White men are Saviors... and other lies.....

I was checking out some other blogs today, when I came across a site asking if white men were saviors. Basically the author was telling all kinds of lies saying that we on IR sites believe (without bothering to ask us directly) that white men are saviors. First of all, I have never said that white men were saviors nor have I ever heard any other IR blogger say that. We are merely trying to give beautiful black women more options and enable them to expand their horizons! If you are fishing in a pond, your chances of catching a great big delicious fish will be drastically cut because it is only a pond. That being said, if you move to an ocean the possibilities are endless because there are much bigger and better fish, as well as it is a far more productive site. Let me state for the record (as if I have not said many times.) Damaged men can be any color! So anyone who wants to lie and say I believe only black men can be damaged, here is proof that, that is not what I am saying. Another lie I saw on this site said that I said that I was glad that black men were dating non-black women so that they could be mistreated. That is a bold-faced lie! I have maintained that I don't want to see any woman mistreated by anybody! I have also stated that I have a mixed family (including ww ) and love them all dearly. Let me state for the record for those who would lie or are incapable of reading that which they don't care to hear. I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANY WOMAN MISTREATED! AND I DO NOT THINK THAT WHITE MEN ARE SAVIORS! There are assholes and fools in every race, and ladies you will have to exercises caution regardless of his color. That in my mind no way excuses damaged BM from mistreating, using, belittling and hurting their own women. But as RB pointed out to me. Sara make sure you tell sistas not to let their guard down just because he is not black either, and I agreed. The lies on this particular site were flying fast and furious. Whatever they did not know about certain IR bloggers they simply made up. With the host endorsing and creating most of the stories herself. Well, like my deceased grandmother used to say, give someone a mirror and they will reveal them self. She talked about all the IR bloggers like a dog, and then had the nerve to say, that we were white man mammies! Some people really need to grow the hell up! especially when they're over 30 years old! The last big lie She told was that we were upset that the raping Wilson boy got a free scholarship to morehouse, and that he was only having sex with his young girl friend, and should never have been charged. When the truth is he and his damaged friends were running trains on 2 unconscious girls and he is on tape inserting his himself into the mouth of an unconscious girl! When someone reminded her of this, she replied, well, this kind of thing happens all the time-you'd be surprised what these kids do, I know girls who have had sex with 3 guys at once. What the hell does that have to do with having sex with 2 girls who cannot give consent because they are drunk and unconscious? This is the exact sentiment I am fighting with this blog! That black women/girls do not matter! That it does not matter if we are raped, maimed, injured, devastated or killed! For a black woman to make such a ridiculous remark such as "this kind of thing happens all the time!" to me is unbelievable! She has never interviewed me or Halima or Evia or any other IR blogger that I know of, she simply went to her blog and spouted a bunch of lies! So let me set the record straight on my end because most of what she said consisted of many half truths and prevarications. I do not think white men are saviors! I do not want to see any woman mistreated! and I was not angry (and I had already explained this to her before she spread this lie) then G. Wilson had sex with a young GF. I was angry because he and his thug friends ran trains on unconscious girls and then he was labeled a hero and given a scholarship! I am not one to allow people to make up what they don't understand about me-so be prepared to back the lies up with proof!
Sara I read those lies too, I know exactly who you're talking about. She is always lying on people-she's a shit starter, and everybody knows it....
you can't let them stop you, black women need the message that you are putting out there. There will always be people who want to start mess, just keep doing your thing girl....
The best way to counteract the straw man arguments is to continuously display the proof which dispel them...And by example...We have to get 'fed up' enough not to be deterred by contrarian POV's...
"Black Women Deserve Better"
I saw that blog post a while ago. I couldn't read the whole thing because it was just filled with inaccuracies. After a while, the posters started feeding off of each other's negativity. I feel they have personal resentment against some black female bloggers that they were carrying for quite some time. This post was an excuse to unleash that resentment.
Sara you are on fire lately, just unstoppable and fierce. Bless you!
thank you girl, she just pissed me off lying like that. and then had the nerve to say we were jealous of her! She's the one spreading lies and filth but we're supposed to be jealous! (what a crock!)
Wow lies abound :)
Who is the shit starter? Seriously? There are so many inaccuracies in these comments and the post it isn't even funny. Lies, lies, and more lies.
Is this supposed to be building up black women?
oops I am sure the post I just made won't be posted. But again. This is about the empowerment of black women isn't it? :)
I will leave you guys alone to be mad about a post that was over and done with a month ago.
Note: I never said anyone was jealous of me. I don't have to do that, my goal in life isn't to spread lies and have people running around scared. Not how I work.
Thats exactly how the hell you work, I just read you blog full of lies! down the line in one post you said. They are jealous of me and thats why they're talking about me. when I had never let your damn name come out of my mouth and damn well know it! Don't think for one damn minute you're gonna spread lies about me and I ain't gonna respond babe, you got the wrong one!!!
Sara, just ignore her. that's what halima does. She is not worth getting upset over. She's always one to start mess and then play the victim and everyone knows it...
I would not give her the time of day. I read the post and I knew she was lying I think everyone who knows you knows you have black women's best interest at heart which is more than anyone can say for her. All she does is talk about people and then get upset if someone calls her on it.
She just embarrassed herself by coming on here. She absolutely lied on her blog with that posting. Her comments on here made no sense. Just incoherent rantings. Her taking the time to post more than once on the same day you posted this entry shows she really cares more than she lets on. If she didn't she wouldn't waste her time coming on here.
Tell me about it! People emailed me and said she was saying stuff but I never saw anything myself so i did not respond, but when I checked her blog today and found all those lies, I was not about to let her ass get away with it! I could pretend that I'm as classy as Evia or Halima but the truth is I'm not. When someone attacks me-I strike back!!!
Sara you should think about privitizing your site, then liars like her could not come on here, see what we're talking about and twist your words for her benefit. Think about it, That might be a good idea for you.
Sara remind me not to piss you off girl! when you get mad you really get mad don't you? Seriously though she's not worth all this stress, She tried to start mess with halima who sent her packing back to her blog to try some shit with somebody else. Guess she finally ran into the wrong person. Usually she gets away with the lies and distortions she speads...
Gurllll! if you go private, please give me access this is my favorite blog! Don't worry about Ms shit starter-we all know she's full of it. Her and her stupid band of mammies. if they don't get the hell outta here!
Its a actually a whole click of them. Her, Grata, Yan. This crap never stops does it? Blog hopping from one to the other...
Sara please don't privitize! that's why Evia went private because of mammysid and her bunch of followers and now I can't afford to read her blog anymore. Now your blog is getting better and better and you're thinking of privitizing-please don't
Ewwww...I just went back to read the blog Sara wrote on Genarlow Wilson and I noticed that the first comment was by Siddity -- and she pretty much felt that the rapist had been railroaded!! This leaves a bad taste in my mouth, she was even lying about the races of the girls who were raped -- saying that one was White...then I suppose she actually read more about it and commented before she was called on it.
I am starting to see a pattern! Sorry that the mud and lies were thrown on you Sara, but you straight up address stuff...;)! I don't understand why folks will read a blog, comment, etc., if they don't agree with the premise of what the blog is about!
Looking back at Siddity's defense of the rapists, she sounds like a nut case...and this latest stuff confirms it. Sara, continue on blogging and making BW think.
and you will notice even when she was saying crazy stuff about how a rapist should not have been punished, I was polite and kind to her! I disagreed but I never mistreated her or said anything nasty about her. Then to have her cowardly ass run back to the mammyshpere and talk about me and fellow bloggers like a dog! She straight up got the wrong one!!
Everybody knows Siddity, yan and grata are the biggest shit starters on the net ask browncutie. Girl, we don't have time to be bothered with them and they ain't worth it no way. Lets just keep our focus and forget the mammies that wannna stop us. Keep doin what you doin girl- your blog is the bomb!
Wish I could share your optimism, but I can't, because the truth is that those kind of folks NEVER go away, and even if they do, there are others more than willing to take their place. It pretty much goes with the IR territory it seems. As others have pointed out, this was one of the compelling reasons why Evia took her blog private; the trolls just would not allow things to stay focused.
Sara, you've got the teneacity to deal with the trolls, so I would join everyone who asked you to keep it public. While I fully understand why Evia felt she needed to take her blog private, and have no problem with that approach-I'm even a member-I do feel that her departure left a bit of a void, a void that I'm happy to say that you have filled quite nicely. I think that it is important that as many bw as possible continue to hear the "message" that their options are limitless, and that they are both worthy of being loved and desired by an "ocean" of non-bm. They need to be constantly reminded that their are a host of us out here who love their brown eyes and vaired skin shades and would be more than happy to spend the rest of our lives caring for them and just trying to "spoil" them rotten-lol-if they'll open themselves up to that possibility.
So in the words of Winston Churchill,"Never, never, never give up!".
thanks grant. I never will, and no I am not going private. The mammy clique will never drive me away...
Even though I have not read this particular bloggers statements and I can only imagine who it is. I have to agree with all of you and I too never once heard you or Evia state that WM are our saviors, that's stupid to even think, because bad men come in so many forms. Keep up what you are doing I have great respect for you and Evia and I mention your blogs to my surrounding associates and friends and will continue too.
There is another Ava on this blog. Hi Ava!
Sara, thanks for deciding not to go private. You blog is getting better and better. I choose not comment on the other crew because you are all black women trying to serve the same purpose going about it in different ways.
FWIW I hope you do not go private. It would be like they won and then they would have free reign to spread that nonesense. I am a blog surfer and enjoy the discourse and exchange of ideas. At one point I thought maybe given the tag line of the blog that some of the comments were meant to spark discussions - but sadly that is not the case. It is clear the purpose of that blog is to cause strife - but working from a position of fear and anger will do that.
Sara this blog has a great perspective and thought provoking posts. Not everyone agrees but no one is disagreeable that is the beauty of intelligent discussion - thank you for your efforts and hard work. It is appreciated. Rock On!
Sara, I found your blog, I love it. Don't go private. If you do, I so wanna be on your list. Don't let the haters get you down!
sara I'm so sorry, I had actually started to believe the lies they were saying about you... I feel really bad for that.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anon. don't worry about it. Alot of people did not know what to beleive. I'm not blaming anyone but them for their lies....
This is my favorite blog. Please don't go private! The haters are just jealous because you are getting so popular, girl you're fierce!
Sara T. are you going to go private? I heard that rumor, please don't do it. You're like the new Evia and we don't want to lose you. stay, nobody beleives anything those evil women say anyway. trust me..
what is this highschool? you should squash this mess and let it go. You all are grown women acting like children....
You would have alot more credibility with me Anon. if you had said the same thing to them. Funny when I was on her site reading the comments, there was no Anon. comment to her/them telling them to stop lying on us, but now you want to come and tell us to squash it when we're only defending ourselves against the constant lies that have been circulated. When you tell them to stop spreading malicious lies, then we can talk, otherwise-stay out of it...
Girl, I luv your blog! do what you gotta do to get away from the haters but just give me a pass to get in
This blog is da bomb! we got cha back sista-don't let the haters run you off, you the best in the biz!
I've been following a lot of these blogs since I came upon Evia's. Suffice to say I was shocked at the lack of confidence (it seemed) so many black American women have and along with Evia (and many others), my comments were always encouraging and positive.
I truly like to come here, Evia's, Halima's, Sid's, Yan's, Grata, Black Women vote, what about our daughters amongst others (even if I don't comment much) and I tend to ignore the back and forths of sometimes harsh language, re people's point of views. What I sincerely find unmannerly and unforgivable is when, on such blogs, we allow our fellow sisters to be called *bitches*. I can't condone this Sara and would respectfully ask that the said culprit apologises and rephrases his comment.
I can certainly understand your feelings, and I normally would never allow such talk either, but decided not to intervene when I went to Another person's blog and found me, Evia, halima and others being called bitches without a peep from the blog owner! In fact I found her laughingly agreeing! so once again, unless you are prepared to say the same thing to them, don't say it to us!
Sara please continue blogging! I enjoy yours. :o) {{{{Sara}}}}
I kind of had a feeling about those posters mentioned that is why I never commented on those blogs that featured them alot. They have strange "porno" thinking. I am disappointed in a particular blogger that allows it but that is their blog. They have SICK minds!
I read Siddity,C1,Evia and Sara's blog and I enjoy all of them . Why can't they all exist without the negativity.
Anon, that is a very good question. there is enough room in the blogspere for every one and nobody even has to agree with any particular blogger's style-or visit their blog period, but we have had to deal with an ongoing diluge of lies, misrepresentations, and slanderous comments from certain people for far too long! We all tried keeping our mouths closed thinking it would stop but it just kept growing and we were forced to address it. Let me make it clear that we have nothing against said people and have done absolutely nothing to harm them, All of us and not even clear on why we have been constantly attacked by them! They just seem to be hell bent on starting trouble, and bringing negativity! Why, you would have to ask them. But as for your suggestion to all exist peacefully, that is exactly what we want!
The behaviors and the comments of those other bloggers and their commenter followers remind me so much of DBR BM! They want to maintain the status quo for other BW, but carve out a "special" place for themselves where they can exist outside of those confines (and date IR). I see nothing in their blogs or comments that show that they wish to educate, inform or uplift, or are even qualifed intellectually to do so. My time is limited, so I prefer to frequent bloggers and commenters who add to the discourse concerning the uplift of BW and concerning IR, therefore I no longer read those blogs or the comments of certain people.
Well when I read Siditty blog I thought to myself why is she taking it to such a low level. Some people like negative attention because it's still attention. From reading Evia, Halima and Sara blog I never felt like they preached the white man is a savior gospel. What I got out of it was step out of the box and explore your options, which I did and I am extremly happy. So thank you all(Evia,Halima and Sara) for encouraging women of color to put yourself first and seek the treatment you deserve.
Sandra77, you touched on something I have also noticed in regards to some black women bloggers, especially those that are in IR marriages. I find it weird how they (one blogger in particular) will go on and on how wm do not find bw attractive and/or lack the guts to pursue bw and forecast a bleak future of bw/wm unions, yet their ass is in an IR marriage. I really don't have much of an answer to this type of behavior and discouragement coming from some bw who are IR involved. Selfishness must be the root of it all.
To the anon above you're the only idiot. Certainly not Sara. It's not her fault if you and your ilk have a hard time with reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Sara you're on fire! Keep the trail blazing! :)
If these women are getting the false impression that you think white men are saviours, it's because that's what it looks like.
If these women (and you yourself) are getting the false impression that we think white men are saviors they (and you) can stop reading this blog and you can save yourself a lot of apparent stress.
You act like black women's problems will all be solved if they just stop dating black men,
Black women's problems WILL be solved if they just stop dating DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR black men and DBR men PERIOD.
and like white women alone are responsible for racism.
White women alone aren't responsible for all racism BUT they DO most certainly benefit from it and practice it to the same extent as racist white men do. Deal with the facts hun/sir.
Newsflash: most white supremacists are men! Do I think black women should broaden their dating options? Yes!
Newsflash FOR YOU. There are PLENTY of white supremacists women. And a certain percentage of them date/marry DBR BM. Which makes sense because birds of a feather...
But praise your HUSBAND if he was the answer for YOU. Don't go around praising white men and exempting them from all criticism, because then you just look like a white man worshipping idiot.
You anon don't have the right to tell ANYONE who to praise. We at this blog will continue to praise ANY men we damn well choose to.
And YOU hun/sir are the one looking like an idiot.
Again, if this blog disturbs you so STOP READING IT.
Don't feel bad...Most BW IR blogs which allow unmoderated comments are getting flooded with bashers/trolls as of late...Must be something in the air...I'm going to let them keep talking for awhile...Give enough rope to hang themselves with ; )
Sandra77 and anon, that was a very interesting observation. This particular blogger brags about her IR marriage but does not seem to want other women to have that same happiness at all. She often speaks depressingly of IR relationships/marriage while enjoying the fruits of such a marriage herself! It's almost like she wants to keep other bw from having the same thing she brags about!
Anon said...
If these women are getting the false impression that you think white men are saviours, it's because that's what it looks like.
I disagree. Who ever says that, it is because THEY are the ones who think it! But will put their own thinking on to someone else.
The psychological term is PROJECTION.
They may also be reading into something, that is simply NOT THERE, totally missing the point. And instead of asking questions and for clarification, they slander on it.
Sara, you are right about the other blogger. She seem to say, "I don't want too many black woman being happy like me'. I got the same attitude from after I read her blog once and never read it again.
You go Sara! And I'm glad that you're keeping your blog public. I've read every one of your posts, and I'm always checking for a new one. I always read the comments even though I rarely add something. I read what Evia puts on the public part of her site, and it's a shame that I can't afford to join. Yet! lol. Stay strong girl.
Hi. I read a lot of the Black female interracial blogs and find them quite interesting. I have dated mostly white guys in my life, but currently, I am not in a relationship. I look forward to getting back into a relationship and would prefer a white european man. I also found out that one of the bloggers just started a dating site that brings single black women and white men together online. I just joined it a few days ago and glad that it is free. Anyway, since I am a newcomer, I dont like to make negative remarks about other bloggers, but I did notice that the one blogger named siddity has a profile on the white men black women dating site. I sometimes think that she is not really married to a white man or any man because why would someone who is supposed to be in a good marriage, sign up for a dating service? I know I would not do such a thing if I was already happily married to a white man or a man of any other color. I would want to save all of my affection and attention for my spouse and I would never even look at any dating sites. Sounds very strange to me.
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