Love Lesson D- How to get him eating out of your little hand....

Can you make him feel like he's this hot??????????
Why do some women have men eating out of their little hand when other women cannot seem to get close to a good man at all? There are many secrets, but we're going to explore just a few here now- more coming soon.....
Lets get started, I think you all know how important it is to be in shape by now, and to be clean and to approachable, so we won't rehash that. What I want to tell you is a little secret that all women who are really successful with men know. YOU MUST LEARN TO MAKE HIM FEEL ABOUT HIMSELF-THE WAY HE LONGS TO FEEL!!!
What does this mean? it means: Everybody has a real self image and a feigned one. The feigned one is the one we really want. The real one is the one we think is most accurate. This applies to all people. You may have heard someone say: He thinks he so smart! or she thinks she's so cute! The truth is what we think is projected so hard that people can literally almost read our minds!! Of course women say this (she thinks she so cute!) about females all the time, usually from anger. However, when people constantly say it, you can bet the girl really does think she's so cute! There is a saying that goes: What you are is screaming so loud, I cannot hear what you're saying! It's really true. There was a famous artist who used to sit next to strangers after studying them a few minutes, and draw exaggerated cartoons of them. (for instance, he might draw a cartoon of an overly sexual woman which conveyed deep insecurity about her sexuality) The people he drew always invariably claimed, "that's nice, but it's really not me" People with them always exclaimed "oh yes it is!" The point is we all have sides that we are trying to hide, and sides that we want to show off. One of the easiest ways to pull a man into your lair is to bring out the side of him that he desperately wants to connect to, but does not dare for fear of what the world will say. This is the main reason many overachieving, controlling males will go to a dominatrix. They want to take off the hat of having to be the perfect leader and having to make all the decisions, and worrying constantly about never being let off that pedestal. I know what you are thinking. Doesn't every man want to be on a pedestal? The truth is yes and no. Yes, he will enjoy it for a (short) time. However, nobody wants to wear the superman cape everyday! It's just to emotionally draining! Men are no different. I will tell you a little secret. Ladies if you are kowtowing and pretending your man is perfect to get him down the isle, forget it!-you will NEVER get down that isle! The truth is he cannot marry you! He knows you are holding him up as perfect-and he knows he cannot maintain the facade! He is not perfect! He is human, and he wants someone who KNOWS he's flawed and loves him anyway! Yet he also wants someone who makes him feel like he can conquer the world. (Men are conquerors, you know) He wants to fight for you, and steal you away from all the men he suspects want you. (hint: if nobody wants you, NEVER let him know that-If nobody else wants you, honey- neither does he!) Then he wants to be your hero (your flawed, but lovable hero) The truth is the women who are the most successful with men almost cast a spell on them that can last a lifetime (no, its not a real spell) But she makes him think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread and not in a fake fawning way that he can see right through. For instance, my cousin's husband constantly complained that she had no time for him and always acted like he did not exist. I sat in her kitchen and watched him come home one day. He made a beeline for her to hug her. (He's a feelings man) She immediately pulled back and made a face. She gave him a peck kiss that did not connect and turned back to me. I started to try to explain to her that she had just rebuffed him and he looked upset. She blew that away and resumed talking about the show we were watching. A moment later, her 4 year old came in and said "Mommy, see my picture of the dragon I beat up! (Remember even as babies, men are conquerors!) She immediately stopped what she was doing and knelt down to his level. She looked at the picture and exclaimed about how talented he was and how proud she was of him. Then she gave him a big hug and kiss and squeezed him tight. He ran off happily to brag to his brother about how much she liked his picture. I turned to her and said "Louise, maybe you could do the same for your husband? " See, he wants to be praised for the dragons he slays too. work, bills, children, taxes etc. are just a few of the things men have to deal with everyday, (dragons ) and a little appreciation goes a long way. She treated her husband like he was not WORTH getting excited over. Yet had gone on and on over her 4 year old. Men are just big boys at heart ladies and his ego ALWAYS needs to be stroked! I did not say flattery, I said ego stroking. There is a big difference, mainly that flattery is fake. I will give y'all one more example. Suppose you have a short man in your life. He is very sensitive about his height and you know he wishes he were taller. A flattering woman might say. You look so tall and handsome! Immediately he dismisses what she says because how can he believe she finds him handsome, when she just lied about him being tall? A much smarter woman will bring up his height because she knows if she doesn't it becomes the pink elephant in the room. She might say something like this, Jay, I suppose SOME women might like a taller man, but I find this height to be perfect for me! or sexy or whatever. Now he can breath because he knows his height is not turning her off-it's actually an asset with this particular woman! Take another case; Say this man has secretly always wanted to be thought of as sexy, but he's insecure about his bald head. Say his new GF tells him "Wow, you look great bald! *runs her hands over his head* "you remind me of Michael Jordan! Now his bald head is no longer something for him to be ashamed of. Instead now he begins to feel stronger, taller, more appealing. The point is ladies, you must talk to your man (Men always reveal themselves-if you listen close) He will tell you by what he says and more important what he does not say about how he wants to feel about himself and the image he desperately wants to fulfill, When you bring out the side of him, he is longing to meet, it will be very hard for him not to fall in love.....Another LL (love lesson) coming soon-thanks for tuning in.......
OMG! I tried to blog about it, long ago. didn't come out quite like yours lol. Mine was more directed at mammies trying to change.
feel free to read it -those who want.
Hmmm, some of spoil men too much now. or Maybe it's the wrong me who are being spoil?
SPOT ON. Especially this part: He wants to fight for you, and steal you away from all the men he suspects want you. (hint: if nobody wants you, NEVER let him know that-If nobody else wants you, honey- neither does he!)
Now THIS is a good topic!
I like........
Very thought provoking on a Friday. Hopefully you will elaborate on the following:
The point is ladies, you must talk to your man -
"He will tell you by what he does not say about how he wants to feel about himself and the image he desperately wants to fulfill."
This is so true - sometimes it is more important and harder to do - to pay attention to what is not said and often when it comes to men women miss that.
Thank you for an excellent read!
Whew!!!! I'm loving the view. Yum Yum:)
That guy is a cutie!!
That is very true and unfortunately I am guilty of projecting the wrong image. I hang out with a girl who gets all the guys while I sit alone.
Thank you for writing this.
I once asked friends who were WW - hey did your man fight for you, woo you before you married him.
All of them after being stumped with my question replied in some form or fashion - YES!!
I thought - then that is what I want.
So in reading your blog - yesterday and then again today (after inhaling a lot with looking at the pictures) I have sealed it in my mind.
Now - where to go?
Admittedly I do not get out much - but had made it up in my mind as a change for this year to get out more. (I live in the Dallas Metroplex, but not IN Dallas)
That is temporarily suspended due to fracturing a bone in of all places (my foot).
If you can blog on where to go - I'd appreciate it.
I smile, and many guys speak in Walmart (grocery shopping) but I want more. Websites are nice, but I don't seem to get the responses.
Keep doing it up, Girl!!
The general idea of this article is very true... make your man feel like a King and he won't be able to live without you. He will realize that it's possible that no other woman will ever be able to love him in the same way and won't ever want to risk losing you... he will depend on you for his self-esteem. Make him feel like the best man in the world and he will know that he is #1, in at least one person's eyes, and will always cherish you for it.
shiryl, welcome to the promised land lol glad to see you claiming what is rightfully yours
Ladies, be mindful that the kind things you are doing for your husband, finance, or boyfriend is being recipocated. Sometimes, some of us women go over board with "doing" and we receive so little in return. Continue to enjoy your day ladies.
I was a little disappointed that this entry didn't get as many comments as the others. There's definitely value in your love lessons, as some of us don't know what to do with that quality man once we've chosen him! So thank you for this entry and the other ones you've done along the same theme.
I will comment on the title, "Can you make him feel like he's this hot?" I believe the question should be, "Can he make me feel hot or happy? Hmmm, making a man feel hot...oh, the pressure.
Ann F.
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