Ladies, Here come the haters!!!

Kyle and wife: with his daughter above
Colin and then girlfriend Nicole;
Ladies I want you to know that you must take the threat of angry white women seriously. I just want you all to be prepared that as images of white men with beautiful black women and white men walking along with obviously black babies, become more prevalent, there will be residual anger on the part of even so-called liberal people. Please be ready for some reaction. America is used to black women rejecting wm and used to wm accepting this. As more and more bw open themselve to wm and as more and more wm become bolder in their pursuit of bw, there will be some fallout. Yet anything worth having is worth keeping. Whatever you do, don't let the world tear you apart. This is a letter I recently received in my email. I will not post my response because there is no need for you all to see how um... unlady like I can be, but lets just say I gave this hater a peice of my mind......
"linkHref": "
Look little black girl, just because most of your Black men our degenerate losers who can't stop from committing crimes doesn't mean you have the right to take our successful WM. WM belong to us WW. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM OUR MEN YOU NAPPY HEADED WHORE! I have been seeing more and more of you no good bitches with our men and I am damn sick of it! With your big lips and big asses you bitches think you are so damn cute. Most of you are fat and unkempt. Now you think you're going to get more black bitches like yourself to take white men -you little slut! You better leave white men alone! First it was the chinks and now every time I turn around you black bitches are stealing white men! You bitches better stay with your black trash losers like you've been doing if you know what's good for you bitch! blacks are 12% of the population and commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females - 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12 yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact -- blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact -- blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact -- blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact -- blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybody’s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was almost 20 years ago. (Source NYT 4/22/05) According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2004 report (released May 2006), blacks commit 54 percent of the homicides in America even though they constitute only 12 percent of the population.An individual black male is seven times more likely to commit murder than an individual white male. It so happens that black felons commit 43 percent of aggravated assaults, 66 percent of armed robberies, 27 percent of rapes and 85 percent of interracial crimes of violence, mainly against whites (this last figure from a Justice Department report 2003). However, it's not just in the United States. The greatest dictators in recent years have emerged in Africa. People like Idi Amin of Uganda, Hastings Kamuzu Banda in Malawi, Mobutu Sese Seko, in Zaire, self-anointed Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic, Mohammed Saidi Barre in Somalia, Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe -- the list is endless.
Look little black girl, just because most of your Black men our degenerate losers who can't stop from committing crimes doesn't mean you have the right to take our successful WM. WM belong to us WW. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM OUR MEN YOU NAPPY HEADED WHORE! I have been seeing more and more of you no good bitches with our men and I am damn sick of it! With your big lips and big asses you bitches think you are so damn cute. Most of you are fat and unkempt. Now you think you're going to get more black bitches like yourself to take white men -you little slut! You better leave white men alone! First it was the chinks and now every time I turn around you black bitches are stealing white men! You bitches better stay with your black trash losers like you've been doing if you know what's good for you bitch! blacks are 12% of the population and commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females - 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12 yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact -- blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact -- blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact -- blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact -- blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybody’s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was almost 20 years ago. (Source NYT 4/22/05) According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2004 report (released May 2006), blacks commit 54 percent of the homicides in America even though they constitute only 12 percent of the population.An individual black male is seven times more likely to commit murder than an individual white male. It so happens that black felons commit 43 percent of aggravated assaults, 66 percent of armed robberies, 27 percent of rapes and 85 percent of interracial crimes of violence, mainly against whites (this last figure from a Justice Department report 2003). However, it's not just in the United States. The greatest dictators in recent years have emerged in Africa. People like Idi Amin of Uganda, Hastings Kamuzu Banda in Malawi, Mobutu Sese Seko, in Zaire, self-anointed Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic, Mohammed Saidi Barre in Somalia, Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe -- the list is endless.
That is so lol funny. Come on Sara, a ww really wrote that?
I find it odd Anon, that you find it funny. because I certainly did not. And as for her being white-that's what she claims to be but I would have no real way of knowing for sure now would I?
Sara, who gives a dam what this person thinks. She does not pay any of my bills and the bills are paid every month. She is throwing out the same old tried sterotypes. I could easily say that almost every continent Europeans travelled to they tried to seize the country from the native people. However, I do agree with you that alot of ww will act out against bw simply because the thought of a ww with a bw? Oh, well they will have to learn to get off over it...we are slowing learning to get of bm and other race females.
excuse me I meant to say wm with a bw.
That baby is just too darn cute! Just plain beautiful...I think she had Daddy's smile??? LOL
Oh, I try and avoid commenting on these topics, only because I was raised in a haze of rainbow togetherness and even seeing just one negative word uttered by someone who says they are "white" makes me wonder where all of this hatred is coming from.
She sounds like these BM out here, "our" and the name calling. She don't know those women nor those White men that are "hers". Spouting statistics that I doubt she even looked up. Just vitriol that needs to be thrown in the trash, flushed down the toilet, and left where it should stay.
I would hope that BW who date/marry inter-racially do not let ppl like this affect their happiness. Only one person has a say in your life and that is you. If you are religious, then I'm sure it is the man above, but he would not steer you wrong as some might say. Leave ppl like this woman where she likes to be. Alone. Because a person like that cannot be happy with all that anger. Pray for her, because she need Jesus.
when i read post like that i don't take it seriously, i mean it's so stupid just reading that all together, the whole name calling it's ridiculous. what makes this person think that after writing we're suddendly gonna stop what we're doing. i wouldn't have even bother to respond to that.but man oh man we must be more powerful than we think, and i love how the media is picking up on this w/ old navy and the toyota commerical.
Ann C
First things first. That baby is soooo cute. I want to enter the picture and give her kisses all over her face. Aww.
And on the silly letter, at first I thought it was either a bw being silly (u know, the usual support the brothers bullcrap), then I thought it was just a bm pretending to be a ww or a racist wm with too much time on his hands. After reading it and seeing all the cliched insults written, I'm convinced that the letter was writtenby a deranged ww. She shoulg get a life. If all else fails, then she should find Jesus!
Did I mention that the baby girl is too cute.
do you have the link to the toyota commercial by any chance?
These comments don't annoy me...well, maybe a little. However, that doesn't mean we should be so focused on them, the authors themselves don't give a hoot, why should we?
Adorable baby by the way.
I think that the biggest opponents of bw/wm relationships are going to be ww, simply because this is not the natural order in a white supremist society .I read constantly on racial conservative sites that bw are not beautiful are desireable [I believe the authors are telling their on truths, but not the truths of all wm.
The bw in my family certainly have had their share of wm admirers ,and inside I wish they would have taken that route rather than some of the bm who are now in-laws to me. Love all the ir sites about bw/wm and support you guys in this social revolution that is going to crack miss ann's face.I picture a symbolic racist white chick like Paris Hilton [who loves the n word] saying "mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all" and the mirror replies "Shemeka Jackson is the fairest of them all and she got a couple of Europes'princes to prove it. take care ladies and please can well just get alone!! Please copy and paste this link in your browser and commen on it it's just one man's opinion but I find it funny that he speaks for all white men .Some one should tell him that Alek Wek is dating a super rich handsome Italian.
So what's the connection between love and crime??? I missed it somewhere. (shruggs shoulders)
Hey Anon:
There is a Toyotoa commercial over at youtube that may be the one. If you type in Toyota interracial ad, it will pull it's the one with the wm and bw and the model airplane-it'll make sense when you see the ad, trust me-LOL.
And I agree, it is cute.
I tend to agree with most of you here, this kind of stuff does bother me, but I just don't like to lend any sense of legitimacy to it by responding in a particularly aggressive manner. Now, that being said, if someone comes at me, as this person did to you Sara, then I will meet them head-on, and it isn't going to be pretty. I think that most of these types are cowards anyway, it's easy for them to spout off this crap on the internet and go around confronting people from the safety of their monitor, but face to face they are just like school bullies, look'em in the eye and let them know that you aren't afraid and aren't going to back down....and they'll fold up like a cheap umbrella in a windstorm.
These people are simple minded clowns who are allowing themselves to be consumed by their own hatred and ignorance. No sense joining them in their squalor. Good post as usual Sara.
Aw, poor poster is so transparent. Rejected by a wm with a black wife were ya? I just want to tell this woman, maybe if you had some class, this wouldn't be happening to you.
In my family (Canadian side), all the bw are with wm. Including myself.
Oh, and they all have money.
And to think...These people are walking the earth loose...Trolls have been coming out in force lately on the BW IR blogs...I can see moderation in the near future...I just hope BW will begin to realize their choices and live life to the fullest!
"Black Women Deserve Better"
Personally rantings and ravings from unbalanced folks do not concern me. However the fact of life is there are people like that are out there and may cross your path in day to day life. Do not be surprised or let it steal your joy - but pretending it does not exist is putting peace of mind and happiness at risk. Excellent post Sara - a good heads up so folks know the fools are out there! Fact of the matter is BW face little subtle and no so subtle discrimination and are disrespected in the course of everyday life. It is like breathing and quite frankly it can be draining and takes a toll even when you let it roll off your back - it is a negative energy drain as I call it an emotional vampire. Just the fact that it happens is draining because it is not necessary and it can make a person angry or weary dealing with stuck on stupid - no matter where you go or what you are doing it can come at you out of the blue. Sara's cousin was at the mall mind her own business - living loving and enjoying life and some twit decided to try and rain on her parade. In dealing with these folks remember you have something they want and they do not and cannot have and nothing can change that - it will bring a smile to your face and will tweak them even more.
Fact is - this is real and it is coming - these women are scared - fear can and does make folks crazy. How to fight it? Play your game your way - refuse to buy into their evil, twisted sickness. Do not change who you are or the way you live - honor your truth above all with quite dignity. Remember what attracted your man to you and continue to do that - make him and the relationship a priority and team with him to do exactly that - take time to be together - be there for him. Men do not doubt their decisions once they make them unless he has been given a reason to do so. Respect that he knows what he wants and is doing what he wants. As a woman be prepared to go into battle with all you have. Keep him happy at home - make your relationship and life as a couple a team a priority. Be happy as much as possible your happiness, love and loyalty to him and what the two of you share matter most. When he stands up for you like Sara's cousins husband did let him know you appreciate him - show it - smile up at him sweetly - letting him know you see him as your hero means the world to him. The other advantage to that is in addition to stroking his ego and building his self esteem it will infuriate the ww who are acting a fool - living well and being happy are the best revenge. It will give her an annurism(sp) to see. It's like my Granny always said count your blessing and be thankful for them (acknowledge the love and respect shown you by this man and the fact that you are blessed and highly favored) and they will grow (he will feel even more like a hero and blessed and highly favored to have a woman who loves, and values him and his efforts big and small and is not afraid to show it) even in the face of opposition. The fact is game on street rules - that in your face to the twits - seeing you happy and openly so basking in the love and respect of a dreamy male is what triggered her insecurity in the first place says clearly with class and style that she cannot steal your joy, and he is with me because I love him and he loves me - says no one disrespects me and gets away with it. Much sweeter than anger after the fact.
excellent Clarice -thank you. Grant love your points, and yes the baby is adorable....
What exactly are these women so worried about? Even if we DO steal all their men, there are so many white men in first-world countries that there would still be plenty for them left over (hahahaha).
This stuff is less of a concern in the big cities in Canada because IR relationships are so common here. WW can't bitch moan and protest because:
a) They're used to it, and
b) They themselves probably date IR.
I will not rest until you've all moved up here with me lol
Hey anon. in Canada I have a guy friend that lives in Alberta and we chat every day. Who knows I may be up there one day.
Ann F.
The census results came in last week. They mentioned Michaelle Jean and her husband (she's Canada's governor general who was born in Haiti and she's married to a Canadian filmmaker who is white) and Halle and Gabriel and how their race is rarely mentioned when discussing the couples. It also said how IR marriages here have increased by a third since 2001. And how 40.6% of blacks marry IR here, and there was also a part in the article I read about how one IR couple had to spend 3 years in the States for work and were not welcomed there; they were eager to get back home, where they were not judged. Obviously, all of us women here are like-minded, and it really is a great environment for women like us.
That Toyota commercial is cute!
someone asked for the toyota commerial here's the link
I really have to thank her for those stats because it gives me even more reason to want to date wm. Again, thanks to her.
very good point Anon.
That's because women only see what is in their interests. Advocating for a BW, if you are not, is not in your interests.
I think at the end of the day, women are all the same.
Anonymous said...
That's because women only see what is in their interests. Advocating for a BW, if you are not, is not in your interests.
I think at the end of the day, women are all the same."
Men are different in that how?
And the problem with that is - no one can look out for your interest better than you - your happiness and well being are your responsibility.
The relaxed ir environment is probably why so many people more to Canada in the first place...although it is cold there. LOL...Canada am coming for you honey.
A. F.
*sigh*I hate ingnorant people.*sigh*
That's all I can really say.
This woman (or whatever he/she is) is pissed off enough to write a mini novel and do her homework on statistics and world affairs?
Well, you know what that means....
On a serious note, letters like this will be commonplace soon Sara - don't feed the trolls by personally acknowledging their presence, but please do continue to unmask their fear and ignorance publically ...
Great post!
Reading something like that actually makes me happy. I take pride in knowing that they're FINALLY viewing us as a threat.
That's right, "your" men want us and we damn well aren't afraid to take them.
I'm a little concerned about the tone of this post. Who knows if the person who wrote that letter to you was actually a white woman
I think black women should focus on actually getting into relationships with stable men.
We don't have to trumpet our actions to everyone. Let's just do it.
I agree anony...let's just do it. People will see for themselves without you saying one word.
A. F.
That letter was hilarious. I am a black female married and have been for 24 years to a wm. That woman just cracks me up. She is probably the reason why we have stayed together so lonngggg!!!!!
Ha, ha, ha, ha whoooo ha ha ha *holdin' my sides*
Are we suppose to be afraid of her? Are we suppose to be dejected because of comments? Maybe in her mind. It is definately not in mine. I will date whomever I want and do not care about this women, stormfront, the KKK, black men, and any other people who seem to have a problem with me dating white men. I also, suggest that other black women take the same stance.
quote:they're FINALLY viewing us as a threat.
As a European I find all this very interesting.
No woman is threat to me. I think these couples are cute, any couple is, when in love.
This hate mail writers propably represent a very small minority of white women. Most of grown adults, dont actually care who the other people are dating...
In here (I'm Finnish, but live in Britain, my boyfriend is ethnically Chinese) the problem with interracial relationships is not the colour, but the fact that people come from different cultures. Compared to that, Americans actually have it easier, they just have their own prejudices to owercome, not religion or different traditions.
"White" people are actually populating the European continent from Iceland to Turkey and even Iranians are considered "white". Wide range of different cultures and customes here. So can you say what white women are like?
The hatemailer also forgot that we still have a few Eastern-European dictators here...
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