solutions for keeping yourself sane.
You don't need to maintain a SPOTLESS home by yourself, and then get upset when you husband is not helping you. Most homes only need 1/3 of the cleaning time and that 1/3 can be split evenly between the two of you (and your children when able.)
Susan Orman is great for finances, but she gay and without children, so educated advice from levelheaded women who are marred with with children is also sensible to take when offered.
OMG! I didn't know she was gay!
Rainy: we all appreciate your opinion and you are more than welcome here, but please leave off the clinton advertisements. I can't stand her and do not want my blog used as a billboard for her ... I'm sure you understand....
I actually believe that ww ARE called golddiggers - but it's usually when they marry men who are much, much older. If the guy is otherwise desirable even without the wealth - like in the case of Tiger Woods or Chris Benson, no one uses that word. But when it's a case of Anna Nicole or James Woods, the girls DO get the golddigger label.
I can't quite get my head around the fact that Strahan signed a prenup giving up half his net worth. The reason men get their wives to sign pre-nups is to AVOID having to give up half! The pre-nup is supposed to give them a nice chunk of change on which they can live happily. One wonders who Strahan's attorney was really working for. It reminds me of the early days in the music industry where the record company owner would send the talent to an attorney who was in the pocket of the owner, who would then proceed to have the talent locked down into an agreement where every record they sold put them further into debt! Strahan didn't have to pay a lawyer to draft a contract that would give his wife half his earnings. In fact, he would likely have been better off under the normal laws for the division of property in a divorce than he was under that pre-nup!
And what a perversion of normal values where a BW is called a golddigger just for having normal standards - ridiculous!
Goldigger=going after a man, any man, so long as he has alot of money, with the sole purpose of benefiting from his wealth and connections.
Personally, I think Jean Strahan qualifies.
Suze Orman- Yes she is gay and had a conversation about it on Larry King. She was complaining about the fact that she and her partner could not get married, therefore, if she died her partner would not have the same rights as a husband would have for the wife. The only person she told that she would not discuss being gay with is Wendy Williams. LOL!
Rainy, thank you for the advice.
I suggested Suzy Ormond because she is a financial expert and she has had her ups and downs just like any female. Ms. Ormond seems to have a real genuine concern for women's financial health. Think about it a financial expert who is gay; of course, she will give females sounds advice.
Enjoy your day ladies.
Ann F.
I agree phantom. I certainly would not want children by this man, I would be afraid they would be as intellectually challenged as he appears to be....
I do not feel bad for him at all.How big of an idiot do you have to be to sign something like that in the first place? Switching off-topic for a second, but have you guys seen that new Old Navy commercial with the BW and the WM. It's my new favorite commercial! Check it out here: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/info.do?cid=39628
Yes, I have seen that commercial and it is very nice.
Ann F.
Jean Strahan got over half his shit and we're sitting here discussing whether or not she's a golddigger?!?! Hell, how about we get that betch to teach us her secret??? I too would like to walk away from a man several million times richer than my entire family's collective net worth.
Ya'll can think I'm crazy, but I want to know what kind of coochie coo secrets that chic put on his ass to get him to so totally lose his mind for her facially challenged ass.
Seriously though, I am all for getting what your time was worth, but taking a dumb ass man for over half of his net worth is golddigger status.
Real talk.
sara! why would you post that comment about the woman saying her vagina hurts her? don't you have any pride? I thought this blog was about something.
I will tell you why anon. because I had no idea what that meant but I thought maybe it was new kind of saying! I still don't really get the meaning of that because it wasn't like there were any hot guys in the picture or anything....I just thought it was some kind of new saying...
Dear Annoymous...do not fool yourself into thinking just because a guy is good looking a golddigger will not marry him. And, tiger is not all that good looking and I tried to research Chris Benson and only a wm came up. I am assuming chris is in the entertainment business. Continue to enjoy your evening ladies.
Ann F.
Girl, that is so true. My mother never talked to me about when and how to get a husband. I always thought it would naturally happen. But I watched how Melinda Gates made Bill Gates fall in love with her, and see the simularity between my manager, who is a WW, and how she made our the VP of the division fall for her. She is average but worked it. Some of us, can only get the mail room guys attention.
The white female managers at my job all have husbands. The black female managers at my job all have children but not all are married. It never occured to me that I have to develop a marketing plan to get the man I want for my husband:-). Hmmm. Interesting
Anonymous, I have to agree with some to the things you said. You have made a lot of sense. We black women have to change our mindset and value ourselves. We give everything and gain nothing. One of the things are a very grateful to my mother and grandmother, they were women who spoke the truth and had a good incite. We have to start teaching our daughters from an early age about men, how they think, it is good for us to get an education, but we have to marry worthy men. We are too willing to offer up ourselves and when we do we get the children, they leave us for someone else. We get mad. I have been married for seven years, I have one daughter and I too had abortion, because I realised that my ex wanted to trap me financial. I remember my mother's word. 'it is easier to be with one, than with two'. Other women I know have two or more children with different fathers and they complain the men are not good. Each of us makes a choice. White women have a faith in themselves that they will get the best, they deserve the best and that is what they get and when you have a strong fatith, whether you believe in God or not, it will work for you, because of the energy you put out. We do not expect the best, so we do not get the best. We complain the men are loosers, because we are loosers ourselves. I also think that some of the black churchs, our parents and our community has helped to shape our mindset. My daughter has been called a gold digger, because she said that if she was educated, she would want her husband to be educated, it stands to reason. I realised that the black girls criticised her and they have 'a give all mentality', however the other non-black girls understood and agreed with what she was saying. We really need to teach our daughters to be ladies and our men to be gentlemen, and if these men want to tell you that they love you and they are still living in their mother's house, or have other baby mothers, we must teach our daughters to say, thanks but no thanks, I deserve better.
Hi Anon, and welcome. Your dad sounds amazing. and you are right We'd be so much better off if we had more like him, who knew HOW to be men but it's all different now, and black women must move on if they are to save themselves and their children....
To anonymous...I sure hope you
told your Dad and Mom how much you love them. And, you have taught your daughter well because your Dad showed you how a MAN should treat his family. The blk. guy I rent from is also good to his daughter in the same way as your Dad is to you and he is also good as a landlord. He reduced my rent so that the rent was more aligned with my earnings(no other reason-I do not play those games.)
Ann F.
...disclaimer:these are my own opinions. With that said, here's my commentary:
Mike...Mike...*points at you and laughs*
I do not see this woman as a gold digger. You beat/abuse me, I will be laughing with your cash to my bank.
There was a previous anonymous comment that said that BW don't exercise, burn our hairs out with perms and weaves...please, that is hardly a reason why BM and some WM don't like us. I have seen some thick BW get nice men and what comes thru is their Mo'nique level confidence. Also, some women can exercise all they want and they will not be rail thin or white girl thin. Some black people, like myself, are pre-disposed to pack on muscle. We work out, yes fat gets burned by muscle builds rather quickly.
And hair...let's just leave that alone. It's a touchy subject for a wide variety of reasons.
I think we as black women need to stop waiting for black men to get it. Lamenting on blogs isn't going to get BM to come to their senses. A million black woman march celebrating our strengths and accomplishments might be needed. Black women in the media, in the world, in their community and churches are being beat down.
Some of us are out own worse enemy. Our sisters are having droves of kids out of wedlock (one must ask why as there are many types of BC on the market). Our sisters are being beaten and killed by black men (what preventative measure could have been in place). Health problems plague black women in disproportionate level (again one must ask why given the living conditions of the US).
We need to have our needs met too. That means finding a suitable mate. 'Suitable' is broadly defined. It's disturbing that BM will come out in droves to attack BW who want to have IR's. It's also disturbing that some BW are saying that BM are no good. There are good BM out there but because they are so few, I don't think it's fair that I should have to wait in line to get him.
No black woman should have any qualms dating outside of her race. Within your breedable lifetime, the black race will not die out (America is racist, remember?). Given the population of black men, the black race certainly will not die out. Black men seem to be populating the race with many willing (duped) women quite well.
I really don't know how to help BW as a whole because our problems are so complex. Across the generations , our young women are selling their bodies like so much chattel for the media to portray. The 30 to 40 something crowd have been achieving all their life that it's hard to let that type of control go. The 50 and up are seeing the affects of unhealthy eating devastate their health, being wronged in God's house and burying their children.
I'm all for personal responsibility. These wealthy black men want to have their white women, let them! Enjoy in good health! I do not hold these type of men to regular black men. It's like comparing apples to oranges. The average black man who is educated and works a middle class job does marry a black woman. But that average middle class BM is becoming a rare find and he knows it. So he becomes selective.
I've read that black men want a woman who is schizophrenic. Let he be independent so he doesn't have to support her but let her be submissive enough to let him feel like 'a man'. I wish some of these BM IR bashers would pour their energies into making their brothers better men.
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Sara...you really should review these commenters postings.
Ann F.
Ann what I normally do is put them though and then read them the moment I have a chance but yes, I will have to do it earlier, as this blog gets more popular, I notice more crazies slipping in -thanks for the heads up....
I must say this is an interesting blog and topic.
Malacyne said...
"I do not see this woman as a gold digger. You beat/abuse me, I will be laughing with your cash to my bank."
Even black men seem to be conditioned to find excuses for white women. Well I think the point is, she didn't expect to get abused why she got in the relationship in the first place. However it would be obvious early on she expected to get the cash. Who knows, many of these women predict it, but they see it as occupational hazard. They know the system would work for them anyway.
I'm tired of hearing the... black women look for "gold", but white women look for "security" ideology.
La~miviswan wrote: I'm tired of hearing the... black women look for "gold", but white women look for "security" ideology.
Girl, I totally agree. When I read your comment it made me think of Heather Mills and Paul McCartney. His other kids hated her from the beginning and could see straight through her. Heather Mills was painted as the soon to be eval stepmother/the woman only marrying him for his coins, etc. My god, this woman posed nude for money in some hustler like magazine and struggled through life but used her looks to move forward. But still the media never called her "gold digger".
She seem to use her prowess to close the deal. She never had sex with him without a condom before the marriage, but once they got married they never had sex with a condom, and they concieved quickly. Five years later she filed for divorce. Although she was granted the $25M she tried to get $100M. Now, obviously she married him for the money; Paul McCartney is worth $1.5B. Come on 5 years of married and $25M what do you think? Some people won't see $25M in a lifetime and she got for 5 years of marriage. But not once have I read that the media is calling her "gold digger". Conversly, Kim Porter (Puffy's babies mama) is repeatedly called a gold digger. Again, it goes back to getting the man. Kim has all illigitimate kids, while Heather married and ligitimized her daughter. I really think that we as black women allow men to use us up. We give everything in hopes of getting something in return. But end the end we get taken. These white women seem to protect themselves and benifit. While black women end up with the kids and struggling. We create our own destiny. IF we don't respect ourselves and value ourselves no one else will. It dosn't matter what color the man may be.
That brings me too another question, if a RICH, ugly shivaled up white man, 30 years older than you wanted to date you, would you date him? IF so, would you marry him even if you were not attracted to him at all? Would you take a deep breath and endure him for the comforts of being taken care of, and living a wealthy lifestyle?
Let me give you my answer, ABSOLUTELY NOT. I can make my own money. I already am not attracted to me with fat stomachs, god if he were ugly too, I couldn't endure it. I wouldn't.
What's your opinion?
la msviswan, I agree. Some females do understand the system and will put up with the crap until they finally get tired. Then it's showtime at the courthouse. Sometimes we females believe that we can change a man. Ladies, we are not God. People will change when they are ready to change.
Happy Easter to Everyone.
Ann F.
Is Strahan's wife the one who aborted all of her pregnancies because she didn't want a black baby or am I thinking of the white wife of another bm athlete?
Anyway, the point of a prenup is to protect the person with assets so Strahan obviously wasn't clear on the concept and I don't feel sorry for him.
I applaud so-called gold diggers for taking care of themselves and not allowing men to walk all over them and use them up. It's a mistake to call Kim Porter a gold digger because she has done nothing to protect herself in bed or out and Diddy just plays her repeatedly like a yo-yo.
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