Does he love BW? or just want to be a BW Lover?-find out ..... + Wealth tips (scroll down)

Nobody truly loves black women more than Bobby D.
Bill M., on the other hand is a just a man with a fetish.
Ladies, many of you seem very concerned that you will be used by wm as a fetish or a flavor of the month. Many of you are so scared of being used, you are not even owning your greatness. Let me tell you something that may ease your minds a bit. Yes, some wm want to use bw for sex! Hello MANY bm will use bw for sex! Yet I never hear sistas worrying about that, isn't that peculiar? But like I said let me ease your mind about this perpetual concern, that seems to plaque many bw. Let me tell you a little secret, you all should never forget. The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior! What that means is that if someone has done something in the past, they are likely to take the same action again. If you really want to know whether he could be serious or just a playboy, look to his past. Has he had relationships with sistas before? Has he married before? Has he had committed relationships before? Or, was he always 'with a white woman' while sleeping with a black one? This, Ladies is a surefire indicator that he simply has a fetish, and bw are his delicacy. Don't let him whet his appetite with you! Remember that most men are just not clever enough to cover their tracks well. They will give themselves away every time. Anna Nicole 'knew' that as a beautiful stripper she could make that billionaire do whatever she wanted and give her whatever she wanted. How? Because his previous girlfriend (a much younger stripper, who died having plastic surgery) had gotten everything she wanted from him by doting on him and being sexy. Anna knew if that woman could do it. she could too. And she did. Men are so transparent that many women will find that the women their husband's cheated on them with look amazingly similar to them! Look at Ivana and Marla Maples. Bo Derek and Linda and even John's first wife Ursala Andrews looked remarkably similar to his 2nd and 3rd wife. It was like he was marrying the same woman (albeit younger) each time. The point is many men will tell you all you need to know about them if you will just listen, and watch. Robert D. has always loved sistas we all know that. His wife will always be black. Bill M. on the other hand is a man with a fetish. Do you see the difference. He loves a sista in his BED! Yes he takes them out and does not hide them-so the hell what! Who among you want to be someone's bed warmer instead of his wife? Watch what a man does. Listen to what he says. Men are just not smart enough to hide their tracks for long. Remember they will AlWAYS give themselves away....
Here are some signs that he's looking for something more serious -possibly marriage....
1. He's respectful
2. He wants to spend more time with you
3. He talks to you about the good, bad, and insignifigant things in his life.
4. He introduces you to his family
5. He looks at you 'proudly'
6. He treats you like you are something special
7. He is extremely interested in pleasing you
8. He has extremely good manners and behaves like a gentleman
9. He refuses to let others speak ill of you
10. He thinks you're beautiful even when you look like whoopi (no offense whoopi) and takes you everywhere.
Here are some signs that he just has a fetish for bw (RUN!)
1. He calls only at night
2. He wants to come over late, (no date just a late call) -don't let him!
3. You have never met his best friend or his family
4. You only seem to go out to strange, far away places
5. He looks embarrassed when ww look at you two together.
6. He seems to be uncomfortable with you in public
7. He lets him family and friends say nasty things about you- or ignore you.
8. He makes a lot of sexual references to your body and barely notices your face
9. He's always groping you, even when you ask him to stop.
10 He seems to be rushing the relationship toward the bedroom even after you tell him -you want to take it slow... /He does not seem genuinely interested in the 'real' you.
11. Instead of looking at you with pride, and respect- he constantly 'leers'
12. He does not give a damn about the things you think, because he 'knows' you won't be around long enough for it to matter...
For those of you who keep emailing me asking for wealth tips -they are back! keep reading....
1. Car flea Market Riches!
Here is a very easy way to make thousands of dollars per month. Many men will take to this idea but there is no reason why a woman cannot do it, provided she takes measures to protect herself from strangers....
You see in the paper every day people selling cars and people buying cars. A great number of those ads are really from car dealers who take over the newspaper much to the frustration of people who want to buy from the seller to avoid the high dealer costs/add ons. You can help the buyers and the sellers, as well as make a fortune each month by simply creating a car flea market....
Many ideas to make a fortune are easy to come up with. An idea does not have to require a PHD to think up or facilitate. Unfortunately many people cannot grasp the simply realization that simple things can often make more money than the complicated. Look at the paper clip for example... To implement this simple plan go out and find a decent sized lot. Abandoned drive ins are great but there are any number of spaces that can be made usable for this simple purpose. When you find a decent spot negotiate with the owner on a lease fee. That done, advertise in the paper that you have car lot where people can display their cars for 25.00 per vehicle. Try to get some publicity from the radio stations or advertise heavily in the newspaper or use bandit signs etc. Any number of ways will get you customers, and this type of business will grow by word of mouth bigger each month. It's fairly easy to be pulling in 10,000 per month in this easy business within a few months with some work. You can let vendors come for free and take a small percentage of their profit or make them pay up front. All negotiations are between buyers and sellers you have nothing to do with problems with any cars or anything like that. You are merely the 'place' where the transactions occurred. This businesses can be operated for most of the year and many people are getting quite wealthy in ventures of this kind. Simply write up an agreement stating your terms (25.00 per vehicle, you are not liable for any transactions etc.) Get a signed agreement from each vendor and put it in a file (you can use a folder in an ordinary drawer-but don't lose it) You can have a mechanic there who charges for vehicle inspections and you can take a percentage of his profit! Use your imagination wealth is for the taking not for the dreamers.....
2. Car Service Reminders.....
Many people are so very busy that they cannot remember to have their car serviced. Then they have problems at the worst times (ie bad neighborhoods, late at night, all alone etc.) You can approach any number of dealers, and have too much business to handle in no time. You would be taking over service reminders (which many dealers are too busy to undertake) you would send postcards to the people who are due for service and take a percentage of everyone who comes in to have the service done. You would negotiate with the dealer on how much of a percentage, but a good rule of thumb is 20%. With just 3-4 dealers you could easily make double what most people are making working 40 hours per week! This is a bit detailed as there is a lot of record keeping. This type of biz would be best for someone who is detailed oriented and loves numbers. If that sounds like you-give it a try. You can print up business cards and presto! You are in business honey. The dealers will be so happy to have this tedious task off their hands they will practically overwhelm you! Just keep your day job and let it grow-and it will try it and you'll see......
3. Details for rich kids!
If you have kids who want to make extra money and you have a good amount of drive way or lawn space, try this: Place this ad in paper or around town.
Best Car Detail in town! done by young professions-working their way to college! People love to help young people get to college and as long as your children are responsible (not too young now) they will let them clean and detail their cars especially if the work is superior and the prices are a little less. Always supervise your children and teach them to very, very carefully detail the cars (you can easily get a library book on this) 3 kids can do a very good job in about 45 minutes and by charging 25 % less than a typical detailer for your area you WILL get jobs. USE the paper, or bandit signs or word of mouth if you want to build slow and steady. What most people do not realize is that almost anything can become a business. I was reading recently about a young kid who started taking back the neighbors trash cans as a courtesy in an area where they receive heavy fines for leaving cans out. (125.00) Many people had to leave work to go take their garbage cans back to the house from the street! As a result he soon had numerous people who begged him to do the same for them. He began to charge 5.00 per house and made so much money he quit his job and hired his 2 sisters. One as a secretary and the other to help him recruit more kids so he could expand. Within months he was making more than his parents who have worked for years by adding 2 more neighborhoods! You must learn to think outside the box. You have million dollar ideas EVERYDAY -its time to dust off a few and put them to work......
thanks for tuning in see you next time -S
Here is a very easy way to make thousands of dollars per month. Many men will take to this idea but there is no reason why a woman cannot do it, provided she takes measures to protect herself from strangers....
You see in the paper every day people selling cars and people buying cars. A great number of those ads are really from car dealers who take over the newspaper much to the frustration of people who want to buy from the seller to avoid the high dealer costs/add ons. You can help the buyers and the sellers, as well as make a fortune each month by simply creating a car flea market....
Many ideas to make a fortune are easy to come up with. An idea does not have to require a PHD to think up or facilitate. Unfortunately many people cannot grasp the simply realization that simple things can often make more money than the complicated. Look at the paper clip for example... To implement this simple plan go out and find a decent sized lot. Abandoned drive ins are great but there are any number of spaces that can be made usable for this simple purpose. When you find a decent spot negotiate with the owner on a lease fee. That done, advertise in the paper that you have car lot where people can display their cars for 25.00 per vehicle. Try to get some publicity from the radio stations or advertise heavily in the newspaper or use bandit signs etc. Any number of ways will get you customers, and this type of business will grow by word of mouth bigger each month. It's fairly easy to be pulling in 10,000 per month in this easy business within a few months with some work. You can let vendors come for free and take a small percentage of their profit or make them pay up front. All negotiations are between buyers and sellers you have nothing to do with problems with any cars or anything like that. You are merely the 'place' where the transactions occurred. This businesses can be operated for most of the year and many people are getting quite wealthy in ventures of this kind. Simply write up an agreement stating your terms (25.00 per vehicle, you are not liable for any transactions etc.) Get a signed agreement from each vendor and put it in a file (you can use a folder in an ordinary drawer-but don't lose it) You can have a mechanic there who charges for vehicle inspections and you can take a percentage of his profit! Use your imagination wealth is for the taking not for the dreamers.....
2. Car Service Reminders.....
Many people are so very busy that they cannot remember to have their car serviced. Then they have problems at the worst times (ie bad neighborhoods, late at night, all alone etc.) You can approach any number of dealers, and have too much business to handle in no time. You would be taking over service reminders (which many dealers are too busy to undertake) you would send postcards to the people who are due for service and take a percentage of everyone who comes in to have the service done. You would negotiate with the dealer on how much of a percentage, but a good rule of thumb is 20%. With just 3-4 dealers you could easily make double what most people are making working 40 hours per week! This is a bit detailed as there is a lot of record keeping. This type of biz would be best for someone who is detailed oriented and loves numbers. If that sounds like you-give it a try. You can print up business cards and presto! You are in business honey. The dealers will be so happy to have this tedious task off their hands they will practically overwhelm you! Just keep your day job and let it grow-and it will try it and you'll see......
3. Details for rich kids!
If you have kids who want to make extra money and you have a good amount of drive way or lawn space, try this: Place this ad in paper or around town.
Best Car Detail in town! done by young professions-working their way to college! People love to help young people get to college and as long as your children are responsible (not too young now) they will let them clean and detail their cars especially if the work is superior and the prices are a little less. Always supervise your children and teach them to very, very carefully detail the cars (you can easily get a library book on this) 3 kids can do a very good job in about 45 minutes and by charging 25 % less than a typical detailer for your area you WILL get jobs. USE the paper, or bandit signs or word of mouth if you want to build slow and steady. What most people do not realize is that almost anything can become a business. I was reading recently about a young kid who started taking back the neighbors trash cans as a courtesy in an area where they receive heavy fines for leaving cans out. (125.00) Many people had to leave work to go take their garbage cans back to the house from the street! As a result he soon had numerous people who begged him to do the same for them. He began to charge 5.00 per house and made so much money he quit his job and hired his 2 sisters. One as a secretary and the other to help him recruit more kids so he could expand. Within months he was making more than his parents who have worked for years by adding 2 more neighborhoods! You must learn to think outside the box. You have million dollar ideas EVERYDAY -its time to dust off a few and put them to work......
thanks for tuning in see you next time -S
LOVE LOVE LOVE these case I did not make myself clear..I LOVE LOVE LOVE these tips..Financial Freedom...Y E S
Thanks Friend.
I HAVE to get off the
This is an excellent topic as usual Sara, and it so happens you picked two of the best representatives to support each theory.
So here goes..(it won't be long..yawn)
I HATE Bill Maher..he is a little jerk..a tiny little man...and tiny little men have tiny little parts (no, not that part, well, that part too I'm sure..but I'm talking about his He HATES women period. He is a man who is severely dbr (plus he has Napoleon complex)...and you ladies already know we avoid THEM like the plague. I think our Mrs. Sara Flav (oh, I'm sorry, did you NOT want anyone to know?) laid out the normal v. the fetish thing perfectly..Kudos to her for doing that so well.
Robert (Bob) Deniro gets all the props...This man LOVES black women in a way that we should be loved..I love me some Mr Deniro...I love how he FINDS a way to always have a black woman in a relationship in a movie every single time (even if Matt Damon tosses 'em out of an aircraft in Africa..c'mon now..see "The Good Shepherd" directed by our guy Bobby)
I can't say enough good about Bob Deniro. I know he is not a perfect man (few are) but I LOVE how he loves US.
Bob, thank you. I just know you are reading Sara's blog after Grace (his wife) goes to bed.
I have to admit, I love Bobby too, There's just something about him....
Thanks for the tips! I TOTALLY agree with the list of how you can tell if a man is into YOU or because you are a BLACK woman! Those are so true!!
Yep Deniro loves himself some US!!!
Oh and Bill M. is just GROSS! After he dated fame hoe "Superhead" his stock went down 80%
Excellent post, Sara. My man had never been with a bw before, and to boot, his longest relationship with a ww was 3 months! (She cheated, he dumped her.) Needless to say, I was worried for a long time. But, 14 months later, here we are. I lucked out. But then, I already knew that and thank my lucky stars for my wonderful man everyday. He is a gentleman! He cooks for me! He's nice to my mom, he gets me something for every occasion... even Easter! (You can imagine my shock when he did THAT!) Sweetie, if he doesn't make you feel special in some significant way, you are just a piece of ass, and the *warning* signs apply for all women of all races who may be seeing an asshole!
My man has talked about marriage with me (we're still fairly young, but we're serious), and while I agree that the best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour, it's also true that sometimes the milk is so good, he will buy the cow diamonds. Ladies, that's you, and don't you forget it.
""Even though not portrayed in popular opinion, BW are very smart. More often they are viewed in the light as 'video girls' and not allowed to express their potential intellectually. I think most of all I admire the confidence of a BW."
Very true Adam and for the record, Bill Maher has said that to focus only on Karrine Steffan's, er, assets, "Would be to miss the best part of her - her astounding intellect."
Robert DeNiro is one of my older male Mr. Jenkins. I have had a serious crush on him since I first saw him in The Godfather II. I had no idea who he was, but he just appealed to me on a very basic level.
Then I saw A Bronx Tale and found out it was semi-biographical, and I knew: the BW in me was responding to the BW lover in him. I have "stanned" for him ever since. Bet not nobody talk bad about Mr. DeNiro. Nobody!
Bill Maher? The little man is just freakin' nasty. I have always felt like I needed to take a shower after seeing him. He comes across as incredibly slimy to me. Him dating "SuperSkank" really just drove home his basic level of smarminess for me.
He really just gives me a heaping helping of cooties. Cannot stand him and never will.
Thank You hit the nail on the head with this post. I truly believe Bill Maher is a WOMAN-HATER period. The man makes my skin crawl and ALL women should avoid him like the plague.
Oh and yes, he does have "little man disease."
I love the advice sara. I think that one of the biggies to know if this man is serious, is when you meet the family. That is big, for a white man to bring you to meet his parents. It usually means that he wants to really bring you into his world.
I aggree, Dinero truly loves the sistas. He only smiles when he is withh his wife. If you notice, he only smiles with his wife, when he takes pictures with other people except for Mart Scorsassy (sp), he never has a geniun smile, it is always straight expression. But with his wife, or his daughter, that man is all GRIN. Then he is always photographed with his arm around her or locked up around her. I absolutely love it.
My dear Sara. You continue on being unstoppable. I am so happy for you and the success of this blog.
We have started packing up our stuff for the move from NYC this July. I am going to miss The Big Apple but I wouldn't trade this adventure for anything. We have an understanding with this move that we are going to be engaged. I can't believe a year has almost passed. Your list was dead on. My man does all that and more. I knew this was serious when he took me to meet his family. This was before any sexual relationship blossomed between us, we waited many months before that happened. It was the worth the wait, let me tell you! :)
He is so patient with me. He knows my background and that I'm very cautious. He knows I need to time to adjust to us moving out of NYC, once we get acclimated in our new home we can take it even further. He has made his intentions clear: to be my husband and father of our children. I want to cry. I would have never expected this from where I was a year ago. Blogs like these have helped me to realize the gem that I am.
I agree with all the ladies on Bill, he is a misogynist. I think he was rejected by all the pretty girls growing up. He really has a contempt for women and will not date with his intellectual equal. He picks women who he feels are beneath him. Like he's so special. SMH.
Girl, I am so happy for you, I could cry! You have come so far. Truly we wish you all the love and happiness in the world. let us know how you like your new home -God bless you -love you!
"Anon said He only smiles when he is withh his wife."
I see what you mean. There is a bunch of wm smiling and grinning on this blog!
Phoenix Sun!
I just had to say that! Congratulations and keep us updated often!
Take care and God Bless!
- Felicia
Phoenix Sun - I hope when your life settles down a bit after your move you'll do a guest blog or otherwise let us know a little more about your life. I remember snippets here and there from comments you've posted in the past on other blogs, but I know that I and many others would love to hear and benefit greatly from hearing your story. Thanks.
And Sara - GREAT post as usual! Bill M dates the same woman every time (white, Jewish or black - I've never seen him pictured with an AW) - short on intellect and big on "assets" - he treats them all with contempt. If he were truly as smart as he thinks he is, I think he would choose smarter women to be with. His choice of women reveals not just that in his contempt for women and marriage he has given himself over to the dog in him, but also his rather deep inferiority complex.
phoenix sun, This is just a question...why not have a very simple marriage before that big move and then if you wish have a blowout type of wedding? Just a question. Good Luck.
Thank you, Sara! You're the best. Love you, too. :)
Phoenix Sun! This is so wonderful! I'm so glad to hear the journey from last year has been so great for you.
Sara, Great Post and I like your wealth tips.
To anony..."My man had never been with a bw before..." I wish you two well.
I love Bobby Milk- only a true fan would know his childhood nickname. I could remember years ago reading in various magazines how the writers would try and make Robert D. look as if he had some type of problem simply because he liked bw. Oh, how times have changed and now more wm are openingly professing how much they like bw. Bobby was ahead of his time- I love the strong silient type. Sometimess it takes an individual with an respectable social status to make a subject more appealing and Bobby D. has done just that.
Bobby thanks for the love.
Ann F.
As a WM, I have often wondered what exactly made me attracted to BW. I recall the Michael Baisden TV Show had a special on IR dating and one of the BW said she thought some WM who dated BW were actually racists from her experience. And this actually kind of worried me. It made me think that there might be something to it, like some unconscious psychological process that equates racism with attraction. I really don't believe that it is true, it may have some truth with a BW fetish, but not a genuine attraction.
In my relationships I believe I have exhibited all 10 characteristics of a serious relationship, so I know I have a genuine attraction toward BW and not a fetish. I did bring up marriage if we were together long term with one of the ladies I dated, but I think we were too young to consider it. Yet years later she brings it up with me all the time even though we aren't in a dating relationship.
Bring home a BW can be intimidating at first, but it gets easier with time. If you have a long term relationship with one or over time they only see you date BW, they get the clue. I never have felt resistance meeting her family before either. In all the cases they have all been very open minded about it, so it made things very smooth.
I am glad you brought this up it gave me peace of mind. Until recently I never knew Robert DeNiro loved BW so much. Him along with all the other couples on your pages are all very encouraging.
Nice post, Adam.
Ann F.
I heard that Robert DeNiro's wife terrorizes the white women who work in her husband's restaurant Nobu...LOL
Thank you for your warm comments, PVW, Felicia, and Sandra. Right now I'm in a whirlwind of packing for the move in July and taking care of loose ends here in NY.
For the anon in regards to a wedding, I'm taking it one step at a time. He is patient and wonderful. He wants to make sure I want this because he's playing for keeps, hence the gradual steps of moving into our home, engagement, and marriage, etc. :) We've discussed a small wedding, nothing lavish, so it doesn't matter whether we have the wedding in NY or in the location our new future home.
I will definitely keep you updated. @ Mrs D. "terrorizing"...I bet what that means is she doesn't always say goodmorning to them, or fawn over them and be like "Aunt Sally" to them.
DO you guys remember a story a couple of years ago where her Polish maid said she stole from her ($100,000 bracelet gift from hubby and more stuff) because "she was not nice to me." about that one (this same maid did not steal from Candice Bergin (her othere employer), because she was "nicer" than Mrs. D...oh, and the maid is now in PRISON.)
WW always want to acccuse bw of terrorizing them when we are not all up in their faces grinning, skinning and dancing and jumping and being a fool..they want us to make them feel comfortable...I am not that kind of woman who will do this for them to feel comfortable. I'm afraid they are going to have to take me as I am...and on some days, I really don't feel that friendly..I am a normal person...just like them.
That's all
Who are you one of the waitresses?
Maybe they are jealous and give the Mrs. De Niro a hard time. Anony. I will call you on what you say without proof; therefore, Shut the duck up.
Ann F.
I agree with you Delismish. These females fail to realize that they are the help and not one of Mrs. DeNiro's buddies. If these waitresses are w they know they do not have a chance with Bobby. Well, I hear tiger is looking for a nanny or they could try some other bm athlete.
Ann F.
Read the hate!
Article showing the correlation between racism and a lower IQ:
Shut the duck up.
Ann F.
Ah, yes, duck..I like mine with a L'orange sauce, or "peking" syle with chinese pancakes...
Oh wait...that's not what you mean is
Ann F.
Read the hate!
Um, no thanks
Bobby DeNiro is the man! Even my brother calls him soul brother #1. I personally have never had a crush on him, but I love him as an actor and realize that this man is a legend. He has put the ring on THE finger(s) of the bw he loves.
I hate the assumption that a lot of people make that a wm will lose status, wealth and opportunity if he marries a bw. That is pure grade A bs. Bobby DeNiro (and many others in the sidebar) is the prime example of this falsehood.
I won't even touch the Bill Maher thing with a 10 foot pole.
Now on to the ridiculous. Cameron and Gerard?!!?? WTF??!!! I don't find her particularly attractive but she does seem to have a bubbly sparkling personality that a man would definitely be attacted to. But this woman is the complete opposite of most of the women he has been linked to. As far as I can tell, there has never been a blue-eyed blonde in the bunch. How interesting. I often wonder if he received a talking to from his agent/handlers after the whole "I love black women" interview. There was quite a bit of fallout after that speech. Many a Gerard Butler board populated by many ww had a fit when that tidbit of information came out. Their true colors came to the surface then and it wasn't pretty. AT. ALL. I had the misfortune of reading a couple of these and the racism, arrogance and the sense of entitlement was just beyond disgusting.
Never underestimate racism. Never let it rule or run your life, but don't underestimate the reality of it or its pervasiveness. EVER.
Bill Maher is just gross, while Robert De Niro is gorgeous!
Phoenix Sun
Congratulations, between yourself and you boo, I wish you every happiness.
Bill M. is repellent. I think he picks some of his dates for shock value.
DeNiro is not afraid of anybody. I like him for that. He shows that his preference(s) doesn't harm or hurt him at all.
I like the pictures you have on this blog. It shows that not every bw has to look like a Hollywood actress to be in a relationship, or married.
To Phoenix Sun,
That's awesome (getting married). And all in about one year's time? Wow.
Well this shows when a man is serious, he's really ready to commit.
Good luck to you.
To anonymous, yes you're right. Anytime I went to a GB board, the reaction from the ww posters was ridiculous.
Congrats Phoenix Sun! I wish you and your man much happiness.
This post got me thinking - which is always dangerous :) Consider this - Here is an example of how men behave - if they are the right kind of man and are strong, loving and have strength of character.
Bikini Photos of Brosnan's Wife Stir Controversy About Body Image, Draw Nasty Comments. Pierce Brosnan - aka James Bond with Halle "Jinx" Berry is married to a woman that does not fit the Hollywood mold for beauty and has the nerve to enjoy her life like anyone else :) The tabloids took photos of her in a swimsuit while they were on vacation and posted them to the web. Bloggers have been having a field day.
His response "Her husband, who played James Bond and has been called "the sexiest man alive," said he thought his wife was "stunning." "I love my wife's curves," Enough said! He does what he wants - non-negotiable.
Lessons learned -
1. when it comes to women - men like what they like and what other people think does not change that or what they do - for them it is about what makes them happy!
2. If a man is attracted to BW and he meets those qualities in Sara's list - Men are going to do what they want to do - so pay attention to what they do! Actions matter most with men!
3. Be your best self - enjoy your life and be open to life, be kind to yourself and your body and be a loving, caring person with yourself and a man who has met the criteria.
Actions matter most with men - so if you live your life and enjoy it that will tell the right man all he needs to know the rest is chemistry.
4. Live your life be happy because no matter what you do, or how much money, who your spouse is someone somewhere is going to feel the need to critique it or comment and in the end, all that matters is that you are happy. No one can live your life for you.
5. No one regardless of race, creed, color, station in life, money, size or gender is immune from those that hate to see others happy and no one gets out alive - so live life to the fullest.
As far as the Jezebel blog the name says it all a petty smallminded hate-filled mean spirited, cold hearted, empty person who fills her life by attacking others rather than living life. Too trivial to notice.
I just sayin'
Yes the women Bill M dates are suspect but.....he introduces said suspect women to his family. The family and said suspect women interact. Bill M (yes seems a little piggy)goes out inpublic with said women unlike some famous men like viggo, married micheal douglas, etc. Just needling you a little in the most spirted good faith manner. :)
goldenah said: "I like the pictures you have on this blog. It shows that not every bw has to look like a Hollywood actress to be in a relationship, or married."
I wholeheartedly agree. I have no idea who they are but that very last picture in the sidebar of Shaznay Lewis and her hubby Christian Storm is the cutest and sexiest IR (hell couple period) picture I have every seen. They seem to be just both chilling in a pool or in the ocean on an inflatable innertube and he is on top of her giving her the sweetest kisses. The look on her face is the look of a woman who is obviously loved and adored. I can just here her going "ahhhh". I want to see more sisters. To many sistas have that Waiting to Exhale look.
Hola Chicas,
I saw this quote from Mr Gerard Butler on US magazine site today. I found it amusing to say the least. Clearly his wife SaraT (see, I'm nice, I'll let you have him must have had a word with him..
Without further ado:
Gerard Butler said:
"If I take a dog for a walk, apparently I'm f—king my dog!" Butler told photographers Thursday in L.A. after a morning run.
This comment was of course in response to him being asked if he was dating Cameron Diaz.. (who btw is very sweet, but looks like HELL close up..sorry Cammy)...
I think it can be interpreted in many ways, none of which help Ms Diaz...
J a n i c e
You are certainly you know what ..I like that.
You just won't back down on VM.. (u know who) I have to respect that tenacity, and I do.
Welcome back,
btw..I am tenacious too..see, we have stuff in common.
Delish :-)
Sigh Gerard!! I hear that Cam is actually seeing someone else.
But seriously I think I'm giving Gerry up for this hottie!!!
Thanks D, I'm glad everyone can see i just having a little fun.
Here is a little Gerry fun
I agree with you Goldenah. I think that in addition to being drawn to sleazy women, Bill Maher picks his dates for shock value. He has a look on his face like: Look at us! I dare you, I double dare you to say something. Some folks just love to shock.
Interestingly enough, I like Bill M. I don't think he has a fetish. He just wants to get laid. I've seen pics of him with white women as well. His only criteria seems to be pretty, with big boobs. All the women he's with know the score. He's brutally honest about it. No marriage, and no kids. Anyone expecting more need not apply. I certainly find it refreshing to meet men who are that honest. He did lose points with for dating Superhead though. I was surprised because I thought he didn't date women with kids.
I am also curious why people consider him sexist. While he loves making jokes about sex and women, I have seen his show, and many times he comes off as pro-woman.
I too have seen Bill Maher's show and he has been pro female/pro blk. Sure, he is not a perfect man... who is? Ladies, we all fall short at the end of the day.
Yes, it would appear that Bill M. is honest about his opinion. It seems as if some people would perfer to be lied to rather than hear the truth?
Also, I became aware of Karrine Steffan after she wrote her book. At first I was like some people who figured she may have casued problems for some of those married men; however, those married men was not concerned for their families when they were entertaining Ms. Steffan. I saw her in a couple of interviews and she said, "I only wrote the book because I was financially down and out and some of those men I actually considered friends and not one would give me assistance in my time of need- hence the book." I personally could care less about those men; however, I do care about their children. No one put a gun to these men's pun intended.
Doesn't Karrin deserve the same chances for self improvement that other enfamous females that were in her position received? Example,
The former New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer(this guy is the biggest creep/hypocrite) and his over price prostitute, Ashley Alexandra Dupre (or Ashley Youmans. I read that Ashley Dupre's web site is now raking in six figures because of this scandul and one of those prono magazines wants to pay her to pose nude. Ashley posted on her site how she wants to be left alone is she thinking. I am sure the former governor's guy friends were giving him high fives for scoring with ashely.
Forward thinking women are not always critizing; but, they try to assist other women who have gotten off track.
Correction..I meant to say Ashley posted on her web site how she wants to be left alone- what is she thinking?
Love your blog sara, love all your post. Its important that we learn to differentiate between the two for those of us who are marriage minded. Bill Maher is upfront and honest about who he is and so is Robert Dinero. So depending on what you want in a relationship its critical to understand the two.
On a sidenote has anyone seen the new Miss USA, she's freaking gorgeous.
On another side note wheres the love for Jensen Ackles, he's freaking gorgeous. I know I am not the only supernatural fan out there. BTW...on season two of supernatural it was reveal that the love of his life is black woman. She appeared on one episode titled "route 666". Lets just say his fan base went crazy and had a field day about it. They couldnt handle that the love of his life was a black woman. It was at first sad to see them be/act so angry but then it became hilarious. They reminded me of a group of bitter black women but instead they were a group of white women. Just in case anyone doubts that white women are becoming bitter, its real and they are getting louder. Meanwhile black women are become less bitter and quiter, coincedence? Nope.
Doesn't Karrin deserve the same chances for self improvement that other enfamous females that were in her position received?
I agree to often when a black women does something "off" we are quick to put her down to shame while people like Britney Sp. and Amy W. gets pity support and offer for help. As black women we must learn to support each other in good times and bad because noone else will.
"Bill Maher picks his dates for shock value. He has a look on his face like: Look at us! I dare you, I double dare you to say something. Some folks just love to shock."
Well, I mean, of course, he's an Aquarius. We are all like this. LOL
anonymous @ Supernatural...
WHAT?! That's awesome. I couldn't believe it, I used to be such a huge fan of the show. I had to look up the episode when you mentioned this. Thanks for the info!
And yes, Miss USA is gorgeous, and I love her entrepreneurial spirit.
anony...maybe it is because we are getting rid of some of the "dead weight" and we are minds are more relax.
Ann F.
wow, I gotta check out that episode! -thanks for sharing...
Heres a snippet for Supernatural episode that I was refering too.
correction...I meant to say, maybe it is because we are getting rid of some "dead weight/bm" and that will help some of us to have a more relaxed mind set.
I just viewed that you tube video very nice...Dean and Cassie. I have viewed a few of those programs; unfortunately, I do not think that show comes on any more.
Ann. F.
anon, I would def. agree that karrin deserves a chance to redeem herself. I never understood why we are so hard on sistas but ww seem to get understanding, compassion and forgiveness without asking....
Hey Ann F.,
Little tidbit,
Supernatural still comes on the CW on thursday nights but the CW network itslef is pretty shitty so it doesnt get advertise very much. The girl character Cassie whose real name is Megalyn was only in that one episode unfortunately. She is also from a show on USA titled 4400.
Damn! I was hoping to see her again. Maybe she'll be in a future episode. Hopefully.
Ann F, Megalyn was also on That 70's Show. She played Hyde's half-sister and Kelso's girlfriend for several episodes in the 5th season. She also sported a cute little afro.
Thanks anony...that was some love scene!
Ann F.
to the person who mentioned the supernatural show first...
where did you read or find that WW had a fit about that episode? ive been late on the entertainment stufff lately. i'm interested in what they had to say.
i believe in the future we'll will start to see more WM/BW roles going together. Hollywood is slowly going that route and infact i think they want to take it there.
Anon...I remember Megalyn on the
70's show...good actress.
Ann F.
"where did you read or find that WW had a fit about that episode? ive been late on the entertainment stufff lately. i'm interested in what they had to say"
If you go to his fansites, which I have not been to since a years ago (just got bored with it), and look up that particular episode you should see what they had to say. Many said things like "they had no chemistry" or "she cant be the love of his life" ect....u get my point.
Those are excuses ofcourse and we know why. Since white women represent the majority of his fanbase I cant say I was all that suprise.
Although I will give them some credit by saying that the writing for Cassie's characters kinda sucked because she dumped the character Deans twice, in a way. So I think many were pissed that Cassie broke Dean's heart. You know how fans get wild about their favorite characters. But Megalyn used whatever she had to work with and pulled it off well, and yes that was some "love scene"!!!
I'd just like to add to that last comment, they are very disrespectful. It's not like I'm dating wm out of revenge, I've NEVER dated bm. But, that is their fault. Yes, it's true that I'm not attracted to them, but if they didn't have such a poor, selfish, arrogant attitude and criminal, ghetto behaviour, I might have been willing to overlook that and given one of them a chance.
Actually, the Top Ten GOOD, and the Top Twelve BAD, are good advice for ALL BW entering a relationship with ANY Man! :)
Do whatever works for you!
That is my attitude now,
{in the past, this was not so}.
"The Past has no power over you, only you give it power when you keep bringing it up." -A New Earth
{book} by Ekhart Tolle (sp)?
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