Many WW don't think black women deserve any man-esp. a successful one...

I heard recently about Tameka getting upset over all of the WW who would blatantly throw themselves at Usher even if she were there! It reminded me of my childhood all over the US but particularly in Hawaii.....
I remember back when I was a child. We were Marine Corps people who lived all over the US. In my 13th year, Daddy moved us all to Hawaii. We were so excited because we had never been to Hawaii and now we were going to live there! We happily settled in not knowing what to expect, and I remember that it was nothing like what we had expected. For one, I remember being shocked that so many Hawaiians had slanted eyes. In seems the orientals had come over years ago to pick the rice and sugar cane. One thing led to another and now many, many Hawaiians are mixed with Chinese, Japanese Korean etc. I was shocked also that there were so many races in Hawaii, and the Hawaiians seemed to resent this. many Hawaiians wanted the Islands to stay pristine, undeveloped and free of mainlanders (as they called us). But the thing that I remember the most is how many white women used to snatch up servicemen like my daddy. I remember seeing many black, Hawaiian, and Samoan women lose their men to white women! The men seemed to be a hot commodity, they came with benefits, Travel, discretionary income and retirement pay. the white women seemed drawn to the servicemen like bees to honey. I remember one incident in particular. Daddy was a fantastic cook, and there was little our neighbors enjoyed more than one of his many get-togethers, which included one of his many delicious meals. He was extremely gregarious and would make friends at the drop of a hat. He was also quite handsome, funny and loved to cook and entertain people. Women who ignored my mother like she was not good enough to share their air would suddenly become the most loving, adoring fawning people around my father. Since Daddy loved people in any color, we always had every race at our house. I remember at one of these get-togethers, one of the neighbors invited a young white couple who had very little money and very little food. The wife was blown away by Daddy's food (this was extremely common) and his personality (this was equally as common). She laughed far to loud and long at every thing he said. I could see my mother becoming more and more uncomfortable, but I thought she was being silly and jealous because the wife was so young. -only 18 at the time. The wife would rush to fill Daddy's glass before he could even ask my mother, and gushed on about what a fabulous cook he was, and how handsome he looked. She refused to leave with her husband, and said she would catch a ride later. This did not seem to sit well with my mother, who clearly wanted her gone. When the person driving her home finally said they had to leave, she jumped up and hugged my father (a stranger to her) and kissed his cheek, looking adoringly into his eyes. I remember one of the neighbors jumping up to grab my mother, who was quietly reaching for a skillet. Luckily the girl finally realized she was in danger and made a hasty retreat. But after that, she, would show up uninvited even after my mother asked her to stop. She would make open displays toward my father, not caring that he had a wife and 4 children. Mommy also had a white Avon lady who made it a point to come only after daddy got home from work. She would mysteriously know when he was home and only then would she come smiling at him and ignoring mommy. Later, I remember a white woman breaking down in front of our home (not sure whether it was an accident). Daddy went out to help her and suddenly she started to show up at our house numerous times! My poor mother became increasingly agitated and short-tempered. I remember at the time being so young that I did not see the problem. I thought it was great all these women followed my father like he was some kind of celebrity. Only later after my mother told me she had gone to the home of one with a bat, did I start to understand. They were trying to take daddy away from us! This left me feeling scared and worried. All of these women were young and white. according to my friends, this made them very dangerous to a black woman and we should be prepared to lose daddy to one of these women! My sisters and I began to worry constantly, until daddy sat us down and let us know that he was not going anywhere. He said that he loved mommy and she was the only woman he would ever love and that he was not interested in these white women. We could rest easy again and life returned to normal for us, but unfortunately many of mommy's female friends (of various colors, but mostly black ) did end up losing their husbands to many white women and were forced to leave military life because they no longer had a husband. I can remember being in the PX numerous times and seeing white women cut their eyes at married black women if she happened to have a husband with her. They seemed to feel ALL the men belonged to them....
wow! I remember at my engagement ceremony ( kind of a get together and toast) A particular white lady would arch her back so much in front of my man -it reminded me of comic book poses! All this in attempt to tantalize my (then) future husband (WM).
LAMO @ that picture! Temeka looks like she's about to go off on that white girl :-D
Thats too crazy (and funny) to try to seduce a man at his engagement party!!! some people are too bold for words....
From Usher's body language (he's turned away from her & his hands are together-- NOT around her) clearly he's not interested. The white girl is all into it though. Temeka doesnt have anything to worry about, she has a good man :-)
Thank you so much for sharing sara.
bw need to complete the tapestery of their experinces and see the patterns therein, and your story has shed more light on this 'hidden' aspect of oppressiveness of ww and how ww coperate with their privileged status in both dispossessing and inflicting injury on the esteem and psyche of bw.
this will be the next battle arena of racism and oppression.
...thats if we can get bw to take the issue seriously.
IR Dating E-Book
The real shame is that it was mainly bw who were giving Temeka grief over her relationship with Usher. So many of them said the woman wasn’t good enough , pretty enough, and too old. Now 36 is too old, had Usher been 36 and taken a twenty-something year old mixed looking/ or white woman bride, not one of these trifling sistas would have said anything. SMH. I hate when we turn on ourselves and absorb the so called prescribed worthlessness our communities have placed on bw. So many of these women are just as colorstruck as bm. I really believe if his wife was lighter or if she had been Jennifer Lopez they would have found it more acceptable.
Some sistas were complaining about Obama. They were suspicious that a mixed black man took a regular looking non-lightskin bw for his wife. Michelle Obama is anything but regular. I can see why he chose her and he is lucky to have caught such a gem. What is wrong with us? We have to be strong and develop an unwavering amount of self-confidence in our own desirability because outsiders like certain ww will try to knock us down. Black women are a force like no other. Despite what we have been through and what we’re still going through, so many of us are excelling. If we could only translate this into our love lives and our relationships with men, we would be the ruling queens on this planet.
I am pleased Tameka is getting some respect from at least a few black women.
When Usher announced to the world that they were a couple and then went on to marry her, black people (women & men) were in an UPROAR about this attractive black woman marrying a younger celebrity because she was a)older b)going through a divorce and c)had children (this really riled the bc).
(Some say they had misgivings about her because she cheated on her husband. Few people outside of Tameka and her EX-husband knows the REAL details surrounding the demise of their marriage but black America was acting like they knew this woman personally. Also, her husband to my knowledge did not denigrate Tameka to the public.)
Some blacks also said she only wants to use Usher financially. If she does, will she be the first? He CHOSE her. I did not hear the same vitriol blasted at Usher when he cheated on Chili (of TLC). And where is the bc's outrage when ww use bm???
It was as if Tameka was undeserving of love with a man of Usher's caliber. The black community often brands black women who are not pedigreed. I'm glad for Tameka.
As for the white women wanting quality black men; not a surprise. Some non-black women just "KNOW" without out a doubt that black women are unworthy of real love.
I like this post!! So true of the white women down south. I have some who won't even speak to me because they are intimidated by the fact that I date white men and the hate me for the simple fact that they ACTUALLY WANT TO DATE ME!!...I love it! WW like that make me wanna step up my game even more! Girl keep up the great blogging girl!!!
Men don't "belong" to anyone. If a WW is attracted to a black man (who is SINGLE!) I feel there's no reason she shouldn't have him. Similarly, if I am attracted to a white man, there's no reason he can't be mine. Racial ownership is a myth.
But I feel that we are black women should have enough confidence to know that we can have (and keep!) the men we want! And not worry so much that someone will steal him away. That said, we don't have to be whores and go around trying to steal people's men like the women in the story.
I don't think it's necessarilly an issue of WW not thinking BW should be allowed to have men to love them. Especially in regard to Usher- he's a celebrity. I remember Heather Locklear lamenting about how women used to throw themselves at her then husband Richie Sambora infront of her too. Some women just have no respect for other people's relationship.
Sometimes the false Black Community can be our worst enemy...When Tameka and usher were engaged, there were articles coming out daily about her being too ugly and dark skinned...Of course this was from the ghetto media sources...
Back to the matter at hand...When more Black women begin treating themselvesas being worthy, a lot of this behavior will subside...We need to stop putting up with it...Sara, kudos to your mom for standing up for herself...
That's a good point Zabeth! Danny Bonaduci's (sp.) ex wife Gretchen said the same thing on Dr. Phil. She said that you would be amazed at the level of "skank" that exists in Hollywood! Same thing happened to her, and Danny cheated. Most athletes and rock stars contend with groupies everyday. That won't change and Black women do the same thing - it comes down to a character issue I think. The difference is that other women are not villified like BW are (for the same behaviors) and WW are also assumed to be victims in the cases of sex scandals with BM celebrities, BW are considered lying gold diggers!
I want to share yet another example. I worked with a physician, a very successful WW gyne/surgeon. She is married to another gyne/surg. But, she looovvees BM! Especially the thuggish type and the athletes. They even drive her car around, she buys them stuff, etc. Well, she made it a point to make comments about how she attended the all star game 2 years ago and that she hosted a party at her house and stuff and how BM love her and she said things that let me know that she was threatened by the BW who were at a restaurant after the all star game (she and her other 40-50 year old WW friends all love BM)! I had a lot of respect for her, but the fact that she was trying to smear this in my face was ridiculous! If only she knew, I don't even date BM!
Usher looks so uncomfortable in that picture.
I think it's part and parcel of being a celebrity. Over the years I've had occasion to meet quite a few professional athletes and ALL the women of ALL races act a fool over them.
I also think white women have a lot of juice for obvious reasons. Most of them that I've observed aren't particularly concerned about black women because they don't see us as competition at all.
Keep in mind that women are very competitive, and many of them will do anything to get a man. I have plenty of white women jocking for my man. But what I find most interesting is the black women, who, once they discover he has a black wife, are suddenly all over him.
I think this is more an issue of women in general being cutthroat, than it is about white women in particular.
you know roslynholcomb, that reminds me of reading about the becker guy who was married to a black woman a few years back, he knows his next wife will be black as well because when he goes out the black women push the white women out of the way and make a beeline for him. He said ww don't even seem to try anymore.... anyway thats a very interesting persepective on it
I totally agree with this post, I have had some of the same experiences myself, when I first started dating my childs father and we were in the store an ex-girlfriend of his spotted him in the store with me and made it her business to run over to us like a bull, not caring who she knocks over, it started with her yelling across the store John, John! and he was trying to ignore her feeling so embarassed lol! I guess he did not know what to expect from me, but anyway she came over and made it her business for me to see he was with her a WW, before he was with me. I stood there looking at her like she was an idot, he introduced her by only her name and she suddenly looked red in the face and turned to me to see what it was about me to make him diss her the way he did, of course when we got home I questioned the whole situation, because I've never seen a woman act like this and when I found out it was his ex that he hasn't seen in a year I busted out laughing and he thought the same that she made herself look like an idiot.
Another incident just happened a week ago, when I was at my sons nightcare that I take him to when I have class and I was having a car issue, there were 4 good looking WM that pulled up and stopped to help and as soon as the lady at the front desk saw that they were all good looking WM, she made it her business to storm out leaving the kids unattended to act as if she wanted to help, it was so funny because they paid her no attention, now mind you I was outside for a good 10 minutes and she did not even think about helping then. The next time I took my son to the same place she questioned the hell out of me and I told her me and the guy exchanged numbers, she got so red in the face lol.. But, a couple of times going out with this particular guy I realized he was seperated from his WW wife and it seemed as if he wanted to just experiment, since I'm no ones lab rat I gave him the boot, which is such a shame, because man he was such a fine blue eyed, blond haired, nicely built man. I definitely wouldn't have mined getting a piece of him.
A third incident I want to share out of the so many, was when I was in the grocery store a couple of weeks ago and my son saw a friend of his that is in his 1st grade class and the little boy is also a bi-racial child, he was yelling my son's name, while running up to him and I was in between the aisle of the store so I couldn't see until he came up to my son. The child was yelling at his mom to let her know Emanuel (my son's name) was in the store. I could hear her flip flops rushing up to meet the mother of the child she hears a lot about in her home (from what she said) and I tell you, when she came around that corner and she saw I was black she looked so dissappointed and was looking at me as if I was some kind of alien, while constantly looking back and forth from me to my child, she hurried up and said a few words and grabbed her son by the arm telling him to come on. I thought it was so immature of her to make it so known that she was disappointed, but all the while I just kept on smiling with my big, bright, white teeth. I felt like the joker that day lol....
The last encounter I want to share is when I worked as a Surgical Assistant I was in an all white office, made up of mostly women and a previous boyfriend I was with came to pick me up, but had picked my son up first from the daycare (by the way I've known this guy and his family for, at the time, 8 yrs) Emanuel needed to go to the bathroom so I took him into the office, now no one in the office knew I had a bi-racial child and when they noticed him, one of the ww dropped her freakin mouth (and I mean literally) and the other felt the need to say "oh my god how could someone as dark as you make a child so light" I thought to myself duh! he is a mixed child, I gave her a smurk like no other and replied that he takes after his father's family. When I went into the work the next day I guess they had managed to pull themselves together and started talking about how cute he was. I knew after what had taken place I was working with the KLAN. I do not understand why ww feel the need to try and play on bw's self esteem, but it definitely doesn't work with me. I feel when the BW/WM coupling continues to rise the 95% of racist and jealous hearted ww of bw will truely show more overtly.
I also agree with another poster, I think it was Torie, that in the south where I reside as well the ww are pitiful when it comes to this.
When it comes to Usher and his wife Tameka, who I happen to adore, I agree that alot of bw were doing most of the bashing and I remember her coming out publicly saying that bw do not love themselves, because if she was Latino or something other she would be considered more suitable for him, and that she is no cookie cutter type woman. I was so happy she said this and with a lot of confidence, I was like go head girl tell them.
"and your story has shed more light on this 'hidden' aspect of oppressiveness of ww and how ww coperate with their privileged status in both dispossessing and inflicting injury on the esteem and psyche of bw."
WW are inflicting pcyshological damage on both WM and BW when they do things like this.
With regard to white women playing on black women's self esteem and I know that they start off by asking certain dumb questions. What black women should be doing replying by asking these white women:
1) Why do you want to know?
2) And how does this affect you?
3) Why are you so concerned about
This will shut them up and they wont know what to say.
I had a ww coworker ask me how much I paid for my mortgage right out of the blue. I replied "why would you want to know something personal like that about me? Call them on everything. That way they wont try those mind games with you. They will be walking on egg shells. That will eliminate a lot of aggravation and your self esteem will still be in tact.
Nicole Little please get help.
You can't go around the internet spreading you sickness.
When it comes to WW not thinking BW deserve a man, esp. a successful one, I don't know where to begin....WW not only feel that BW don't deserve a successful man, they act like BW don't deserve success period! I work in corporate america and I can not tell you how many times I have heard WW say, "Why does she (a BW co-worker) come to work dressed nicely? I don't." As if BW have to use WW to gadge how we want to look and dress. Please! But then I also have heard BW say (often)about each other in the same situation, "huh, she think she cute." And I usually ask them, what is she suppose to think about herself? That she is a nothing and a nobody? As it was said before, sometimes BW are our own worse enemy. This is why it bothers me that BW will cuss each other out at the drop of a pin when they feel they have been wronged, yet a WW will say some racist, nasty, condescending remark to her and she will not even open her mouth. This is the time to stand your ground! BW,we are trying to survive in this racist and sexist world and keeping quiet isn't going to work. Being silent solves nothing.
As for WW hitting on the men of other women, WW believe that once a man looks at them he will drop everything and come a runnin. And sadly, some men do. But not all men are interested in WW. My father (a military veteran also) is bi-racial; my grandfather is Jewish and my grandmother is Black and Native American. He will be the FIRST to tell you that he ain't interested in no WW; never has been and never will be. "They don't do nothing for me," my father states adamantly. I remember at a family reunion (his side of the family and my mother wasn't present), a friend of one of my relatives asked him, "as light-skinned as you and your daughter are, I know your wife must be light, bright, or damn near white!" My father and I looked at each other like, which one of us is going to check this fool? I won. I told this woman, "not only is my mother NOT light, bright, and damn near white, my mother could be Grace Jones' twin." Shut her right the hell up.
BW are beautiful, non-BM are aware of this, WW are hip to this, and this is where the hatin comes in. WW know that the idea of them being "the epitome of beauty" went out with the eight track and the spank. And the real zinger is that because BW have stepped up their game by becoming educated, self-sufficient, and traveling the world, we are catching the eye of good, educated, fine, nice men that are not only non-BM, but now, worldwide. Sistas broading their horizons; as the kids say, "now that's what I'm talking about!"
Ladies, continue to look good, walk with your head high, and prosper. To hell with the haters.
Sara, as usual, another intelligent and insightful blog. You go girl and stay strong sista!
Peace and Blessings,
Ann C.
Sweet revenge. *blush*
I hate to post this, but I don't think I'll find another forum with this topic so:
When I first became Orth. Jewish I used to think, they, like most others catered to the WW, etc.
(some do) but alot of the rabbis don't. They would not accept me in the beginning (because Judaism is not a religion that wants converts) but after alot of fighting and thrashing they finally let me in.
Afterwards, I met many many ww converts who say the same thing: they thought they could toss their blond hair and gush about the Torah and they'd be let in. Nothing doing. They had to fight and thrash just as much -and in more cases all the more so, than I did. (some were even made to cut their hair!)
I am sure there are many guys out there who know the games ppl play both white and black.
roslynholcomb said: Keep in mind that women are very competitive, and many of them will do anything to get a man. I have plenty of white women jocking for my man. But what I find most interesting is the black women, who, once they discover he has a black wife, are suddenly all over him.
So true!! The same thing has happened when I am out with my husband who is white. We will be out or at a party at a friends house. WW will be all up in his face and flirting and he just ignores it. I know they do it because I'm around. I have also had BW, once they see that I'm black, trying to get near him and clinging to his every word. It is ridiculous. I do think it is because women are extremely competive.
I don't worry about them though, because I am very comfortable with my relationship. It's sad that some women will do anything to get a man's attention.
To Roslyn
White women are threatened by a black woman who is really good looking and confident.
They might not be threatened by PLAIN or GHETTO or HEAVY black women, but they are threatened by a BEAUTIFUL black woman.
A really beautiful woman of ANY race has JUICE.
As shallow as it sounds BEAUTY is power (if you know how to use it).
Harry Potter
WW are inflicting pcyshological damage on both WM and BW when they do things like this.
Harry potter i see this, and we must never forget that wm have feelings too.
There are some very interesting comments here. WW have been brought up to believe that everyone wants them. They are so beautiful. For a long time, they have always been able to get quality men from all races. We have been viewed as mammies, maids etc. Now that we are getting educated, looking after ourselves etc. We are coming into our fine status and a lot of WW would not be pleased at all. So they behave in a terrible fashion. As with Usher and his new wife Tameka, I saw her and I thought that she was such an absolutely stunning woman and I was so sad to hear how some people in the black community were so against her. Sometimes I feel that the BC does not like their ladies to get married to worthy men, the black media great of giving Sean Puffy Coombs and Kim Porter coverage, there is no hate, however a married couple like Usher and Tameka, nothing positive is said, just negativity. We in BC need to sort out what values we have. Sara as usual, a great topic.
I agree with you felicity. and I found her very attractive. I also think kim porter and lebron's girl are gorgeous. I hate that sometimes it seems black people don't seem to want the best for other black people! When i lived in Hawaii I had many other nationalities as friends and I never heard them tear each other apart and express anger that someone from their race was succeeding at something. Instead they were always extremely happy and proud. When I heard sistas tearing tameka apart, I thought now is she had been white yall would have been mad about that! Some people just bitch regardless....
What an odd photo. Why is she standing there so odd looking. But, I guess you get in a pic anyway you can.
I agree with you taylor-sara...we all must stop and think about the negative things we are saying and doing to each other. There was a time when we were all proud of each others accomplishments.
Tameka is a beautiful woman.
And, it says alot when any man asks a female to marry him. Usher is one stand up MAN. We need more like him. After all, Tiger stood his ground and married exactly who he wanted didn't he? And, no one was surprised. I assume he is now complete with the wife and matching child. Marriage is not easy. Good luck to them all.
They might not be threatened by PLAIN or GHETTO or HEAVY black women, but they are threatened by a BEAUTIFUL black woman.
I have to disagree with you on the heavy Black women not being a threat to White women. I am a "heavy" BW but I have a killer smile, confidence and personality. I'll bet you I still get the gas face and a hearty ass side eye when I'm just being my usual friendly self to a WM.
Case in point: I went to church with a bunch of WW who were typical beautiful girls, but they had sh*t for brains, bad attitudes and acted like they were totally afraid of every male, White or Black, who showed any interest. One night the young singles were playing a game that required the ladies to actually look them in the eyes. I glanced around the room, grinning at all of the men present and sure enough, my name was being called more than any other woman's in the room.
Late that night on the way home, I asked my best friend David (WM and absolutely adorable) why it was that men found me so attractive. His reply?
"You act like you really enjoy being around us and you look us in the eye."
I later found out that several of the men that I was acquainted with had been wanting to ask me out, but were hesitant because they assumed (incorrectly I might add) that I would say no. I eventually did begin dating one of them and he and I are friends all these years later.
So that being said, I don't think they're so much threatened by your beauty as you confidence. Women with low self esteem will always fear the woman who has it in spades.
I have encountered this a few times with ww. My husband is a hard worker, has 2 jobs, and is very respectable. They throw themselves at him anyway but when they find out I am Black, the skankiness increases!
I went to pick him up at work and wanted something to drink. He told one of the waitresses to get me a glass of water. My husband is a chef. She brings me a glass of hot tap water! I had already gotten to my car before I took a sip. It took everything in me not to go back inside and throw the water in her face. I told my husband about it and the next day he asked her why she did it. She said she thought I was homeless! Now my hair, nails, toes, and makeup was done plus I had on a pair of gold stilettos. Last time I checked I've never seen anyone homeless walking the streets done up from head to toe.
Another time I called him at work just as he was walking in the door. One of the ww there said, "Geez you just got here and you already have a call". She knew I was his wife too.
I warned my husband that I can only take so much disrespect before I start handing out fat lips and black eyes. I haven't had a problem since then.
*knock on wood*
I'm in Louisiana, so if you see a story on the news about a BW beating up waitresses Sara I'll make sure I give your blog a
shout-out on my local news station. :)
Some people just bitch regardless....
Nicole says
Sara, truer words have never been spoken. Mammies and crabs in a barrel will be unhappy regardless of what you do, so I say to hell with them. Do you!
I will admit that I did bash Tameka at first, but not because I thought she was too old (hell, I'm only about 3 years younger than her, so I say you GO girl!)
My main issue with Tameka was the way that Usher began to treat his Mother as a consequence of his relationship with Tameka, even going so far as to fire her as his manager because she didn't approve of their relationship. Then I began to think about it: who the hell cares that she's older than him? Why are you angry that this woman made your son act like a man and cut the apron strings?
Bravo Mrs. Raymond... bravo!
To mz nikki: I agree with you, I think Tameka was just what usher needed, She smart, lovely, takes no mess and is very fiesty. And you are so right they are going to bitch and moan regardless; and life is just too short to worry about it. What really bothers me is the way black people acted when usher announced he would marry Tameka, I mean there was an uproar! It's almost like they felt a black woman was not good enough to marry this handsome, rich, famous man!You would think they would be happy a sista was going to benefit from all that money-but they were livid! I just don't get it....
To Anon; to posted right above nikki, I cannot believe that stupid woman gave you a glass of hot water! That's the most rediculous thing I ever heard of. and even if she really thought you were homeless (A BOLD FACED LIE!, AND SHE KNEW IT) why would a homeless person want to drink hot water either? she should have been severely reprimanded for that mess... that was just being an angry jealous witch! She just did not like to see a hard working wm going home to a bw! I'm glad you controlled yourself though....
If a woman is repeatedly contacting your husband or boyfriend, it is up to him to tell her to stop and if he isn't doing so, he is the problem, not her. After all, he made a commitment to you so let him show you that his word means something. Confronting and attacking other women is mammy behavior. We've already been there and done that with DBR black men, it's high time to change.
To Sara: LOL I mean I would never in a million years give anyone a glass of hot water! My clueless husband didn't see it the way I did at first. Until further explanation he understood.(Men can be so clueless at the games women play.) I wanted to go "Jackie Chan" on that ass but that's what they(ww) would have wanted to see, another angry Black woman. I would have just been playing into their already damaged way of thinking about BW. My husband is Arab which also causes a lot of ww to assume they come from oil money. Even the other Arab men he works with the ww throw themselves at all of them. They sleep with these men without any commitment. And they have no problems sleeping with the next new Arab guy that starts working there. Even though these guys know these girls get around it doesn't stop them. If it was BW acting like this they wouldn't touch her. Why is it that ww can sleep with everyone and no one holds it against her but, a BW that does the same thing is called every name under the sun?
I went to Tyra's site and cannot find where I should email her concerning the BW show. My sister told me to watch the show but I told her naaaaa! I just knew it was going to be another BW bashing show by the "powers that be". Yes Tyra should know better but every dog has their day, as they say. I think we should flood her emails with our voices and leave links to our blogs. If we email 10 times each, then by all means I'll do it. She has been a disappointment along with that silly model friend of hers..I can't think of her name, but she is half Japanese and LOVES to bring up how BW are sooo jealous of her in FRONT of the entire world.
Sara cancel my last statement I think I posted on the wrong one!!!
To Mz nikki,
I agree that white women are threatened by confidence.. confidence is some powerful stuff. Some of the biggest women have some pretty faces. Now having said that... everyone is attracted to someone with a jolly, confident, personality..
Nevertheless, white women are not worried that plus sized black women are going to be stealing their men...I have heard white men talk about big women and they are twice as critical as black men when it comes to weight.
In interracial relationships, black men are going to have to get used to wrinkles and women who dont age well and white men would have to get used to extra weight.
Tyra's friend is Kimora are jealous really? Hmmm, I did not know that. To the LA lady whose husband is a chef being from New Orleans I know what you are speaking of. However, do not play into their negative mind sets. They wish one of those guys would marry them. Being a waitress is a stuck ass job. What happened to their imaginary pedetal? Those guys will not marry them especially if they are sleeping around. Hey, you have your husband and that is all that matters and stop taking food/beverages from those women. If your husband doesn't prepare it, then you should not eat nor drink it.
last Anon. you are so right! with these mean spirited women I'd be worried she'd do something far worse to that water. When my cousin waitressed years ago, she told me A lovely bw came in with an olviously rich wm and the ww waitresses were so angry they spit in her drink! My cousin ran and changed the lady's drink as they giggled in the back, when they found out they tried to get her fired....
Anon who got the hot water:
Sis, you were a better woman than me. I would most politely have marched my brown ass back into that restaraunt and demanded to see her manager. I would have handed him that hot water and very calmly explained that one of his workers was guilty of blatant racism. I never act a fool, but I sure as hell will hit them in their pocketbook. It's a pain that lasts longer.
Anon who replied to me:
I have heard wm talk about weight as well and have come to this conclusion: if something like weight is turning you off, you'd better be Brad Pitt mixed with Colin Ferrel and a whole lot of Gerard Butler. But again, they are just as bad as BM who demand that their women wait on them hand and foot, and as we all know, men will only act and speak the way you allow them to. Nip it in the bud right quick.
Thankfully I think I've found one who loves me for that personality, charm and my intelligence. I am a beautiful BW who deserves nothing less.
From all these stories and comments, it is clear that this isnt the simple, woman trying to snatch anothers man, there is a malicious race element to it. this is about ww saying, "You are a bw you dont deserve xyz, i am taking it off you because i am more worthy". Lets not make any mistake about this, this is the basic definition of racism, its about ww disposessing a bw because she believes she is superior and acts on it!
we would do well not to mistaken this for the simple man snatching. race is key to their behaviour.
but as women's issues are trivialised, i can see how this is easily dismissed as common female jealousy and bitchiness etc instead of the racist element being recognised for what it is! while black men's race battles are cleary understood and given validity, womens unique battles in the race arena are trivialised even when they cause deep psychological hurt.
Once bw can recognise their issues and their distinctive battles victory will be in sight!
IR Dating E-Book
Women on the west coast have very high standards for men as well. If I don't have myself in the gym on a regular basis, I'll have a tough time. Even women I only kind of know feel free to make comments about my hairstyle or the fact that I need to get some better shoes.
"Women on the west coast have very high standards for men as well. If I don't have myself in the gym on a regular basis, I'll have a tough time. Even women I only kind of know feel free to make comments about my hairstyle or the fact that I need to get some better shoes."
I have a funny story that happened this weekend. I live in NYC and I took my 2.5 yr old daughter with me to the Art Expo at the Jacob Javitis Center on 34th Street and 11th Avenue. They have artists of all calibers showcasing their works and lovers of art looking to purchase some of it. Well, we got there and was just about to dig our heels into some of the art work by walking through the various aisles. I had a map in my hand so that i could figure out which route would yield the most for our time there. So, this WW walks up to us (the Park Avenue type) and asks "oh where did you get that map, i've been here for quite some time and have been trying to find one." I said " Oh, they have several of them over by the entrance where we gave our entry tickets." But get this...before she was able to stammer out a thak you, she paused for a second because she was waiting for me to offer up MY MAP TO HER !!!!!!! She look thoroughly confused when I told her how to get her own. That's when she stepped back, looked me up and down (and yes, I was styling on Saturday) and then "oh, oh ok....i guess I can go all the way over there and get my own." I smiled and said "it's not that far, just right over there around the corner." while my daughter and I strutted off. I mean THE GALL OF IT ALL. And this time, I know I wasn't overanalyzing (which i tend to do) because my friend who had accompanied us (a BW) said, "Did she really think you planned to give her our map...PLUEEZE." It's that WW sense of entitlement that gets me. I was suppose to give he my map b/c she didn't feel like walking over to get her own. The all can KICK ROCKS as fas as i'm concerned. I make sure to give them something to talk about everytime they lay eyes on me.
I'm going to the Wine Expo on Friday (solo this time) and I'm SURE I will going to have a story to tell.
Miss one I can't believe her nerve! but I should not be surprised. That sense of entitlement makes me want to slap them sometimes. I once had a ww teacher tell my daughter she was not going to give her an A even though she got a 93% because she had decided an A in her class was 95% (this was apparently only for children of color) because the white kids got As at 90%. When I turned her into the principal,she was shocked that he told her, she could not make up her own rules!....
I'm 20 years old. my 1st job was working for a high school as a clerk. i was 18yr old. Many white women and bw would ask me why i would dress up(suit or nice pants). so i though i was over dressing so i started to dress down. reading the post i see that i fell into the ww/some bw trap to keep me from look good. (their were a lot of cute wm in the office and the office next to us) now i'm going to get my nice clothes out again :)
"Women on the west coast have very high standards for men as well. If I don't have myself in the gym on a regular basis, I'll have a tough time. Even women I only kind of know feel free to make comments about my hairstyle or the fact that I need to get some better shoes."
Anonymous I said the same thing when I read it, I don't know why I continue to think Californians are the most superficial people on the planet, is this why people from other continents say West Coast people are weirdo's, I've heard that many times. I still want to visit though.
"But get this...before she was able to stammer out a thak you, she paused for a second because she was waiting for me to offer up MY MAP TO HER !!!!!!!"
I have had women do this kind of stupid sh*t to me too. I don't think this kind of arrogant audacity is unique to WW... I think women have it, and can be real bitches, especially the beautiful ones, and especially if you make them jealous. I've had BW and AW pull this crap on me too, but AW are much subtler about it (they want you to think they're really sweet and WOULD NEVER...)
White women and their sense of entitlement is just... no words can convey how much they can annoy the hell out of me just by showing up some days.
Story: My boyfriend (who was Greek/Italian) and I were together at a friend's birthday party. Now I'm sitting there on the couch with him sitting above me on the arm with my arm across his thigh when a younger ww walks into the room. She's pretty much bum rushed by all the fione aass single men, so she's basically three deep in men when she sees me sitting there looking up at my guy with a huge smile on my face and I guess this trick decided that the BW didn't deserve to have the handsome WM when it's obviosu she was the one he should be with.
So a few minutes later while I'm with my guy getting drinks, she walks over to us at the bar and practically shoves her way to the bar, damn near knocking me off my stilettos to grin and cheese all up in my man's face. Now I was like "Is this bish serious?" and since it was my BFF's party, you know I could have turned it out in there, but I chilled. I got my drink and try to walk back over to my seat, but now I'm limping because when she pushed, my ankle turned. Now mind you, there are about 30 single men at this party, but she just had to have mine even though she was originally three deep in men.
What dumbass didn't count on was that my man was not pleased with what she'd just done, and he called her on her shit in a big, booming voice. Every man there was looking at her like she was swamp trash by the time he was through, and the women (even some of the other WW present) were looking at her like they were about to put the okey doke on her ass too.
Taylor-Sara said...
last Anon. you are so right! with these mean spirited women I'd be worried she'd do something far worse to that water. When my cousin waitressed years ago, she told me A lovely bw came in with an olviously rich wm and the ww waitresses were so angry they spit in her drink! My cousin ran and changed the lady's drink as they giggled in the back, when they found out they tried to get her fired....
Stunned! My mom warned me about such things.
Also, BW can and do hurt other BW out of jealousy or whatever too. Very much.
I work at an University and I also attend classes there. Anyway, one of my classmates who happens to be a ww came by my office and we had our usual conversations about our math class. Anyway, we both were complainting about our math classes and I told her that almost every day I chat with a friend of mines in Canada about my math class. She then gave me a confused look. As if to say how do you know someone in another country. I suppose my friend assumed my Canadian friend was a wm and she would be right. He is such a considerate person. Always, encouranging me with my studies. My friend's mom is from England. But, my friend was born in the U.S. and she is just like me a struggling, single, working woman trying to pay for college and work both at the same time. I wonder how surprise my friend would be if she knew my Canadian guy friend had sent me $2,000. to help me with my studies...Hmmmm.. would we still talk as friends?
Speaking of ww friends...I had a classmate a few years ago who as she says was only roommates with this bm. Just sharing bills? Whatever. One day we were talking about interracial relationships and actors and actresses (I thought I could speak freely with her...mistake) and I had told her that I liked Robert DeNiro and she said without any thought, "Oh, yeah he likes fat bw." (of course, I could lose some weight.) and I told her his wife at that time had just given birth. And, she used to be an airline stewart; therefore, she knows what it means to stay in shape. The nerve of her, my friend was short, fat and had these big breast that made her look as if she was going to keel over. Therefore, I can relate to the ww mentally of entitlement. My friend had no room to talk about anyone. She had told me how she would go from physician to physician getting prescriptions so that she could sell the pills. Needless to say that was a very very short friendship.
Nothing brings me more pleasure than to make ww realize they ain't all that and other women can bring it and steal their thunder. i got em eating out of my hand now. pretty little miss blonde thing just got me tickets to a comedy club for my birthday, which i will be using to go with my boyfriend and 2 other guests i have yet to choose... most likely my family.
really, strike fear in the hearts of ww and they will want to make you their friends, if for no other reason than to get your secrets.
"Women on the west coast have very high standards for men as well. If I don't have myself in the gym on a regular basis, I'll have a tough time. Even women I only kind of know feel free to make comments about my hairstyle or the fact that I need to get some better shoes."
Hey C1. Not all of us on the West Coast act that way :-)
really, strike fear in the hearts of ww and they will want to make your their friends, if for no other reason than to get your secrets.
Soooooo True. White women want to know EVERYTHING about the black women around them. And being the type of person I am (standoffish with them) they get offended. They think that you are uppitty then.
Ms. CPA said....
"If a woman is repeatedly contacting your husband or boyfriend, it is up to him to tell her to stop and if he isn't doing so, he is the problem, not her. After all, he made a commitment to you so let him show you that his word means something."
I totally agree with this statement. As a ex-wife whose husband cheated on her with a WW, the woman continued to keep in contact with my husband and he allowed it and the "relationship" continued. Although I told him to get on and do what he wanted, he begged to "stay" and for me not to divorce him. Mind you, that he still remained in contact with her and thought I wouldn't find out, I did. This was not a race issue with me, but the fact was that he couldn't drop her, he obviously felt something was missing in his life. She continued to email and message and he answered. To prove to me that he was "through" with her he changed his cell phone, but I still found out he was still messaging through MySpace (even read a message he sent), so if the man cannot keep his commitment to you, that isn't her fault, it is "his" fault and you need to let his azz go!!! I blamed him, because his actions spoke much louder than words will ever do! In the end, I left and he is doing whatever with her or as he claims no one, but it no longer pertains to me.
I totally agree with the anoymous lady who suggested that the husband should confront the other woman so that she understands how he feels. Your ex wanted his cake and ice cream and punch and candy... You were smart to finally realize your ex was not going to change any time soon.
LOL...Usher looks uncomfortable that female is the one looking extremely uncomfortable.
I have to add one of my WW stories - I was in JC Penney (hardly upmarket shopping) in the bedding department, standing in line waiting for my turn with the sales clerk. After I'd been in line for about 5 minutes, the line was finally down to me and just one other woman, a WW. When it got to be my turn, the WW in line behind me actually interrupted the sales clerk (also a WW) who had started to talking to and assisting me, telling her "I thought I would be next". The sales clerk was non-plussed for a moment (as was I) and pointed out to the woman that I was in line before her and she would get to her as soon as she had finished helping me. The WW then raised her voice, repeating that she expected to be served next. The sales clerk this time just ignored her and continued to assist me. I just looked at the woman, because by this time I had reached the unavoidable conclusion that this WW in line in JC Penney thought that as a WW she should be privileged to jump the queue in front of a BW. The WW hadn't complained as the other WW who had been in line in front of me got served - she only expected to be served before me, the BW. So absolutely unbelievable!
Wow, such an engaging discussion on the interplay of competition between BW and WW; I just couldn't stay away.
I too have had many experiences with WW and their sense of entitlement, and their sometimes outright devaluation of BW. Some of these experiences, I was too naive to understand, and others just left me dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond. I'm learning though.
Ann C said:
"This is the time to stand your ground! BW,we are trying to survive in this racist and sexist world and keeping quiet isn't going to work. Being silent solves nothing."
You know you're right. I'm not one to cuss ANYONE out, black or white, but I feel it may be necessary, esp. when faced with blatant racism and sexism. At least, by calling people on it, CALMLY BUT FIRMLY, they can't continue unquestioned in their belief that they are right, not racist/sexist, or have unchecked racist/sexist tendencies. This way someone will have raised questions about their motives thereby affording them the opportunity to examine themselves, at the very least.
Mz Nikki said:
"What dumbass didn't count on was that my man was not pleased with what she'd just done, and he called her on her shit in a big, booming voice. Every man there was looking at her like she was swamp trash by the time he was through, and the women (even some of the other WW present) were looking at her like they were about to put the okey doke on her ass too."
Ooh, I like that he did this. This is exactly what should be done by the man in this case. You setting the girl straight would have been completely justified, but boy it sure does feel good, when it's ya' man doing it for you. And it drives the point home to said dumbass like nothing else. Lol!
Anon on March 1 said:
"With regard to white women playing on black women's self esteem and I know that they start off by asking certain dumb questions. What black women should be doing replying by asking these white women:
1) Why do you want to know?
2) And how does this affect you?
3) Why are you so concerned about
This will shut them up and they wont know what to say.
I had a ww coworker ask me how much I paid for my mortgage right out of the blue. I replied "why would you want to know something personal like that about me? Call them on everything. That way they wont try those mind games with you. They will be walking on egg shells. That will eliminate a lot of aggravation and your self esteem will still be in tact."
Girl, you are so true. I work with so many nosey, NOSEY WW, it's not even funny. And it's really starting to where on my nerves, and patience. I like for people to be comfortable around me, but not to the point where you feel that it's okay to damn near part my hair and stick your nose and fingers in it to see if I'm wearing a wig, or a weave that day. I will definitely be trying out these counter questions with the nosey women, who all happen to be white, that I work with.
Another instance of these nosey women: At my work, we all park in a pretty expansive one level parking lot. The other day I parked further away than usual from the rest of my coworkers and the front door, just so I can start getting more exercise into my life. I have no children, and my coworkers know this, but that particular day I'd had a child's car seat sitting in my car (I'd babysat my little 2 yr old cousin the day before). So when I entered my work area, I must've had about 3 different people asking me about that car seat in the very first hour. These people (all WW) actually walked somewhat out of their way to come over and peer into my car, just to see what was going on. And they didn't just drive by either, because where I parked you'd have to enter the parking lot from a different entrance altogether than the common entrance closest to the front door.
I thought to myself, "Whoa, what is the big deal?" "Why does anyone wanna know about something so trivial going on in my life?" It was innocent enough, I'm sure, but still the nosiness is wearing paper thin.
Ava said:
"Soooooo True. White women want to know EVERYTHING about the black women around them. And being the type of person I am (standoffish with them) they get offended. They think that you are uppitty then.
It's true. Like I said, I got some nosey WW that I work with, and I know they they'll start to think that I'm uppity, or stuck up, or angry, or having an attitude with them if I stop answering all their questions about random minutiae of my life. Now I don't like for people to perceive me as stuck up, just because I don't like stuck up people of any race, but I needs to do SOMETHING about this ish. Lawd, I'm so sick of it. Lol.
Taylor-Sara said:
"I once had a ww teacher tell my daughter she was not going to give her an A even though she got a 93% because she had decided an A in her class was 95% (this was apparently only for children of color) because the white kids got As at 90%. When I turned her into the principal,she was shocked that he told her, she could not make up her own rules!...."
Something very similar happened to me growing up. This isn't so much a story of entitled, nor nosey, WW, but just your old run of the mill racist one.
Actually, I wish my mother had done what you did and brought it to my principal's attention. But I think, my mother didn't want to cause any trouble or create bad blood between me and the woman who would be responsible for me and my education throughout the rest of the year.
My fifth grade teacher, Ms. Hoffman, a WW and one of the meanest teachers I've ever had, failed me on a test, that I'd actually Aced. I'd gotten a 95% (I know because after I'd gotten the graded test back, I'd compared it to Sylvia's test, a classmate of mine, and we had the exact same answers, more about Sylvia later), but because being who I was at the time, a bit hyper, I hadn't followed directions to circle all the correct answers instead of underline them which I did (it was a multiple choice test).
I still remember getting that test back and the shock I felt, because I knew I'd studied hard, and knew my answers were right. So my little 10 year old self, brought it to Ms. Hoffman's attention and she explained why she failed me. I had to take it to my Mama and have her sign it, and damn near get a whoopin for that big red F.
So my friend, Sylvia, a sweet little Polish girl showed me her test, and not only did I notice our answers were the same, I saw that she had done the exact same thing I did, underlined instead of circle the correct answers. She Aced her test, however. Ms. Hoffman didn't see fit to hold it against Sylvia for not following directions, just me. Again I took my little 10 year old self up to Ms. Hoffman to point out the discrepancy and she excused her actions based on the fact that Sylvia was a non-native English speaker. Which would have been a pretty valid excuse, aside from the fact that Sylvia spoke English fluently, and in fact, acted as a translator for the other little Polish girl in the class with us at the time, who spoke no English at all. Sylvia knew English and she knew it very well, and Ms. Hoffman knew that too. But for some reason, known only to Ms. Hoffman, my offense was still worse. So yeah. I wonder what have been the outcome, had my mother done like you, Taylor-Sara, and brought this to the attention of our principal. What would've been her new excuse or reaction then? Lol. Anyway, that's my story. Thanks for listening. Shoo, it felt good to let it out after all these years. *lmao*
I'm an Asian female (I keep saying this in other posts). I've never been to Hawaii, but it doesn't sound like paradise - it sounds more like hell for non-white women who lose married men to white women. UGGGHHH!
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